Need some special prayers for Grandma who is ill

My 95 year old Grandma is in the hospital. She is a lovely- active - family loving woman who still talks up a storm and loves life. She and my Grandpa raised 13 kids on a farm, and there are 58 of us grandkids. We all still get together several times a year at Grandma's-- she lives alone since my Grandpa died four years ago. She is a matriarch of a large, close knit loving family, and she is ill.

Dad called late last night and said that she has been admitted to the hospital - double pnemonia. She spiked a fever quickly, and, developed a harsh cough. She had been fine the day before when she and my Aunts were baking pies for today.
She has had difficulty swallowing for some time- the result of a brain tumor 10 years ago. They struck a nerve at that time. Any way--- long story, but any thing she drinks now goes straight to the lungs due to a malfunction of a "flap" . They just discovered this as the result of tests done at the hospital. They are going to try to put in a feeding tube tomorrow, to keep her strength up while she recovers from the pnemonia. Right now she has a pick in for hydration and such.

This is so sudden- and she is not doing too well. One day- she is baking , the next , she is in serious condition. We went ahead with dinner today at my Sisters, and said an extra prayer for Grandma. She is a special lady- a rare breed. Finds humor in life and loves to the limit.

Any prayers for her would be most apprecited. Thank you!
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Lori, I'm praying for your grandma. She sounds like a very special, strong woman. I hope you have many more years with her.

My mom had a feeding tube put in last year after she had pneumonia and her throat muscles were too weak to swallow. She went to a skilled nursing facility for 3 months and had speech therapy every day to strengthen her throat muscles. It worked and today we had Thanksgiving dinner together.
hope she gets better soon.
Paula O. wrote:
Lori, I'm praying for your grandma. She sounds like a very special, strong woman. I hope you have many more years with her.

My mom had a feeding tube put in last year after she had pneumonia and her throat muscles were too weak to swallow. She went to a skilled nursing facility for 3 months and had speech therapy every day to strengthen her throat muscles. It worked and today we had Thanksgiving dinner together.

Thank you Paula. This gives me hope that Grandma will be fine. I know she can't live for ever, and she is 95. But... she is just too vibrant for us to even think about her being anything but.. well .. anything but Grandma!
Lori: Positive thoughts and a lot of prayers going out to your grandma...she has a special spot in my heart. :wink:
I hope that she will regain her health quickly. It's hard to come back from setbacks at that age, but she sounds like someone who can do it!

As for the drinking issue, Joan's friend has thickener put into her drinks and that is helpful. Liquids are the most difficult to swallow, so making them semi gelatinous really helped her for years.

So I'm sending hugs and prayers your way and to your Grandmother, too. I imagine I'm one of at least 72.
Best wishes and prayers to your grandma, Lori.
She sounds like a super person :D :D
Lori, your grandma is in my prayers.
Lori, I'll say a prayer for your Grandma. I hope she takes a quick turn for the better! :ghug:
You Grandma sounds like a special person and I'm sending positive thoughts her way.

Sending prayers!
Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers her way! Hang in there .........and big hugs to everyone. :ghug:
Lori, sending prayers and hugs to you and your Grandma for her speedy recovery. She sounds like the kind of woman who, the day she gets home from the hospital, will start baking Christmas cookies!!

Thank to all of you for the prayers for Grandma. Means the world to me.

She is about the same-- and the time is coming near to decide on the feeding tube. The IV will only sustain her for so long. Her blood counts are low- infection still being an issue. The doctors are leary of the tube in the throat-- so the option is a tube in the stomach. Slight procedure, but, with her condition it is a major concern. My families "scheduled visit" is Sunday. We are trying to spread it out so there aren't 20 or 30 of us in the hospital at the same time. My Aunts, Uncles and Dad are taking turns staying at night.

Again, I appreciate the responses and prayers. And so does Grandma...
Big hugs to you and your family, I hope she makes a full and quick recovery.

We just got home from visiting Grandma... and I can hardly believe it is the same woman I saw three weeks ago. Thin, frail, crying and talking of depression. Almost more than we could bare to see her like that.

In all my years Grandma has never had a time ( at least that we have seen) that she hasn't laughed her self better. They are putting in the feeding tube tomorrow and she is scared to death. :cry: :cry:

Thank you for the prayers- I told her the sheepdog community was thinking of her. She said bless everyone for their concern. :ghug:
I'm so sorry, Lori. :(
I am keeping her in my prayers.
Me too :( Still in my prayers....
I'm so sorry about your Grandma! I lost my Grandma this year so I will say special prayers for yours in honor of mine! I hope she recovers quickly and is home soon! That generation is very very strong!
I'm thinking of you and your grandma. Wow--you are so lucky to have her around for so long!
I have said a prayer for you and your grandma!
Hugs to both of you!
Oh dear. :( I'm just getting to read your post, Lori, and I'm really sorry your Grandma isn't doing better. I sincerly hope the feeding tube will help and she'll regain her strength.

im so sorry. It must be terrifying to watch that happen to someone you love and have always known as a strong woman..

all of my thoughts ands wells wishes are with you!!
Wanted to say Thanks again for all of the well wishes for my Grandma.
They were able to insert the feeding tube on Wednesday, the pnemonia is much better- and SHE IS BEING RELEASED FROM THE HOSPITAL TOMORROW! :)

Of course there will be much care involved--- the hopsital bed was delivered today- and arrangements have been made for Home Health care etc. We are all taking turns staying with her through the day and at night.

She is a tough lady- I hope when I am in my 90's I have her spunk and ability to bounce back. But most of all I hope I have people around that love me as much as we love Grandma. :)
:yay: That is wonderful news Lori!
Hope she is feeling a whole lot better, very soon.
Oh my gosh...that wonderful! :D Gotta love those tough old ladies! :go:
I am glad to hear that she is doing better. I hope you are feeling better now that she is being released. :ghug:
Positive thoughts and prayers to grandma.
I'm sorry about your grandma, Lori. My grandma is in her 80's and I want her to live forever too. :(

We'll keep her in our prayers. I'm glad she's coming home!! :phew:
I'm sorry you and your family has to go through this but it's wonderful that she can come home!!! :D
Lori, I'm glad she's coming home today and that she's doing better.
I'm sending positive vibes your way - hang in there, Grandmas are very very special :lol:
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