A Forgotten Dog's Christmas

Author unknown

Twas the nite before Christmas when all thru the house Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nick soon would be there.

The children all nestled all snug in their beds With no thought of the dog filling their head.
And mamma in her kerchief and I in my cap Knew the dog was cold, but didn't care about that.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash Figuring the dog was free of his chain and into the trash.

The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear But Santa Clause with eyes full of tears.

He unchained the dog once so lively and quick Last year's Christmas present now painfully sick.
More rapid than eagles he called the dog's name and the dog ran to him despite all his pain.

Now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer and Vixen On Comet on Cupid on Donner and Blitzen.
To the top of the porch to the top of the wall Let's find this dog a home where he will be loved by all.

I knew in an instant there would be no gifts this year For Santa had made one thing quite clear.
The gift of a dog is not just for the season We had gotten the dog for all the wrong reasons.

In our haste to think of the kids a gift There was one important thing we missed
A dog should be family, and cared for the same You don't give a gift, then put it on a chain.

And I heard him explain as he rode out of site, "You weren't given a gift, you were given a life."
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So true and so sad . It touches the heart for all forgotten and mistreated animals :hearts:
Wishing for the day when all dogs are loved like family members.
Brought a tear to my eye and a pain in my heart thinking of all the neglected and forgotten dogs out there --their only wish is to be loved, accepted and comforted as they do us--------with no conditions.
At this time of year how many puppies will be purchased and then will be in shelters by March!

This poem should be in all puppy for sale adverts!! Followed by A dog is for life not just for Christmas.

people have no idea what they are taking on..
Last weekend while shopping I heard a woman say "my son wants a dog for Christmas." I launched into the "no puppies for Christmas" speech and the woman said "I understand your point. We already have a dog and we plan to get a rescue." Thank you lady.
I just emailed "A Forgotten Dog's Christmas" to my local Humane Society with this note....

I just read this and it touched my heart...

I am sure everyone at the Humane Society cringes when someone comes in and wants to buy a dog to "surprise" their kids for Christmas...

Maybe this should be included in ALL Adoption Packets and read before finalizing the adoption.

Just trying to help reduce the unwanted dogs that will make their way to your door in March or July..when they aren't cute little puppies anymore.

Please feel free to email to anyone you think could help.....

How about taking time and email this poem to your local HS/shelters in an effort to prevent "impulse" buying of these "love for life, not just Christmas" pups....

Just a thought...
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