How was your Thanksgiving?

Harry's was great!

First of all besides having Jack home from college all week he was so excited when Brian walked in the door at noon after being in California since June. He jumped and jumped and jumped on Brian. Afterwards he was walking around with his "Happy Harry" face on.

Secondly, Harry likes my family but especially my oldest brother who gives him the greatest butt rubs ever. Harry was the biggest pest and my brother never complained once because I think he is flattered and he is just as crazy about Harry.

Thirdly, he got to do agility for everybody and the more they praised him the wilder he got. He was so out of control (Toby and Sybil would have been proud of him) and his grandma just kept laughing because of course she thinks he is the cutest (and goofiest) thing ever.

Finally, we sat down to play a board game and he kept moving from couch to couch to snuggle between players. First he would lay between me and Brian. Then he would sit between his grandma and his dad. He would give my mom kisses and she would laugh and rub him.

Now he is sleeping soundly. 8)

I hope everyone's Turkey Day was as wonderful as Harry's was.
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panda had a quiet and relaxing thanksgiving. She had a lazy morning, lazier afternoon spent quietly sucking on her baby between daddy who was watching football and mommy who was reading a book....had some turkey in her dinner and went for a long walk....

a nice quiet day was had in our house. pleasant and relaxing! :D
I drove 50 miles to Mom's house and when I got there she wasn't feeling good. She gets these weird spells of being very cold and had one last night so she was kinda tired today. I could tell she didn't want to go out to dinner but would just for me. So I went to the store and got a broasted chicken and I baked some taties, made roasted Brussel sprouts (which rocked!) and heated a Stouffer's spinach souffle. Finished off with punkin pie. I cleaned the kitchen, we measured some pants I need to hem, I washed the kitchen floor, we dug out Mom's tree and put it up and had a long talk about why I won't talk to my brother and we both started crying. I said we weren't supposed to cry on Thanksgiving so we started laughing.

I'm now home in my sock monkey pjs and fooling with the first of the Christmas decorations. I have cheese popcorn, leftover chicken, spinach souffle and pie. And I wonder why I am 30 pounds overweight!

All in all, the best Thanksgiving I've had in 5 years. (And I'm taking tomorrow off work).
There were 38 of us at my Sisters today. Lots of great food-
and the little girls ( my nieces Skyler and Alayna ) were just precious. We drew names for Christmas, and talked about things that we did when we were young. Lots of talk of Grandma's house and cousins. Special memories and good food made today a real "Thanksgiving"

I think I gained 20 pounds. Oh well.
Thanksgiving was good ate 2 much. Obe was good he trained my mom as she let him hang out in the bar area while I watched football. Then she started petting him and giving him all kinds of attention. Because he never gets any, yeah right. She then found out how sheepies use their paws to get your attention when you stop petting. My grandma just laughed, her mistake because then Obe went to her and back to mom for the rest of the afternoon.When they would stop he would either bark or give them the paw. Usual sheepie behavior it is all about me. I sat on the bar stool and LOL, told you he will train you if not careful.

My mistake showed him where the ice machine was and he almost figured out how to get the ice himself. Again family laughed and said what a smart dog. I said I know.

Good day though hope everyone else had a happy day.
Aw, shucks. Sybil IS proud of "her" Harry.

She didn't get to do any agility, unless you include showing "Grandpa" how good she is at staying on the coffe table as he tries to tip it to get her off :oops:

He is not impressed with his granddogs and has so far spent all of Thanksgiving listing my shortcomings as a dog trainer and threatening to confiscate Sybil for a few months to train her himself.

Belle was, of course, Perfect, as only Belle can be. And Mad is darn close. So he looks at them, looks at the heathens, and demands to know where I went wrong? :lol: Though Macy is pretty acceptable by his estimation. He also plays off of her name (her fashion obsessed co-owner/co-breeder named her - her registered name is M's Midnight Madness - and from there she was named after the store - Macy's) and calls Sybil "K-Mart" (!!), but did offer that since she had shown some progress by this evening, if she keeps it up, he will upgrade her to "Target". :twitch:

And this is why I live alone, and equi-distant as far away as I can from all of my relatives :lol: :lol: :lol:

At least my Mom isn't here to point out the dust bunnies in the basement and the nose-marks on the sliding door...

Ah, the holidays... :D

Onward to Christmas which I traditionally spend with only the dogs. Maybe Santa will bring me some snow and a sled and we can utilize some of that puppy energy to go sledding...

Thanksgiving always tests our marriage :lol: We are still talking....I think. I'm too demanding, he's getting a bit forgetful, not a good combo especially when he goes out of his way to be helpful. I'm bad.

The crock pot for dressing doesn't work over 3-4 burns. Great for shorter cooking, though. Used the smaller 4 quart to do stock . Started it last night with left over chicken bones and skin saved for the last month or so. That was cool to have the broth ready early the next day. Thank you for the hint!

