I don't know what to do

I haven't been on here in a while, but I need some good advice... Stella attacked my daughter the day before Thanksgiving and bit her on her shoulder, arm, and face. Chloe (my daughter) had to go to the ER, and they were able to fix her up and let her go that night, but this is it. Several weeks prior to this, we had company over, and Stella went after one of the kids that was visiting... fortunately I had her on a leash and was able to grab it and stop her. Stella has been checked out by a vet (whose face she attempted to bite), and she is physically fine. She also bit my ex-boyfriend's little brother on the butt during a camping trip, and attacked the Bichon Frise again and left several deep puncture wounds on her. This morning when I went out to feed her, she bit my hand (but I was able to pull away before her teeth penetrated). She is becoming increasingly aggressive and unpredictable.
The hospital was supposed to report the dog bite to Animal Control, but I don't htink they did because they haven't contacted me yet. I am not sure what to do... should I get in touch with Nita and see about getting Stella into rescue, or should I wait for Animal Control to show up and take her? I honestly don't see how she can be placed in any home with her history of unpredictable aggression towards adults, children, family members, strangers, and other animals.
I love her so much, but I think maybe all the drama she went through in her early life was just too much to overcome. I really don't know what to do at this point, but I need to do it quick because she can't be with us much longer... someone will end up getting severely injured.
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I am so sorry to hear about Stella and the problems you are having. Hopefully, there is help out there so Stella can be rehomed. I wish I had some advice, but unfortunately, only good thoughts.
There was a dog at the training class we went to that used to attack like that and he was cured of it.

The owner had to have the dog on a leash (on a choke chain)and when he attacked the lead was pulled hard so he couldn't bite, or if he did he only got the leash. At the same time he was told NO in a harsh voice

He was then caged for a period of time (up to 1 hour) with noone speaking or looking at the dog during the entire time. He got no food during this time either.

Once he was allowed out he was praised if he was good and after a few minutes of being calm he would be reward with games (none aggressive). If he bit again the same thing would happen.

In total it took around 2 weeks to cure him.

Prior to this training he was going to be destroyed.

You maybe should contact a trainer/behaviourist for help to see if this is curable.

I hope you suceed
IheartStella wrote:
I honestly don't see how she can be placed in any home with her history of unpredictable aggression towards adults, children, family members, strangers, and other animals.
I love her so much, but I think maybe all the drama she went through in her early life was just too much to overcome. I really don't know what to do at this point, but I need to do it quick because she can't be with us much longer... someone will end up getting severely injured.

I'm so sorry to hear about your problems with Stella, some of these rescue dogs are just heartbreaking. I think you are right that she should not be in your home any longer, and she should never be in a home with children again.

BUT I think there may possibly be a home out there for Stella. I went through 2 years of unpredictable aggression with Walter, and the solution has been positive reinforcement, and keeping him far away from children and other animals. It's been hard, but worth it.

I do not think you should let Animal Control take her, if she is aggressive she will likely be put down immediately. In my opinion you should contact Nita, or maybe Grannie Annie and see if they can handle her.

Again, I'm so sorry to hear youre going through this :cry:
I can't remember, but how old is Stella? I seem to remember she is one of our youngsters.

What a heartbreaking turn of events. First and most importantly has Stella been completely checked by a Vet AGAIN. Did the fist vet do lab work and such? There are many physical problems that manifest themselves in behavior. She may have a throid imbalance, something may be hurting her. The list goes on.

Has she been spayed?

It may be that she cannot be around children but I do not believe she is unsalvagable. Once you have ruled out any physical problem she needs training training training. Is she getting lots of exercise, is she confused aobut her "role" in the house. There are so many reasons for aggression. You really need a GOOD behaviorist.

I just looked at your pics and see that she really is a very young dog. PLEASE don't give up, she is salvagable.
Pick up the phone and call Grannie Annie of New England Old English Rescue http://www.neoesr.org - you can get the phone number on the website. She has close to 50 years of experience with Old English Sheepdogs and can advise you as to the best things that you can do for Stella - whether it is taking her to a behaviorist, different training or giving her to rescue.

Good Luck
Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
Definitely give Nita a call before you do anything. She'll help steer you in the right direction. I know you know Nita and you'll probably be most comfortable talking with her first.

I'm sorry this is happening. I know you love her.
I'm so sorry that things are so difficult with Stella. I know you had her checked by a vet, but was any blood work done to check her thyroid? And it's possible that she is in pain elsewhere - somewhere that the vet couldn't feel. Our first sheepie, Quincy, a laid back sweetie, growled at me once in his entire life. He had gotten up on my bed, which he NEVER did, and I tapped him to get off, and he growled. I was shocked. Turns out he had very large ulcers in his stomach, and it hurt his tummy to lay on the hard floor.

