Recovering from a pulmonary embolism

Figured I'd let you all know what's been going on with me lately and if anyone has any experience with PE's, I would love to hear about them.

Suffered my first (and hopefully last) pulmonary embolism a few days before Thanksgiving. Very happy to be here, since a lot of people die from them. If anyone is not familiar, a PE is a clot that forms in the deep veins of your leg, breaks off from the vein walls, enters your heart and then gets lodged in your pulmonary artery and branches, blocking blood supply to your lungs. My doctor found that the clot originated behind my left knee, right where I had a deep vein thrombosis 2 years ago.

The weird thing about all of this is that I was completely missing the symptoms and mistaking them for something else. I was fighting off a cold so I thought that the shortness of breath had something to do with the cold or maybe I was getting pneumonia. I thought that the chest pains initially was heartburn, although I had not eaten anything spicy. I thought maybe the symptoms were anxiety related because they settled down a little once I relaxed. The symptoms kept worsening. I was getting easily winded with the slightest physical exertion like walking out to my car or doing a flight of steps. The chest pressure was getting steadier, even at rest. The chest pains weren't especially painful, kind of just felt like something was there. The night before I went to the hospital, I was getting pain in between my shoulder blades and I could tell my heart was beating faster and was fluttering a bit (Tachycardia).

So, I finally got scared enough about my condition and went to a Philly ER. The way they diagnose a PE is by doing some blood work and a CT Scan which show the clots right in your arteries. I counted about 7 or 8 clot areas surrounding my heart, when the Doc showed me the films. It was impressive and totally scary at the same time seeing the images. They kept me in the hospital for a few days because of the size of the clots.

I'm on anti-coagulation / blood thinner drugs right now which basically dissolves the clots. The clots are already diminishing but it will take a month or 2 before they are completely gone. Still have some chest/shoulder blade pain but the shortness of breath has gotten a little better. Really can't physically exert myself, which sucks, because while I'm sitting I feel fine. Once I get up and start doing tasks, it's like whoa... My husband, Chris has been really great taking care of things here, although I'm going to have to start prodding him to rake the leaves. (I'm the type of person that has to have them off of the yard immediately.) I just need to chill.

I will probably be on some type of blood thinner for the rest of my life now which I am bummed about, but if it prevents this from occurring again then that is the best alternative. There is also a procedure that puts a little screen in your groin veins, but that is something to discuss down the road with the doctor. I have to wait until the clots are diminished to really examine why my body has become a clot factory. Could be some weird clot factor in my blood, could be the anatomy of my veins.

Anyhow, I had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and you guys are stuck with me! :D
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WOW WOW WOW, you are lucky. PE's can be deadly.

Yup, I suspect you'll be on a blood thinner for the long haul. Have they talked about a greenfield filter? Don't know if they do that now but it is a filter they actually place in the femoral vein to keep clots from traveling up. I haven't taken care of vascular pt's for ages so don't know if that is the standard of care anymore.

Take it easy, rest and follow your Dr's advice.
Holy moly! That is so scary! I am so glad you are ok and also really appreciate the information as I had no idea those would be the symptoms. Wow.
i'm so glad you ok !! what a shock it must have been

zoe and einy
Yeah, ask her where she was when it started.
I'm still not happy, Deb!!!!
Maxmm wrote:
Yeah, ask her where she was when it started.
I'm still not happy, Deb!!!!

I am afraid to ask.. :lol:

I am glad you went in Deb. I know they still do the Greenfield filters (vena cava filters) around here. Not as often, but still done. They are really a good idea for those people that just seem to form clots and pass them. We see a lot of anticoagulation here. Seeing I work in ortho surgeries especially. DVT's and PE's are our #1 surgical complications we watch for. Take things easy and pace your activities. I'm really glad to hear you are on the mend.
Wow, that's serious. I'm really glad you caught it in time and that you're on the mend.
Wow! How scary. So glad you are ok!

Take care!
So glad you are on the mend. Hope your up and back to normal soon :D
Oh, scary! I'm always afraid I have DVT (for no real reason, just one of my hypochondriac fears).