Sleepy and stuffed and wined.........want to stay awake for CSI and then I'm letting all the food and wine make me unconscious. Dogs can wake up husband for "last call."
Oh my goodness... lil J thought it was the funniest thing to keep turning off the tv. I had a million kids carry him to me to give me "the hint." ...I'm happy to say other than that, he was so good. Mr. J's best friend is already back from Iraq and my son kept watching him and wanted to always know where he was going. :hearts:

...then again, could have been the candy he kept getting which he has NEVER had up to this point. I let it slide since I was so happy to see him try to watch football with the guys instead of clinging to me.

I think lil J will love his daddy once he's back.


I had a great turnout for the stuffing even when I didn't think so! I had the crockpot on from 6:45 - 12 pm, but some of that time I had it on "keep warm." I tried to keep quiet about who made it, but several people kept asking about it. Yay!

Just wish I got the recipe for my friend's rolls. Is eating 6 in one sitting going to effect me tonight? :?
6 rolls?? BURP!
We went to my brother's on Wednesday night and celebrated Thanksgiving with them. I got to meet their newest grandson born Nov 10th. Daniel Noah.(they named him Noah because when her water broke the dr said there was so much that it was like Noah and his ark. lol He is adorable. We had a really great time. I hadn't seen them since Easter. They had about 6 different dogs over. They where babysitting for two and some how adopted a few more....all short haired like labs. I told Chuck it was so nice to come home and run my hands through my two hairy dogs. lol So Thanksgiving was nice and quiet with the four of us and the girls. Violet and China had a walk in the morning and then at dinner, each had a plate of Thanksgiving goodies. I put their food on paperplates, not thinking about the tiled they where chasing after their food with each lick. lol I think they thought they where both in Heaven. I watched my shows that I DVRed from the night before and I watched the Dog Show and saw Mandy and Toby...loved the grooming shot. My hubby did all the cooking this year because he was really into it. He took a plate of food over to our neighbor whose family was in Miami for the holiday..he had to stay behind because he had to work a Taxi. He was looking forward to watching football, uninterupted. lol So a plate of great food and Football, not like having his wife and kid, but not too bad for a hard working Dad. Anyway, we had a lot of phn calls talking to our kids and other relatives up north, and just had a really nice relaxing day.

I hope everyone had a peaceful day.
Chewie and all had a quiet Thanksgiving. I worked last night (and tonight), so I slept after I had the dogs out and fed them. Luckily he had his busy carting day Wednesday, so he was fine with just laying around, I'm sure. Maggie and Todd were out Wed night for a night hunt (coon hunting), so she was a tired dog, and Todd slept in too.

Todd went to his brothers for dinner while i slept. Then we got together for my birthday at LeAnne's before I came to work again. Thanksgiving dinners are a wonderful breakfast!! :lol: :D

We went to the was very different not being together with the "kids" year, back to our family tradition and being exhausted but very happy.............
derby;s started out bad my old girl daytona finally got him in the nose he had been teasing her and got to close and she just had it.. i don't think he learned his lesson.. i decided to take him to a party .there were 5 females there for him to play with .. he loved the min pin it was fun to see him running after a 5 pound dog.. a good work out for him.. of course ate to much :o
I had to work just like every other Thanksgiving. The good part is that it was not crazy busy and I got to watch(some of) the Packer's WIN!!! Next Thursday I'm off so I can watch them kick Dallas's Butt(sorry Mrs. J). When I got home, Simon has to go to the dog park to get rid of some energy or he is a major pain. When "we" got back home, Randy was busy making turkey and all the fixings :D just like he always does. Simon and the cat both got a "Thanks"giving dinner and were looking for more. Since I was up talking on the phone till 12:30 the night before it was a very early night for me.
Sounds like everyone had a nice holiday. Our day started out a little scary. Mony was sitting in the living room, but when I called her, she could not get her back end up. I called my Hubby, who helped me lift her so she could stand. Looks like she had had a fall off the leather chair onto the wood floor sometime during the night and probably did some version of the splits. She had even been laying in her own pee. She refused to even take a step and it looked like she was having muscle spasms. I gave her the appropiate amount of baby aspirin for her size of course, moved her bed into the family room. I knew that this was probably what had happened and that she would be up and moving around by the end of the day. I was concerned though because she would not drink. After about two hours, she started squirming, so we helped her get up. After a few wobbly steps, she made her way out side and went pee. She then came back inside and layed down. Still not drinking at this point. At around 1:00pm, she squirmed again, we helped her up and she walked 50% better outside where she did both #1 and #2. She took a short walk around the yard and then came inside. She immediately went for the water bowl. Thank goodness. I was confident that she would recover. She napped all afternoon, but by 4:00 was 90% better, getting up and down on her own. This am, she was running the yard, but still seemed to be alittle sore. We are :D :D :D .
How very scary that must have been. :(
I am happy she is doing better now. Go, Mony :D
Simon's Mom wrote:
The good part is that it was not crazy busy and I got to watch(some of) the Packer's WIN!!! Next Thursday I'm off so I can watch them kick Dallas's Butt(sorry Mrs. J).
Up here in Patriots Country we'll let you guyz squabble around for the rest of the season until the playoffs begin.