In very rare occurrences, a brain tumor can cause aggression as well. About 20 years ago, an acquaintance of mine had a husky that was starting to become aggressive, out of the blue. One day, the dog went under the table and would attack anyone that came near. Turns out he had a brain tumor. :(

I hope that there is a treatable, organic reason for Stella's behavior, and if not, that a trained behaviorist can help.

Laurie and Oscar
I'm sorry about your Stella problem. :( That must be so heartbreaking for you. I hope your daughter is okay.
I can't stop crying right now... apparently the hospital did report the bite to animal control, and it is no longer in my hands. By law, the severity of the bite was enough that the AC officers have to come get her,regardless of what I say or do. The county I live in is VERY strict about this. They just called me to tell me they will be at the house at 5:15PM. If I don't comply, they will get a court order by tomorrow.
I feel so sick. I feel like I somehow failed Stella. I honestly tried my best with her... I took her through training, fed her the best foods, kept her well-groomed, and socialized her as much as possible (my other sheepie Sampson, and our rescue foster-dog Shaggy). I've consulted with behavioralists and followed all of their advice to a Tee. But even with knowing all of this, I can't stop feeling like I failed her. I just want to crawl under the covers and cry cry cry.
Please pray for our family, as this will be one of the hardest things we've ever gone through. The kids are scared of her, but they love her so much, as do I.
Thank you all for the advice and words of encouragement. If there are those who feel I somehow messed up here, please don't say it here... I couldn't handle that right now. I know some of you can have very strong opinions at times, and I respect that, but I really just need reassurance and kindness. I have enough guilt already, and it will only get worse tonight.
I am so so sorry. Your post made me cry. What a terrible awful thing to go through. You did not fail her, you did the best you could. Sometimes things just happen and we don't ever know why.

Don't be hard on yourself, everyone here knows how much you love Stella.
I am so sorry....

I am so sorry you are going through this very difficult time. I am sad to hear the news of Stella....there are times when things are out of our hands. Strength to you and your family. I hope your daughter is ok.
You didn't screw up! Please stop beating yourself up. You absolutely did not fail her. You've tried your best and you did do all the right things and that's all you could do. Just like people, you can't always predict what the heck is going on in their minds and, as much as you'd like to, you can't always shape their behavior the way you want to. Some dogs come with emotional baggage that is just too great and despite all your good hearted and well intentioned efforts, it doesn't always work. You tried and that is the most important thing. Your effort alone makes you a winner, not a failure!

We would never give you a hard time for doing the right things and it just not working out. We give people a hard time who say things like "My dog always loved to chase cars and she got run over, I just don't know what happened," in which case, we know exactly what happened. That person was an idiot. You are not an idiot. Not every dog can be rehabilitated and it's definitely not something you can blame yourself for. You did your best.

I'm terribly sorry to hear about Stella. It is hard to remember that these beautiful creatures can be mentally unstable sometimes. With some dogs, it makes no difference what you do... they're too damaged to save. You will get through this and come to accept that whatever should happen is for the best of everyone involved... including Stella.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do...
Please know that you have done everything you could to help Stella! We know how much you've tried to make things right for her and how much you & your family love her. I'm just so sorry you have to go through this. :(
:cry: I'm so sorry.

I do want you to know that these kinds of dangerous dog designations/seizures are challengable. I know an animal lawyer in Chicago who has done this sort of thing many times, if you are at all interested I would be very happy to give you her contact information. (I'm not trying to make you feel bad or pressure you, I just want to let you know that there are options if you are interested!)
Thank you all, for your support and kind words. I'm still debating on what to tell the kids. Part of me wants to tell them that Stella is being taken somewhere where she can live without the risk of hurting anyone, but the other part of me wants to use this as a learning experience for them... that this is what happens when you are not responsible about pet ownership and breeding. Stella was a puppy mill product who sat in a pet store window for 4 months, only to be purchased by uninformed idiots who never took the time to train her and left her outside on a chain, unsocialized and unloved for 5 months, and when she got to be too big and too difficult, gave her away without having the decency to be honest about her situation. I want my kids to understand how serious and how imoportant it is to buy pets from reputible breeders, after doing as much research as possible, and to begin their training immediately, and that breeding should be left to the seasoned professionals... not some hobby or side money-making scheme.
I'm on an emotional roller-coaster right now. One minute I'm OK because I know logically this isn't my fault, the next minute I'm guilty and feel like I've failed Stella, then I'm angry at the breeders, the pet store, and the previous neglectful owners, and I'm filled with anxiety and dread for what is coming this evening. I'm tempted to go home and get her and just take off with her somewhere... live life on the lam, but that's not really an option.
And just when I think I'm done crying... it starts all over again.
I am so sorry for you- this was not your fault. surprisingly people find it easy to believe that there can be "bad" people in the world and hard to believe that sometimes animals are not what we want them to be either.
I hope your daughter is all right. an attack like that from a pet can leave lasting scars. Please let her know it is not her fault that STalla has to go away.
I am so sorry.....this post just broke my heart. PLEASE do not beat yourself up....you absolutely did not fail Stella! You gave her a chance, and a loving home, and did all the right things. No one here is going to blame you.

