
I am disappointed and feeling sorry for myself. So I thought I would turn to my forum friends to cheer me up.

As many of you know it has been a very long year to making Harry a Therapy Dog. We finally graduated on Sunday, November 3rd and I was looking forward to starting to "work". I came home that day and contacted a facility on the list. The lady was very excited and said they were meeting two days later on Tuesday.

I was so excited all day that Tuesday and came home to Harry who was miserably ill - he was having an allergic reaction to his antibiotics. Of course my boy couldn't work if he was sick and I was certainly worried about him. But I was disappointed that we would have to wait another two weeks for the next scheduled visit.

So for a few days now I have been getting excited and getting Harry ready. I bought him a new collar and have been grooming him in anticipation. Yesterday, I started feeling bad but being a major allergy sufferer my whole life felt like that was my problem. Then today my mother goes to the doctor thinking she has a sinus infection - turns out she has a contagious virus and her symptoms are exactly like mine. So I know that I cannot go to work again tonight so I don't expose all the elderly people to me just in case.

I am disappointed and considering this crazy journey we have been on for Harry to work as a Therapy Dog I am beginning to wonder if the Therapy Gods are trying to tell me something. :?

Thanks for listening. I am hoping we are both healthy in two weeks and may actually get to start this.
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Hang in, it will work out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have a lifetime of therapy dogging ahead of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just the virus speaking.......this will pass and you'll go on to a good time working with Harry.

Judi.....youll be fine....remember everything happens for a reason...

you and harry werent meant to go this time around...concentrate on getting better and go gang busters next time!!

besides, ive found out that for rotten headaches, a sheepie cuddle works magic!!
Patience is a Virtue; obtain it if you can. Seldom to a lady, never to a man!

The Lord just want you practice it with Harry (patience that is.) You both will do great and enjoy it even more. God bless.
That really bites!! :evil: But, things do happen for a reason, and you will have plenty of time to go on visits with Harry and share his love with others.

Right now, it sounds like Harry can be your own personal therapy dog - put him to work! :D
How disappointing!

Even though it's been a long road, a few more weeks are going to seem like forever!
How very disappointing! I totally understand. When you're looking so forward to something you've worked hard to accomplish, a delay of even a day can seem like an eternity. I'm sorry you're not feeling well, Judi. Cuddle up with Harry and get better soon. :)
got sheep wrote:
Right now, it sounds like Harry can be your own personal therapy dog - put him to work! :D

Oh I never thought of myself as the recipient but that works for me. As soon as I get home from work I will put on my pj's and snuggle with my baby. His daddy and brother can play with him and wear him out and then he can snuggle some more with mom. Thanks guys you are doing a great job of cheering me up.

I am sure Harry is disappointed, but he is probably just as understanding as you were last week. You've worked so hard to get him trained to help so many other people, two more weeks will only make him better at his "job". You need to focus on making yourself feel better right now-you have lots to eat this weekend!
Feel better soon Judi and Harry!!!!

Judy just remember if Harry makes a difference in even one persons life it will all have been worthwhile. And I have to say just seeing all his pictures of his life experiences he's made a difference of joy in mine.
I hope everyone feels better! I understand your dissapointment. I had my mom here (she is 93) and she got very sick and was in the hospital for over a month. The good news was it was one of the facilities I visit so Guinness and I went almost every day. Did brief visits and saw mom. I did not get to go to the assisied living place we visit on tue and I missed it!! I felt really bad I could not go. When you have a goal and a job to do even if it is vol. you do it because you enjoy it. I find a real satisfaction from my visits and Guinness seems proud of himself too!1 Can't wait to hear about your first visit.

Cindy and Guinness
Yeah, I just hope everyone gets better!!! ...but I imagine working so hard for something and not being able to put it into use right away has to stink!! Hang in there!
Hope you are both feeling better!
You'll get out there eventually. Take it easy now and get better. :D
:( I hope by now you and Harry are both better but there's nothing worse than learning patience :evil:
Hope you feel better soon!!!!

We send Sheepie ((((((((HUGS)))))))) to you both...
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