I'm SOOO glad you are going to be okay.

How long were you feeling those symptoms before you went to the ER?
Maxmm wrote:
Yeah, ask her where she was when it started.
I'm still not happy, Deb!!!!

waiting for the answer!!! I'm guessing she was in the presence of an EMT and declined to seek treatment, am I corrrect?????
OMG! Deb!

I'm glad you're OK, but don't go doing this to us again, DO YOU HEAR ME YOUNG LADY?!?

A pill or two a day and an occasional blood test isn't a very big deal in the big scheme of things. Think of them as birth control pills for blood clots. ;)

I'm happy you're OK.
Awww, thanks for all of the love!! :lol:

Maxmm wrote:
Yeah, ask her where she was when it started.
I'm still not happy, Deb!!!!

The clot broke off while I was being a kennel slave for Mandy, lugging her crates & grooming tables for miles at the Philly KC Dog Show. :twisted: **KIDDING** Seriously, I started experiencing the shortness of breath symptoms that morning, but really didn't think anything of it was never mentioned to EMT woman. It was officially around 78 hours before I sought treatment... :roll:

Ginny & Dawn, yes, I believe it is the Greenfield (Cava) filters which are the option. I overheard my team of 10 doctors in the hospital discussing it (teaching hospital, so I think they were students too) :D

Steph, DVT's are very common and something to lookout for. When I had my first DVT, my ankle and foot swelled. I didn't have any of those symptoms this time but I regularly wore compression knee high stockings so maybe that is why. 2 HUGE risk factors are cigarettes & birth control pills which I don't have a history with.
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Maxmm wrote:
Yeah, ask her where she was when it started.
I'm still not happy, Deb!!!!

waiting for the answer!!! I'm guessing she was in the presence of an EMT and declined to seek treatment, am I corrrect?????

We were at the Philly dog show and she didn't say anything. She then tells me in a PM!!! Believe me, the PM and the phone call that followed were not nice on my end!!! :x
Yikes...scary!! Glad to hear you are okay.
VerveUp wrote:
The clot broke off while I was being a kennel slave for Mandy, lugging her crates & grooming tables for miles at the Philly KC Dog Show. :twisted: **KIDDING** Seriously, I started experiencing the shortness of breath symptoms that morning, but really didn't think anything of it was never mentioned to EMT woman.


And if that stuff happens again, you will tell me!!!!! I am still mad!!!
I'd be mad too!!!!!!!!!!! After all, WE ARE TRAINED PROFESSIONALS :twisted: JUST WAITING for the opportunity to prove our skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!! 8O That's scary stuff, Deb!! 8O I'm so happy you're okay. :phew:

You take care of yourself!!
OMG Deb how scary was that? I am so glad to hear you are doing better. Take care of yourself.
Wow, I am so glad to hear you will be OK. What a terrifying experience.
You are one lucky girl! Better do whatever Mandy says, I wouldn't want her mad at me :)
OMG 8O I'm so happy you are here with us! Very scary. :hearts:

Mulligan and Joan here to chime in with Ron and say we are SO happy you are better. You need to stay that way. A pill or two a day is easy insurance to make sure you are around with for a LONG time!!
THANKS for keeping everyone posted.
Glad to hear your feeling better.
bestdogsx4 wrote:
You are one lucky girl! Better do whatever Mandy says, I wouldn't want her mad at me :)

I know! She's an ankle biter! :twisted:
I'm taller than most people here!! Be afraid, be very afraid!!
Awwwww Deb so glad you are OK. :ghug:

Mandy slap her around for not telling you she was unwell. I dunno these kennel slaves are tough broads. :twisted:
:wink: I'm familiar to embolisme. I have chronic embolisme in my lungs. with the right medicin it will go ok.
I have had this condition for ower three years now, and i'm fine and have a normal life. Just have to take everything a litle bit slower.

I feel with you, and I know it can be very painfull some time. :roll:
Wow, how scary! I'm familiar with PE because it's one of those things that can result from a scuba accident, so they teach you all about it in class. I'm so glad that you caught it when you did and are feeling better!
Wow, I'm glad you are okay! It sounds like things could have ended up a lot worse! I have actually been reading about things like this. Well, clots in general actually.