I hope Heather's advise about the court order being contestable works out. Whatever happens, please know that we are here for you and feel for what your family is going through.

Hugs to all of you :ghug:

I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. I had forgotten Stellas "story". You truly are in the midst of a set of circumstances set in motion long before you were involved. The thing about dogs is, THEY ARE ANIMALS, and no matter how hard you try there will always be some problems we don't understand or know how to fix.

I would be honest with your kids. Tell them as simply as you can what happened and answer their questions.
No words of wisdom, just wanted to let you know how bad I feel that you are going through all this.
Crossing my fingers and hoping for an outcome that can give Stella another chance somewhere where she or anyone else won't be harmed.
Kim and Finnigan
do not in anyway blame yourself.. we are behind you 100% so very sorry to hear this !!
Emily, I am so sorry that A/C has made this decision for you. If they reconsider about Stella, give me a call. Feel free to call if you want to chat or need a shoulder. I'm not far away.

You have to do what is right for your family. Although you love Stella, the safety of your kids must come first.


What a terrible situation for you. I am so sorry. You did not fail Stella, the folks that had her before did, as did her breeder. You gave her the best shot at a normal life, and she knew more love with you and your family than she ever did before.

I agree with Kerry. Please make sure your daughter understands that this is not her fault.

Our thoughts are with you, your family and Stella. :ghug:

Laurie and Oscar
You gave Stella a wonderful home for the time you have had her. You did everything right, and this is NOT YOUR FAULT, it is the fault of the irresponsible breeder. You have to think of your children first.

My thoughts are with you as you go through this difficult time.
Prayers to you, your family and Stella too. :hearts:
A good friend of mine, an accomplished trainer at that, once ended up having to put down a dog she had spent four years of her life - the dog's entire life since puppyhood, in fact: she had been dumped at a shelter with the rest of her litter - trying to rehabilitate the dog. Drove to a nationally recognized behaviorlist a couple hours away for years. I don't think there was anything she didn't try. The rest of us, the people she trained and competed (not with this dog) and hung out with, spent the next two years trying to get it through her head that she had in no way failed this dog, that the dog's basic hardwiring was not right, and that nothing anyone could have done that would have made for a different outcome. She could not stop beating herself up. No one else did. Why on earth would we?

Even with that, I won't pretend I know what you're feeling right now. But if you really think there is anyone out here judging you...no. Ain't happening.

I'm so sorry. I know you love your girl.


I'm so sorry. You and your family are in my prayers. Please place your feelings in His hands, and ask Him to help you let go. You gave all your love to His Sheepie, and now He wants him back.
IheartStella wrote:
the next minute I'm guilty and feel like I've failed Stella

YOU ARE NOT AT FAULT! In fact, you have done more for Stella when probably many people would have given up long ago. Your children come first, then Stella. She was abused and neglected early in life and just cannot overcome her tendencies because of the bad treatment. Not all dogs can be saved from the results of previous horrible situations. Please do not blame yourself for something you had nothing to do with in this poor dog's earlier life. You provided a wonderful home for Stella, you should feel good about that at the very least. QUIT blaming yourself.
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

I pray that you and your family are going to get through this. Right now it's tough, I'm sure, but brighter days are ahead of you. You did absolutely the best that you could for Stella and don't ever think otherwise.
Your story is so heartbreaking and I wish I could find the right words to comfort you. I'm so sorry this happened.

There's no doubt in anyone's mind that you made a huge positive impact in Stella's life. I'm sure she didn't know happiness before she met you. No one can fault you for what happened as the damage was done long before she came into your home. It's the pet store and irresponsible breeder that failed her..not you.

Wish I could give you a hug.

I am so sorry you are going through this! It sounds like you did everything possible for her and she probably had the only good part of her life in your care. All we can do is our best and GOD decides the rest. Please don't beat yourself up!
I agree with everyone here you didn't fail Stella and she has had her happiest times with you.

I'm so sorry this has happened

Hugs to you and your family.
I feel so badly for your whole family. Firstly, I hope your daughter is feeling alright.

Secondly, I'm so sorry you are going through this, but mostly sorry becuase you are blaming yourself. Some dogs, no matter how much we love, train, feed or pray...are just wired wrong. There was nothing more you could do. You were a good doggy mom.

My heart with this you during this difficult time. My prayers are with Stella.

