
It has been a month since my sheepie, Sheila died. This morning when I was leaving for work, I discovered that my next door neighbors got an OES. I couldn't believe it and was in shock. It is mostly grown and reminds me so much of Sheila. I am exceptionally sad, and I don't know that I can handle seeing this dog everyday. He or she is staying on their porch (believe it or not, they do not have a yard). Tonight, they are both home, but the dog is still on the porch. I am just very sad, and I want my Sheila back so much. It hurts a lot to see this dog there, and I wonder why he is not inside getting to know them.
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I'm sorry about you losing Sheila. But you have an opportunity to meet the neighbors sheepie. Of course it won't be your Sheila, but maybe the next door sheepie can soften your grief a little. I'm so sorry. :cry:
I am so sorry about your dear Sheila. Do you know your neighbors? Are they nice people? It would be great if the neighbor sheepie became a source of joy rather than a reminder of your pain. Does he seem ok out on the porch?
I wonder if this dog could use a friend....My parents once lived next door to a very lonely, under-exercised Labrador, and wound up taking him out (with his owners permission) for walks, and taking him in at their house for visits and spoiling. Helping another sheepie can really do a lot to ease the pain of missing your own beloved dog.
This guy is okay on the porch for this evening, but we live in CO, so it can get really cold here. We are going through a warm spell. Thank you all for giving me a new perspective on the situation. I hadn't thought to make friends with him. I am worried about him because I know how much sheepies need to be with their peeps.
I am truly sorry about your girl :( . If you could handle it emotionally perhaps you could offer to walk the dog, maybe that would make you feel more connected to Sheila. Or maybe you could foster, is there a rescue group in your area? :ghug:
I know the feeling. :cry:
The first OES I saw after we lost Ollie caused me to burst into tears. It was such an unexpected response - I was in public!
I was working with our basset rescue in our booth at a Pet Expo in Minneapolis. A couple walked around the corner and I saw their dog. I just had tears running down my face. Thankfully I was around fellow dog lovers who know me. They gave me a big hug when they saw what I was looking at. It helped!
It's amazing how these dogs really touch your soul. Maxmm and I have been at a few dog shows together, where people have broken down telling us that they just lost their OES. I hope they found comfort talking to us and petting the dogs.

Iabelledame, I hope that you can make friends with your neighbor's sheepdog as it can be very theraputic being around another dog. Perhaps they decided to get an OES because they liked Sheila so much?

I'm very sorry for your loss of Sheila.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. These guys really do get into a special place in your heart. We lost Sydney just a year ago and although Bella is the worlds biggest lover and we lover her to death. She will do something that reminds us of Syd and we still get choked up about it.

Talk to your neighboors, I sure that they have noticed that your dog is missing. Ask them if you can take theirs for a walk. It won't cure the problem but it might help to deal with it.

I'm sorry. I rember how empty our house was when we lost Syd.

Good luck.
I am so sorry for your loss.

But I agree, maybe you can get "friendly" with your neighbors and allow this pup to become a reminder of all the happy times you spent with your own sheepie and not just a painful reminder.

If you get to know the neighbor's dog and it's personality it will be less a reminder of your own loss an dmore about enjoying the fun of having a sheepie in the neighborhood.
Oh I can understand how bad you must feel inside seeing your neighbour got a Sheepdog, but I agree with everyone else that it would be a great idea if you get friends with your neighbour and could look after the Sheepie aswell when they need one and it might help you to come over the death of Sheila. :cry: You might also consider to get another Sheepie Puppy again when the time is ready :hearts: ?!?
my deepest sympathyover the loss of your sheila,we all know how you feel,we lost TINO(BIG LAD) on nov 19th this year,everytime i think of him it brings a tear to my eye.......
but we've decided to get another nxt year,well jan the 3rd to precise,i still feel guilty but hey dogs 'need' people like you & me....go say hello or even better go get another OES
I am very sorry for your loss. I think most, if not all, of us who visit this forum can relate to the pain of losing someone so dear. Maybe the neighbor's OES came into your life for a reason. If you can bring yourself to make friends with the dog as well as the neighbors, it may prove to be theraputic for both you and the dog. In my experience with OES, they can always find room in their hearts for one more person.
Missysmom wrote:
Maybe the neighbor's OES came into your life for a reason. If you can bring yourself to make friends with the dog as well as the neighbors, it may prove to be theraputic for both you and the dog. In my experience with OES, they can always find room in their hearts for one more person.

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