LIL J (update on his speech delay)

So today I got the results of his autism/speech eval. They think he definitely has a neurological disorder, but he said definitely not autism. I guess he doesn't think he's "rigid" enough in his day to day routines to have it, which is great news.

They feel he can understand things but severely delayed (equivalent to a 3 month old) in the expressive language department.

He has apraxia/depraxia (sp?). Basically his brain can't put things together to outwardly express what he already knows and understands he should be saying.

As a result, we get a 4 year handicap tag so we can park closer to businesses. :lol: :lol: I didn't request this AT ALL but he felt it would help lil J not run off into traffic............ HOW that happened or how the two are related..... we're not sure, but I'd be an idiot to turn it down. He's the #1 specialist in the state, and I hear comes highly recommended from his last place. We have always joked that no matter where we go, there are way too many spaces that are NEVER filled, so maybe we can help do that.

Outside of that, SIL just had a baby and I got the call that I was allowed to say that Sunday night is when Mr. J is scheduled to come home (fingers crossed to that date staying the same)!!!

So happy things seem to be turning out for the better. With some speech therapy and some other therapy for motor skills... I think lil J will be fine. :)
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:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
Thats such great news Mrs J! On to the happy homecoming! :banana:
BTW ravenmoonart.... I put the banner up today. All crooked and everything. Easily enough to be yelled at for all the nails. I don't care... it's up. It was WAY too cold to worry about it being crooked. :lol:

I just hope it stays on since we've had a few bad wind storms at night.
I am so glad you finally have answers and can treat Lil J' and his speach.

I'm with Ravenmoonart-- on to a Happy Homecoming!

Big hugs to that precious little boy!!!
Im glad to hear that lil J is sure it is a relief to you.

they put me in speech therapy in kindergarten and i not only corrected my speech but lisas as well....

can you believe the tricks that teachers and doctors will do?? hehe

He will probably sail thru it.....lil sweetie pie :D
Wow, you're getting great news all around! I'm happy for you and lil J :)
Good news!

My daughter Sarah never spoke a word til she was about 2, she was very slow in language skills. But that was "back in the day" when they didn't do so much testing. She's 23 now, never shuts up and is an English major!!!
Great news!
I am sure therapy will help him tremendously. :D
Wonderful news and with therapy he will bloom and then you probably wont be able to stop him talking then. :wink:

My youngest was a stutterer and he out grew it and was delayed in his speach because of it, but caught up real quick with speach therapy, now I can't shut him up and he drives me bonkers now. :twisted:
My brother did not make a noise until he was 13 months, and then barely talked. But that may have been four sisters. I have know a lot of boys who just are in no hurray to talk. Most of the time they are also quietely smart and are thinking when not talking. Little J may deside that a little brother is what he needs to be a bit more vocal. :)
Yay to all of the good news!! :banana:
Wow, I missed out a lot but glad to hear everything is working out for you! Happy Homecoming!!! :D :cheer:
That is good news, Jo! The handicap sticker - hmmmm, well, enjoy!!!

I told LeAnne your hubby was coming home - she is very, very happy for you too. :D :D :D :D :D
:yay: That is such good news! Your positive attitude is probably helping Lil J lots too. I hope that when I'm a mum I will be like you :D
Maybe Lil J is just waiting for his Daddy to come home so he won't miss anything! I'm thinkin' Lil J is one smart Lil Boy!

Welcome home Lil J's Daddy!
ravenmoonart wrote:
:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
Thats such great news Mrs J! On to the happy homecoming! :banana:

It sounds like you will have the merriest of Christmas's..........LilJ will do great with therapy!!! and he'll be talking so much you won't be able to get a word in edgewise............... :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's great that you now have some answers and know what needs to happen to help Lil J with his speech. What a relief to get good information. I know I always feel better with ANY answer over just not knowing.

I'm really happy for you!! So exciting to know your hubby will be home in just a few more days!!! I'd be bouncing off the walls if I were you. :D
Great news all around!!!! I've been wondering about the results of Lil J's tests but didn't want to ask. My nephew didn't really talk until he was almost 4! And I'm so happy Mr. J will be home in a few days. How long can he stay???? Or is this permanent?
Woohoo! That's great news. I'm so glad that you've finally got a more definite answer.

Oh, and be prepared to get evil stares when you park in handicapped and jump out of your car all healthy! :lol:

well, i think i'd only use it if i feel it's been a bad day for j ...who does tend to run into traffic the second he sees a car... and i've got tons of stuff. otherwise, i'd feel guilty using it. :)

was so glad there was NO line at the DMV yesterday. that moment has to go down in my books as a miracle.
Yay lil J!

Yay lil J!

A little DMV story for your amusement.
Great news all around. Hope Lil J embraces the speech therapy, and with the baby, it just might inspire him to do more talking.

Welcome home Mr J...when you get here. :)

Take care of yourself too Mrs's is the bean? PM me if you want, I'll keep in touch...but don't have alot of new news...maybe at my next ultrasound.

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