My doctors weren't able to tell me much about the one that formed in my central retinal vein.. making me go blind!! :x Still no answers. My vision is terrible still. Were they able to tell you why you got the clots? I was just told that "hopefully it will dissolve in 4-6 months."
Oh my gosh... this thread took me off guard. I am also glad you are able to post with us today and doing alright! We lub you. :) :ghug:
so glad you did not let it go and got help .. please take care of yourself those philly dr know their stuff
Thanks again for all of the well wishes everyone! :D Each day I feel a little better. I should be in good shape for snow shoveling weather.

Tove wrote:
:wink: I'm familiar to embolisme. I have chronic embolisme in my lungs. with the right medicin it will go ok.
I have had this condition for ower three years now, and i'm fine and have a normal life. Just have to take everything a litle bit slower.

Gosh, I had no idea that there were chronic embolisms. I'm sorry to hear that you have to deal with that.

1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
My doctors weren't able to tell me much about the one that formed in my central retinal vein.. making me go blind!! :x Still no answers. My vision is terrible still. Were they able to tell you why you got the clots? I was just told that "hopefully it will dissolve in 4-6 months."

I know that you were dealing with the retinal clot Stephanie, sorry to hear that you still are having vision issues. Are you still seeing the doctor about it? I recall that he only told you to take aspirin? Maybe he needs to put you on a blood thinner for a couple of months to clear things up a little quicker.

I don't know if a clot doctor can really pin point why you get clots other than seeing if there is some kind of clotting disorder in the blood. The doctor can't do this type of blood work on me personally until several months down the road, because being on a blood thinner throws off the results. I think the doctor is leaning towards the anatomy of my veins. I've always had really bad varicose veins and started having inflammation inside of them in my early 30's, when I was really active, working out about 5-6 x's a week. I think the doctor thinks that if I get the veins removed, then that might help my problem, but there is not really anyway to know for sure.
:D Holy smoke! glad you are OK! Talk about a curve ball! :ghug:
Oh my! 8O I'm glad you are okay and I hope you get better every day! :kiss:
WOW! 8O I take a day away from the forum, and look what I see!!

DEB!! I'm so glad you're okay, but holy moly, what a scare!! :cry: Just do as the doctors (and Mandy!) order, and take care of yourself! As for the leaves outside, just keep thinking they will decompose and be good compost for your lawn in the spring!!

I am soooooooooooo glad to hear you are going to be alright.
Wow... glad you are ok....

My family has the Factor V Leiden gene running through it, and I have tested positive for it. I'm always going to have to be on watch for that kind of thing, and am on just aspirin now for blood thinning, but will eventually have to move on to heparin and then coumadin. I'd rather delay those as long as possible.....
Wow, amazing all the members we have with clotting issues.

I have taken care of several people over the years with Factor V Leiden -most of them had no idea it ran in their families before they ended up in the hospital. Then conversation comes up during the medical interview of family history that others in the family have been hosptitalized with clots, etc. How can people not share stuff like this with their family members! 8O The test for the gene mutation has been available here since 1993 or so. Not terribly long, but awhile.

I had a clot too after I had the girls, and was told never to be on the pill! I had been earlier in college. It scared me enough that I never did use it again.
I am so glad you are OK and hope you remain so!
Just caught up there............Zowie! 8O 8O

Everyone has pretty much said what I would fortunate you are still alive, haven't had a stroke, etc, etc.

Your snow shoveling days are on hold for awhile......let someone else ruin their back and stress their heart. If Mandy or any of our medical people here, discover you are exceeding doctor's adive, they are coming to your door and it won't be pretty........
Holy moly!! Deb! I am soo sorry to hear about your medical issues...

The thread threw me for a loop too. Please take it easy...and if you are so bored by your ''taking it easy'', call and talk to me...even pukey, i like to talk!!

Seriously, please do take it easy, rest up and get better...and nothing like a good med to make you alllll better!
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