Hey!!! What was with the Giants and the Colts running up the score on their opponnents like that? So unprofessional. :twisted:

(What is it that the other teams would have the Pats do? They have been sitting out their starting offense the entire 3rd quarter... should they just take a knee or add 3 more gimme points on 4th and 1 at the 3? Are they not allowed to try out their 2 minutes drill at the end of the first half?)
Thanksgiving seemed to go well although quite chaotic. The food all turned out fantastic! Mom came over the day before and helped me make the stuffing and sweet potatoes. I made the cranberries and coordinated everything leading up to the big day. The house was clean and organized, everything was in order before people arrived.

Steve and I did get into a little spat during the coordination of getting the food all warmed up and onto the table. It was actually quite embarrassing in front of the women in our family. So, I busied myself with placing ice in glasses and monitoring the two pups and two nephews ages 2 and 5.

My 5 year old nephew is ALL BOY. He and Annie both play rough so we did need to separate the dogs from the boys most of the time. At one point the dogs were really barking. When I went to check it out, I found that my nephew had thrown all the toys from the doggie bin over the gate at the pups. I was not happy about that at all :evil: Fozzie spent much more time with the family as he is a much more mellow guy. When the boys got wild he either barks appropriately or gets up and walks away. Both Annie and Foz have been sleeping ALL DAY LONG :D
The good part is that it was not crazy busy and I got to watch(some of) the Packer's WIN!!! Next Thursday I'm off so I can watch them kick Dallas's Butt(sorry Mrs. J).

Wish you lived closer so we could watch together! I have a blast when enemies are in the house. :twisted: :lol:
I gained 2 lbs! And I'm not done yet, I have leftovers for at least 3 more days 8)
We had a very nice day....Scott and I went shopping in the morning and got lots of yummy indulgent things that didnt require a lot of preparation (we are staying in a hotel) then while he made dinner I went for a long walk with my best friend Karla all around downtown Juneau. Then we had a lovely dinner back at the room and watched bizarre cable TV shows while drinking a lot of wine. :oops: :lol: :roll:

I really miss my pups, :cry: but other than that, our trip/show is going great. I was bummed though, that there was NO internet at our hotel :evil: so I wasn't able to log on to the chat room on like we had planned...sorry Dawn! :(
ravenmoonart wrote:
We had a very nice day....Scott and I went shopping in the morning and got lots of yummy indulgent things that didnt require a lot of preparation (we are staying in a hotel) then while he made dinner I went for a long walk with my best friend Karla all around downtown Juneau. Then we had a lovely dinner back at the room and watched bizarre cable TV shows while drinking a lot of wine. :oops: :lol: :roll:

I really miss my pups, :cry: but other than that, our trip/show is going great. I was bummed though, that there was NO internet at our hotel :evil: so I wasn't able to log on to the chat room on like we had planned...sorry Dawn! :(

Sounds like a great day! The wine is my favorite part :D
Just out of curiosity- what is the temp in Juneau now? Alaska is my state of choice to live in. Doubt it ever happens- but - I am always so fasinated with the scenery and the culture!
Abuckie wrote:
ravenmoonart wrote:

Sounds like a great day! The wine is my favorite part :D
Just out of curiosity- what is the temp in Juneau now? Alaska is my state of choice to live in. Doubt it ever happens- but - I am always so fasinated with the scenery and the culture!

Its WARM!!!! 8O Mid 40s and raining. This is fairly typical of Southeast AK at this time of year, but heavy snow is just about as likely. This is a maritime rainforest climate. Very different from where Mrs. J and I live, which is quite dry even though we are on the ocean, and much colder.

To all of you who have mentioned that you have considered Alaska as a place to live... You definitely want to come up here and travel around to the different areas. Southeast is as different from Southcentral, is as different from the Interior, etc, as adjoining states are from each other in the lower 48. The cultures vary a lot too, as some areas are very fishing oriented, others more into mushing and trapping, etc. The Native cultures are as different as night and day as well....and well, to put it delicately, some areas are more open and to welcoming to non-natives than others :wink: Im not sure as I'd recommend a move out to the Northern or Western Villages for anyone unfamiliar with that lifestyle. :lol:

Come one, come all....Alaska NEEDS more sheepies, and sheepie people! :banana:
Lil Walty wrote:
I gained 2 lbs! And I'm not done yet, I have leftovers for at least 3 more days 8)

Heather, I weighed myself before and after dinner and after dinner I also gained 2 pounds! But I'm sure it's gone by now. :wink:
Thanksgiving was really nice. We also celebrated Chanukka, since my kids won't be home again until after Chanukka.

The food was great, everyone had a good time. My stepmother seemed to really enjoy herself.

Right as I was making the after dinner coffee, I started getting sick (sore throat) but didn't say anything. What good would it have done but paniced my elderly stepmom and pregnant neighbor?

They all left around 7, and I went to bed for the rest of the weekend!
Yes, we survived cooking Thanksgiving for 36, and co-hosting my in-laws 50th Anniversary on Saturday. Everything went very well, we had a blast, and now I am so tired I could throw up. We still have houseguests though, until Wednesday, so no rest for the wicked. 8)

If I have to scrub my toilets one more time................

Laurie and Oscar
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