Another Movie with an OES

I was so excited last night when I saw a huge OES in the movie Envy. He had his poo Va-poo-rized (they make this product that gets rid of poo). It stars Jack Black and Ben Stiller.

Then I was disappointed because the movie isn't very good.

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I saw it too, and the movie was horrible, but the sheepie was big and beautiful. I am seeing sheepies everywhere in movies and commercials.
Stormi and co.
I don't like to see too many sheepies in movies and ads etc, it's not good for the breed if it gets over popular for a little while because of media, people leap before they look, and then the poop puppers end up in rescue. And they get over bred, because the demand increases, then you have too many sheepies out there for all the wrong reasons.
One of the cuties scenes of sheepies I've seen was in the movie Serpico. He's walking down the street, and there is a cute little boy with a box of sheepie pups. Of course Serpico buys one.

Bad message, adorable scene!

I haven't seen that movie yet. :)
I think the movie Labyrinth has the most responsible portrayal of a sheepdog. It shows an OES in full coat after running through the rain and mud. If anyone had questions in their mind about getting a sheepdog they would definitely have second thoughts after that!
I love that movie!! It has 2 sheepies- Merlin the real one, and Abernanthy, the "loyal steed" sheepie Muppet! I used to watch that movie once a day when I was a kid!! Sorry, Just got carried away :)
I have never seen Labyrinth, but one movie that I love, actually the movie that made me want a OES, was The Shaagy DA I loved tha tmovie and still do :D
It seems like most people call my dogs The Shaggy DA when they see them. It's like the breed name was changed. "There goes a Labrador Retriever, There goes a poodle, There goes a Shaggy DA!"

Iriskmj, the animatronic dog's name was Ambrosius. I feel like a total nerd for knowing that so well. Labyrinth is one of my absolutely favorite movies and David Bowie was my first crush! (Must be some misplaced feelings Bowie/sheepdog.) :wink:
Good God -

At least you can say your first crush was David Bowie- I think mine was that silly boy who was in all the kids movies in the fifties/sixties who played ---was it Dilbert?--- in The Shaggy DA--- My first misplaced feelings Sheepdog/ teenage boy !!


P.S. - We own the Shaggy DA and it's predecessor The Shaggy Dog- and NOTHING beats the scene with the OES driving car NOTHING!!!
I just saw "Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen" (still on new release rack at blockbuster) and the father had an OES and it got a lot of air time. I got so excited.

The rockstar wanted the OES' autograph in the movie (or was a fan of the dog). hahaha

I think his name was Digby. I was watching the original not long ago and still to this day one of my favorites, along with Doris Day in Please Don't Eat The Daisys. The dog in the Shaggy DA and the Shaggy Dog looks just like Tyler, same dark ear, only difference is that I have never let Tyler grow out all the way.

We look for Sheepies where ever we go. I live near Stanford Shopping Center here on the peninsula near San Francisco and they had a series of ad for the Shopping Center that had a huge OES in them. The print ads and the TV ads had him in it. We take Tyler to that shopping center frequently and he goes into Bloomies, Nordstroms, Macy's, Pottery Barn and Crate and Barrel to shop with us, not to mention some of the smaller shops that have always welcomed him. Kiera now joins us, she is more forward than TJ, she will ride the esculator up and down. Such a funny sight to see her huge sheepie butt on the esculator. I will tell you they draw quite a crowd where ever they go, but when she rides up and down, the crowd gets really huge. Tyler prefers the elevator.
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