My Dog Doesn't Know When He's Been Bad It Seems. Why?

Milton will soon be 10 months old and I have to say he's quite a character. All of the things you read about on here are true - the jumping, the burping, the sometimes clownish nature...

Anyway, the last few weeks he's been very annoying to have around as we're having a few problems with him. I'm sure this is just "puppy" stuff that he'll grow out of but I figured I'd check on here for some advice.

The good news is he's not really a dog that destroys things (yet?). Anything he gets his hands on that isn't his usually gets "sucked" and "slobered" to death. He's not so much into teeth marks on things. What he will do though is grab something that he know's he's not allowed to have, and then he'll make a game out of it. As soon as you go near him to get the object from him he'll stick his butt way up in the air as if to say "catch me!". Several laps around the dining room table later we get the object from him. When he's not doing that he's jumping up on my wife or trying to hump (he was neutered two weeks ago).

Our breeder told us to throw his butt in the bathroom whenever he's bad because Sheepies hate being ignored. So far though he still doesn't really listen. It's the same story when you tell him "OFF!". He knows the off command as demonstrated by his ability to leave treats alone, but in the heat of the moment he doesn't listen to a thing.

Another example of his hard-headedness is going on as I type this. We're babysitting my parents dog today (a 14lbs Yorky-Poo) and Milton WILL NOT leave him alone. Whenever the two of them get together Milton just won't stop. He swats at the dog with his paws, puts it's tiny head in his mouth, and generally causes unwanted trouble.

I'm going to admit, and I feel bad for this, but in the heat of the moment I have been known to grab the hair on Milton's butt to catch him and I have swatted him to try and get the point across. I know that's wrong though (for many reasons) so I'm trying to work on other methods. I'd rather not have a timid or agressive dog as a result of my poor discipline.

So what can I do to make him listen? I've tried being calm, I've tried locking him in the bathroom, I've even hit him and grabbed him a few times as mentioned above ( :cry: ), and nothing gets through to him.

My dad noticed this too. One day when he was over he said "the big goof can't tell the difference between playing around and getting him in trouble".

What else can I try or is this just a common stage in a dogs life?
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With our last dog, when she stole something we didnt want he to have we taught her "swap" you have to have a treat handy attract their attention make them sit and say "swap". also if she is bothering the small dog we put ours on a short leash and after a while she gets the message. good luck! :lol:
I Heart, 6months, does something really inappropriate, I take her by either side of her face, look her in the eye and say NO!! Bad Dog. then I ignore her for a while. It has been working so far, but I would be interested in other methods of training while in the home.
the title hit home for me. i go around the house and even on here always saying this, and sorry to tell you but my dog is 3. ;)

for your sake, i hope you get advice that works FOR YOU, but i couldn't resist telling you that your present feeling is shared.

yuki just doesn't get it. she can perform the correct trick or behavior but man unless we're talking sheep... she just doesn't "get it." <shrugs>

when any other non oes dog i've had or visited does something bad, you can honestly see they get it or after a few (or even a week's worth) no's... they know they shouldn't do something least when you're looking, but not my yuki. each time she looks at you like she's surprised you're upset. :lol:

while once annoying, i now find humorous. guess her kisses make up for it. <most of time>
We did/do the "swap" method, too. We generally taught Bingley that when we asked for one of his toys, either he would immediately get it back or he would get something better in return. If he grabbed something he wasn't supposed to have WE made a return-game out of it, asking him to bring it to us - praising him when he did - and then giving him something better in return. It worked well when he was little and it seems to have held up. We never chase him as he LOVES that and it would defeat our purpose.

Good luck - this will hopefully help!
Okay firtstly, Mop lover I love your pic lol

I totally understand the frustration of a pup not listening. I am STILL learning each day its something new.

What seems to kind of work for me, is looking at the dogs actions and basing what I do on there responses. It sounds basic, but if he wants to play you don't. Make Him want to do whatever you're doing and by your rules weather it be from ignoring him or finding something you know he likes to do and start doing that....for me in the house it would be laying with my back to him on the floor (when I am on the floor it normally means play, if I have my back to him he tries to get my attention and comes to me, now I am in control) Also I try to always let him know I am the boss even in little things, those are not his toys, there mine and he can play with them when I say he can. I also like to evaluate my own actions when ever I am doing things... If he is not getting the message I check my tone and my actions to see if I am giving the wrong message.

Don't know if what I do is valid or helpful at all but it seems to work with Chewy....well
Do I know what you are feeling !!! Lately I think I have CUJO living inside of my Brutus (if anyone remembers the film cujo?) anyhow... I kept comparing him to my late Golden Retriever (I still miss her) but my vet told me that OES does mature very late in life..sooo ... to stop comparing him to my Golden !
I am still learning as you are. I have no advice but to tell you that you are not alone (ok I am telling this to myself also :lol: )
It's a good thing we have friends on this forum eh ! we will get through this
First of all, I'm sorry to tell you but to me it seems Milton does not respect you at all! Infoseekers advice is great to trade the stolen object to something much better - this way you can also teach him to bring you things, i.e. your shoes when you take him for a walk, etc.

I started a thread about General Rules for dogs. Please check it out. Hopefully it will help you.
He wants to play. When they stick that bum in the air it's play time. Find his favorite toy and play with him to burn off the energy.
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