Our OES is losing pigment on his face

Our boy is losing pigment on his lips and his lower nose, and is accompanied by him itching his muzzle so much he is loosing hair. The scratching has seemed to subsided for now. We feed him really good organic food from Wysong, he has been eating this food since we brought him home. He is a little over a year old now. I saw a thread similar to this here and there werent enough replies for me to get all the info I need. Has anyone heard of this, experienced this, any suggestions as to what this is?
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I know I've read on a few occasions of loss of pigmentation some times being linked to eating out of a plastic bowl. Even though I don't recall any scratching being associated with it, if by chance he has a plastic bowl, one thing to try is to get a stainless steel one.

The itching issue bothers me. Wysong is great food. Chances are if it's an allergy, it's not necessarily food related (not they he couldn't be allergic to some ingredient in the Wysong) but I don't think food allergies typically present as a scratching nose/pigmentation loss - then again, I'm not a vet, so take it for what it's worth.

I think I'd want to consult a vet. It may turn out to be one of those harder to diagnose issues, but I'd want to know since OES appear to be prone to so many oddball immune-mediated (autoimmune) issues. Maybe it's something that can be relieved easily. Hope so.

It sounds like some kind of allergy, whether it is food or something else is for a vet to test and decide.
Actually, I was thinking some form of lupus, but I'm hoping I'm wrong since the dog is presumably otherwise feeling fine?

I know of one OES - we're talking decades ago, before my time - who went through something similar and this is how her symptoms started. She was about 14 mos old. She eventually responded to treatment and she never relapsed.

I have wondered if it is allergy-related as well. We have a HORRIBLE problem with mold in our apartment (which keeps me very sick as well) and are in the process of trying to move. However, we rotate through the different wysong food formulas and his symptoms did seem to appear just after we started him on a new one. And actually it has gotten to the point that if I don't mix a tiny bit of turkey in with it...he won't eat it. So, I am wondering about this particular formula. He'll still eat other things....he'd be a very happy vegetarian if I'd let him! Otherwise his is perfectly normal and healthy.
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