Yes...talk to Nita.
I am so very sorry :(
First I want to thank everyone here for their kind words of understanding and support.
I appreciate the advice about this possibly being contestable, however this was Stella's 4th biting incident (the first that required an ER visit), and that is why she was taken by Animal Control. Stella would not have been considered adoptable by any responsible organization or rescue, there was just too much liability involved. Naturally part of me wants to contest this, but that would not be responsible of me or fair to Stella. I know in some cases Animal Control gets a little too worked up and they take dogs that really have a lot of rehabilitation potential, and in those cases, I would encourage anyone to fight for the dog's life. Unfortunately, based on all that I know and have seen with stella, I could not in good conscience do that.
Nita (Maggie McGhee) called me at home just after they took Stella, and her words were so supportive and helpful. The kids and I were quite upset. Before I took Stella outside to the AC officer, I asked if the kids wanted to tell her goodbye... they all cried and said goodbye and blew her kisses through the crate (they're all too afraid of her to go near her). Chloe was the most upset, and I think the advice about helping her to understand this was not her fault is very sound advice.
I know this was the right thing, the only thing, to do in this case, but it just hurts so bad. I cry every time I look over at her crate. I cried when I took the dogs out this morning and realized that the normal schedule had changed. I have a bottle of Reglan in my car for Stella because she gets car sick on long rides, and when I got in the car this morning, I looked at it and immediately felt sick myself... I felt guilty because I forgot to give her some before her ride with the AC officer last night, then I felt horrible realizing that I wont ever have the opportunity to ride with her anywhere anymore. I look at the box of heartworm pills and flea preventive that I bought a 6 month supply of, and it hits me just how unplanned life really is.
Anyway, thanks again to all of you. Hug and kiss you kids and Sheepies as often as you can... you just never know.
Again, I am crying.

I am so sorry.
What an awful time you all had.........Tears in my eyes and a pain in my heart .............prayers to you............
:( I am so very sorry.
:ghug: :cry:
I am so sorry it is hard to to feel bad. I tried to save a dashound(spelling)
once. He did not like fast movements and very protective over who ever was home, he did bite a girl at my house for no reason. 1 tooth mark thank god. He was a cutie but found out later he was kicked by a roommate LOTS and the dog had no trust in anyone. Spca would not take him, becasue he bit someone. We did find him a home and is doing very well. He is now a trucker dog with one person and they are always on the road, and I would say I do not think anyone would break into that truck and live. If it was not for that person I do not know what we would have done, its not the dogs fault.

It's hard to see to type through the tears. :cry: I'm so sorry for all of you. :cry:
I am so sorry. :cry: Hugs to you and the kids. :ghug: :ghug:
I'm so sorry for you, your family and Stella :ghug:
I'm so sorry :( . You did everything possible for her but it wasn't meant to be. Her early life took a huge toll on her and she couldn't overcome it. I know it's hard not to feel guilty but really, you didn't fail her, her previous life did. I hope your daughter has no lasting problems from this, physical or emotional.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
My heart aches so much for you right now. Sometimes I wished there were ways that animals could just speak and let us know what's going on inside of them. No one knows how Stella feels and what she is going throught but Stella herself. As the saying goes, time heals all wounds.
I am so sorry about your whole ordeal.
You did not fail Stella, you did everything possible.
:ghug: to you and the kids.
I am sorry to hear that you and your family have to go through this situation.
I'm SO sorry <hug>
6Girls wrote:
I'm terribly sorry to hear about Stella. It is hard to remember that these beautiful creatures can be mentally unstable sometimes. With some dogs, it makes no difference what you do... they're too damaged to save. You will get through this and come to accept that whatever should happen is for the best of everyone involved... including Stella.

I have to agree. NOT every dog can be rehabilitated. We work with an all dog rescue and get some of the hardest dogs to deal with. Some DO come with lots of baggage and all the love in the world is sometimes not enough! Please know you did all you could! Love yourself and love your family. You will get through this!
:cry: :cry: I am so sorry to hear this sad news about Stella! I have missed so much! I'm sorry for you, your family and Stella, but you did do the right thing! You can't change the world but you can make it better and you did!

I hope you are feeling better... :(
I'm so sorry. It is not your fault, or your family's. I know in Maryland you can appeal to AC, but here means that the dog must be in a " no see, bite proof fence ". When walked ( if allowed ) on a leash with someone at least 18 and be musseled. We have a dog in our neighborhood living under these restraints and it is difficult. This dog is mostly dog aggressive. If you decide to appeal please have a plan that will allow Stella the best possible life available. People aggressive will be most difficult. AC will be less likely to allow release to another party.
I just want you to know that I often think about the tragedy that you, your family, and Stella have been through. With the holidays coming I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and peace of mind.

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