wetting on herself and hormone replacement

I was glad to see other people have had this problem. My sheepie was spayed at 8 mons and shortly after she started wetting on herself she can be laying down or just walking. Rajah is now 4 years old and is getting worse. Most people have said it is a small puddle their sheepies leave behind...ours is a pool! we took her to the vet and ran all kinds of test, he finally put her on diethylstilbestrol a hormone replacement. When I went to pick up prescription they told me that is causes cancer in a short period of time. Being that Rajah was about 1 yr old I decided not to give it to her. I am typing this to you as Rajah sits outside in the dark because I got mad at her for leaving pee all through the house. She is afraid of the dark so I had better go get her and say sorry. Anyway, I think I am going to try the meds now to be fair to Rajah. Has anyone use the relacement for a long period of time say 5 yrs or so?
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Yes and the other one as well Phenylpropan......uh oh, what's the rest of the word ...propanoline??? Splash (that was her name before she started peeing) was just awful. We tried each drug separately but to no avail. While we were experimenting she wore diapers.....not the human kind but something I made up. Finally in desperation the vet suggested both meds and sure enough she dried up. Unfortunately by then she was 12 years old and didn't last much longer. We had her on pills for the 6 years we had her.......she died of old age.
I wonder why this happens to sheepdogs more than most other dogs? If it is hormone related, it would happen to all dogs wouldn't it? Personally I think there must be a bundle of nerve endings closer to the inner reproductive anatomy that vets nick with the knife when they go in. Vets should be breed specific trained when it comes to spaying sheepdogs.
I don't think it happens to OES more than other dogs. I know it's a hot topic with the Bearded Collies as well!

I spoke with a Vet about this and she said that "skills" in the operating room have very little if anything to do with this. If it were something that was caused by the operation - then hormones wouldn't help resolve it.
I had the same concerns as you - that's why I asked her about it!

I know several dogs that have been on the hormones for long time periods without problems.

Try not to scold your dog for these accidents - she's probably as upset about it as you are! :cry:

Just a note on this as welll Sheepieboss...
That med you mentioned, phenylpropanolomine, was very popular here in Canada as well, but was banned a couple of years ago completely. Nothing in Canada is allowed to contain it anymore because it was proven to cause heart attacks. That was in people however. Just thought I would mention it.
Willowsprite wrote:
Just a note on this as welll Sheepieboss...
That med you mentioned, phenylpropanolomine, was very popular here in Canada as well, but was banned a couple of years ago completely. Nothing in Canada is allowed to contain it anymore because it was proven to cause heart attacks. That was in people however. Just thought I would mention it.

It's my understanding that it was banned in the States too - but only in use in humans. There's been some discussion recently of it being removed all together - which has alot of dog owners upset - because of it's benefits in treating incontinence.
Mopsey used to leave puddles when she slept, and she was only 4 months old. So our doctor gave her Propalin. She took it for a while, (a month) and so far (spit three times) it hasn't happened since. So maybe its something you can try?
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