Getting into stuff!

Uuuuughhhhhh! aaaaaaarrrrrggggg!
My two girls have been tearing things apart every day for the last couple days. I know it is because I have not been feeling well and have been trying to rest after work and they just want and need more attention, but sheesh!
These two girls have ripped up garbage, and not ten seconds after I clean up one mess they've made another! Then they jumped up on a stool (most likely Sky) and got the grooming things off the shelf. They had everything all over the kitchen! One of them, (most likely sky) also punctured the bottle of ear cleaner and that was a big blue mess all over the floor. They've shredded paper towel, pulled bags out of the cupboard, chewed shoes, paper, bills (if only that meant I didn't have to pay them) and anything they can get their paws and teeth on.
Just thought I'd vent. LOL
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:lol: I am going to bookmark your post to reread every time I think I want a second dog. I cry when I read the listings on petfinder. Now I am going to reread this to remind myself that if I think one is a handful, two can be a messy handful. :lol:
Ha ha! Willow, Mopsey is a turnado lately too. I had the flue, hense not so much posting..., and she has gone as many naughty things as she could during that time. When I slept, she and the cats were curled up in bed with me, snoring their little wiskers off, but as soon as I got up to make tea or go gargle ( LOL), she tried to get as much attention as possible! She managed to pull insoles out of my shoes and chewed them to bits, then she decided that who needs socks, so she got into my sock section in the closet and chewed wholes in most of them. Oh, and lets not forget the eating of my red berry (fake) wreath! Cats and her are in kahoots with each other! They pulled off the wreath, and she ate, shredded, and stained everything that was previously known as the "wreath". Her paws, muzzle, chest were all red! My husband caught her doing this as he came home from work. She gave him a butwiggle and a nice big redtoothed smile! What a site! So, yeah, I hear you Stacey! And would not think of getting another one for a while! LOL Luck to both of us! HE eh ehe
LMAO.... :lol:
Typical sheepie! They're just so cute though! How could anyone get mad at them? LOL
I walk into any given mess they've made, and they sit sweetly side by side with that "look" and what am I supposed to do?? LOL
I loved having one, I love having two, and I'll love having I just may not be sane!
Then they jumped up on a stool (most likely Sky) and got the grooming things off the shelf.

oh my gosh. Talk about a determined dog. You'd think a dog wouldn't attempt it b/c stools are not sturdy esp. the way/manner dogs jump.

I bet they think it's the best day ever that they got to have so much fun.
It's especially unstable since they chewed the leg off it... :lol:
Our Jules is a toilet paper fanatic. We try to put it up, but she manages to find it and shred, shred, shred. She loves to go through the trash if she can so we try to keep the pantry door shut. We call her "dumpster diver". She loves to pull anything out of the trash and shred or chew. She loves to pull used q-tips out of the bathroom trash...UUGH!! :D
I feel your pain. If we don't take Lennon and Sofa out to the park to play for a couple of days, they feel their energy has to be channeled by redecorating the house. Starting with the garbage can and any paper they can find... The construction workers keep on doing stuff next door and my backyard is ruined with all their digging (Are they trying to dig a tunnel to get to them??). I'm just glad they don't try digging inside the house, it happened to a friend of mine and now she has a new couch.

It's funny how they look at you when you come home and they have been naughty and they see you are upset because of the mess they made, like saying "I know I shouldn't have done it... But I was bored!!!".

Who can resist sheepie eyes?
Hey Weezie! :)
Long time no see! How are things? Any new pics of Jules? :)
I can definitely relate! Drez is a garbage hound, especially if she's mad cause we're not home! :twisted: Our kitchen garbage can is in the cabinet under the sink, and she'll open the cabinet, pull the plastic can out of its holder, then drags and shreds (and EATS) the garbage through the rest of the first floor. Also opens the bread drawer and eats everything out of it. Then she hides. :oops: So if we come in and she's nowhere to be found, we know why!!

So now when we go out, our last words are "Did you dog-proof the kitchen?" Consists of opening the cabinet where the garbage can is and removing it, opening the bread drawer and emptying it. Geesh!!

She's 11 years old and STILL does this! Like I said, it's a given something will be out of skelter if we leave and she's mad at us for leaving. But like everyone else has said - who can look in those beautiful eyes and stay mad? :wink:
We keep our bread in the microwave now, the dogs haven't figured out how to open that
hahaha i LOVE this thread, keep the stories coming!
mine is a story that should go into a magazine "oops" section...

so roofus likes the bathroom... he LOVES the trashcan. It's his favorite. On any given day you can find dental floss and kleenex remnants in my living room. I had put a stop to the habit when I started closing my door... one day I forgot. Roofus went into the bathroom, grabbed a rather embarassing item out of the trashcan, brought it out to the living room and began playing with it, where my MALE roommate was sitting. Horrified. He called me to come relieve Roofus of the offending feminine product. I did so, crated the dog, then ran to my room and hid for the rest of the night.

LOL, All of you have stories that are making me laugh so hard!

Annabelle and Jack trained us early to keep the trashcan put up. They have also drug things that I wouldn't want to mention out of the trashcan as well. :oops:
Annabelle's most embarrasing moment was getting very excited to see my mom and stepdad and she climbed up in my moms lap and peed all over her. My mom was wonderful and everyone including her laughed about it. I am glad they outgrow that. :wink:
Keep the stories coming! :wink:
Stormi and co.
I had a good chuckle reading this thread. I guess all our sheepies love to get into anything they can. They are just too lovable to stay angry with them. Hey Willowsprite. I do have some new pictures of Ju Ju B (one of her many nicknames). I have not figured out how to post them under the pictures section. I just figured out how to put in a small avatar. I will play with it soon and figure it out. Jules truly thinks she is a person. She is such a ham.
Ron would make a fortune taking all of our funny stories and publishing it as a book! LOL I love them!
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