Seizure sensing Cats

I know that there are dogs that sense when their owners are about to have a seizure. But I don't think I have ever read about Cats.

My Brother in Law was acting unusually nasty on Thanksgiving. (He had a Traumatic Brain Injury a few years ago when he got hit by a car) So since his accident weird behavior has been the norm for him. He has horrible short term memory problems and after one of the seizures he had he lost a year and a half of memories. He also lives with my MIL now as he can not live alone. About a year and a half ago the neighbor found him on the front lawn and called 911. That is when they diagnosed him with a seizure disorder, stemming from the TBI. Turns out he had probably been having quite a bit of seizure before that, but he had been living alone so nobody knew.

My Mother in Law called me Friday afternoon to tell me my Brother in Law had had a grand mal seizure and they were in the emergency room.

She had told me shortly before it happened the cats got out of their enclosure while he was feeding them and got out of the house. My Brother in Law is always very careful about not letting the cats out. These cats are his life. Also the cats have never tried to get out. But all 3 kind of threw themselves out of the enclosure right before the seizure happened. My MIL commented how that was very odd for the cats and that they have never tried to get out.

My BIL was outside trying to round up the cats when the seizure occured. The noisy neighbor next door started screaming for my MIL to call 911 when she saw him go down.

When she told me this my first thought was OMG, the cats must have sensed that he was going to seize. I told my MIL that I know that dogs will sometimes sense and impending seizure and I felt that that is why the Cat acted so unusual. She thought about it a minute and said. I think you are right....especially since they have never acted like that before. She said it was a mad dash for them to escape.

My MIL was able to round up two of the cats and get them back. The third one she was able to get back into the garage by gunning the engine of her car. It scared the cat enough to make him run into the garage and my MIL immediately shut the door trapping the cat in there.

Turns out, according to the blood work that my Brother In Law must have missed one of his anti-seizure pills. The levels in his blood were too low. That is what caused his seizure. :(

So I told my MIL who is not very fond of the cats, that they are probably really good to have around. Especially if they are sensing impending seizures. She agreed.
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Wow--that's just amazing. I'm sorry for your BIL's troubles...
I found this story so amazing and while I feel for your BIL , he's so lucky to have those furried pals looking out for him.

There are stories of animals sensing earthquakes, tsunami's and other things and seizures too. Usually it's the larger creatures but cats have the sixth sense so they say. I hope he takes cues from the cats as they seemed to be aware that something was about to happen.

Great story Elissa!

I just thought I had to post this, as most people thinks that cats are very self centered. (okay, a majority of cats are self centered :lol: )
This also wasn't just one cat, it was three.
I thought it was pretty impressive! 8)

Now if we could only get my BIL to remember to take his pills. :roll:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:

Now if we could only get my BIL to remember to take his pills. :roll:

Maybe you could train the cats to remind him... :lol:
I love cats and I agree that they have incredible senses that they're not always given credit for having. I'm glad your BIL is going to be okay.
That is very cool. I hope they never need to test the theory again, but it does make sense.
barney1 wrote:
Maybe you could train the cats to remind him... :lol:

I believe my MIL calls him everyday to remind him. But on Turkey Day she was driving for half the day and cooking the other half.
She had to go to Montibello to pick up her Brother, then after dinner she drove him back there. :roll:
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
barney1 wrote:
Maybe you could train the cats to remind him... :lol:

I believe my MIL calls him everyday to remind him. But on Turkey Day she was driving for half the day and cooking the other half.
She had to go to Montibello to pick up her Brother, then after dinner she drove him back there. :roll:

That's why the cats would be good to train. What's the most they have to do in a day? Sleep, eat, stretch? :lol:
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