Annie May Need Surgery

On and off, Annie has been favoring one of her back legs. She is 10.5 years and the favoring of the leg drew enough attention for us recently and she took Deramaxx. It helped a little bit.

We went back to the vet today and saw a different doctor. We took both pups for a number of issues including Annie's leg. This doctor seems to be extremely thorough. Annie didn't like him as he touched a few sensitive areas and she snapped.

Well, the vet definitely thinks she has a torn ACL :( He also did xrays of her hips and said they look great. He will send her blood test results and we are setting up a visit with the surgical specialist. Just makes me sad :( We have always known that Annie has a high tolerance for pain. I don't know how long this has been going on, but glad to get to the bottom of it. I just wish she didn't need surgery. We'll see...
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Poor Annie :(

Keep us posted!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
Poor Annie :(

Keep us posted!

Ditto me too. I hope you get good news at the next appt.
I hope all ends well. Perhaps it won't be as serious as you think. Good luck!
Sending white sheepie light that Annie will be OK.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good luck! Wanting the best for Annie!!! (((hugs)))
Aww- Good luck and best wishes for Annie!
Sending :ghug: to you and best wishes for Annie.
Positive thoughts & hugs for Annie! :hearts:
Wishing Annie good luck at the specialist. Please keep us posted! :ghug:
Poor Annie! Her hips being good is very good news. Surgery is always a bit scary but dogs can bounce back so quickly. I am hoping for the best.
I'll definitely keep everyone posted. Annie is a very tough broad. Before she lived with us she gave birth to three litters of puppies. A few of these litters were delivered by C-section.

When Annie was almost 6 yrs we spayed her as part of our transfer of ownership. She did well despite the tipping over like a cow and bleeding out her stitches. I think it hurt me more than her and she bounced back in a day. She has had a few bad bladder infections and showed absolutely no symptoms until she peed and pooped in the house. I've always been observant of our dogs' potty activities so I'm in tune to when issues arise.

Annie has not cried or had a major limp on this leg, so she must be holding it all in. She really sucks it up like a stubborn old lady. Therefore, I'm hoping we have a good outcome and an easy surgery if necessary. I just worry about the anesthesia and possibility for bloat afterwards in her old age. That is something that happened to my dad's dog over a year ago. She had ACl surgery and was doing great in her followup appointments. Then she died in my stepmom's lap of bloat
:( I'm sure this is a rare occurrence, but still worries me.
I would be worried too. They are such a stoic breed, it always seems to take time to figure out something is wrong. By th time we realized my last boy Winston was sick...we only had days.

This is different though...fixable, and you just need to voice the bloat concerns to the vet so that they take preventative measures.

:ghug: Hugs to you and Annie
They called me today to schedule an appointment . Strange since it's Sunday. Steve is taking Annie to her appointment at 9:30AM this Wednesday.
Good luck Annie, we'll all be thinking of you :ghug:
Stacy give annie a huge cuddle from us. We will be thinking of her, such a special brave girl. :kiss:
Sheepie hugs and prayers to Annie! Give her a big kiss from us. :kiss:
Best wishes to Annie! :ghug:
Good luck, Annie. I hope the surgery is a breeze and you're back to your sweet self in no time.

all of my good thoughts are with you, steve and sweet annie....
Sending hugs and positive thoughts to you guys and Annie :ghug:
Sending good thoughts to annie. A friend of her lab tore his acl 2 years ago and this past summer tore the other one. he bounced back in know time. hope all goes well with the surgeon on wednesday.
Hi All! Well, Annie has a partially torn left ACL. As a result, she has a little bit of arthritis in knee and muscle atrophy & weakness on that side as well. Steve took her to the visit and the surgeon said she has very stong healthy hips for a sheepie girl at 10.5 yrs old. :D

Surgeon's recommendations were to lay low for 4-6 weeks :roll: Specifically limit stair activity which is difficult in a split level house. She can take Deramaxx on occasion. We are to re-evaluate for physical therapy after this time. If we think she is really having problems, then we consider surgery. He didn't sound in favor of this option especially since ACL is only partially torn, anesthesia, and recovery time would be several months.

We can adjust to limiting access to stairs, but there is really no preventing all Annie's activity with Fozzie. She is always monitoring him which in her mind requires lunging and spinning quickly. Annie really is a lively girl! I let them out in the yard and Annie is the one who has been initiating running lately. She back and forth along the gate with neighbors barking away and with Foz.

What I'm struggling with is if should we just let her have a good time in her old age? Should we just continue to let her live her regular jolly snippy life until she eigter blows her ACL or passes away :( Gosh, this has been a sad nostalgic week for me. I love my Annie girl so much!

Oh yea, Fozzie's diarrhea is finally gone :D Not sure if I told everyone but he had diarrhea for about 3 weeks. It was attributed to a cortisone shot provided for his allergies and then from the prednisone. Poor guy was so sad. All better now thank goodness!
That's great news! I hope the resting helps her reover, and maybe even PT. Stacy, I don't think any is planning on going anywhere anytime too soon, she's got too much spunk.

Glad to hear Fozzie is feeling better. Poor guy.
Stacy that is what Kelsey did partial tear to the ACL. What you have to think of with annie is if you do opt for the operation how will you cope after with the recovery and therapy that goes along with it, it is a long process to rehabilitate after.

If she is rested over the next 4-6 weeks and if that means crating to let her rest then see how the improvement is, I think you will be quite surprised. Kelsey is doing fine and we just restrict her activities now so she does not do anymore damage to that area and take her for little lead walks to keep her muscled and mobile. Weight off too helps enormously then not so much pressure on the damaged area. With the muscle atrophy you can help her there by small lead walks on a soft surface to stop the muscles wasting away, swimming them is also good to help build up and firm up again. Kelsey has this problem also but we do the lead walking on grass to keep her stronger and mobile.

With annie being 10.5 now you have a lot to consider, I look at it this way as long as they are happy and not in pain and comfortable in life then just good management of her and being watchfull that she does not overdo it will see her through to her golden years in comfort. :D
Thank you for your advice and support, Elissa and Lisa :D
You have my sympathy. It really is tough to make some of the decisions required of caring for an aging sheepie!

Just catching up on post the last few days and noticed yours. My boys are sending Annie some big sloppy sheepie kisses and sending warm wishes.

I understand how you feel..the dilemna as restricting her activity level will probably make her miserable or allowing her to just enjoy herself. What to do? You have a tough choice but restricting the activity level is only temporary..although it would seem like an eternity to you both.

I tried that with Blue, and finally got to the point where I allow the old guy to continue to rough house with Merlin as I know that's what makes him happy. I did let him get a week or R and R at my sisters place one time, but, he missed us all so much. Good luck with whatever decision you make as you know Annie best. Hugs to you as well.

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