OES with long tails...anybody

Does anybody have an OES with his/her tail intact? With all the tail docking controversy, I can't seem to find any pictures with long tails. I still haven't found anything on PetFinder, I assume there is none.

Do you have any pictures, I want to see what they look like. I prefer full coat sheepies vs shaved sheepies, but maybe a shaved with a tail looks better.
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Here's a link to the UK Anti docking Alliance, you can find a picture of an undocked OES there. http://www.anti-dockingalliance.co.uk/

We saw one on the aminal shelter yesterday en El Paso, TX... She looks odd.
If you follow this link there is a pic of an oes with a tail and in almost full coat. If you scroll down there is also a pic of a momma oes with pups, and at least one of them is pure black! LOL

It's kinda funny how a picture represents itself. The one on the rock does look funny, yet the the other website, with the dog showing the side, looks completely normal.

Now is dew claws, something that should be removed our left as natural.

I do agree we should leave tails and esp the ears alone, but OES require so much grooming, do dew claws present a problem?
Dews are taken at docking time. I have one docked sheepie w/o tail and one with tail and dews. I love the dogs anyway they come. The tail does catch a dingleberry from time to time, oh well. While the sheepie clubs haven't nailed down how the tail should sit on the bottom, they agree it should not be held up over the back like a husky. When running the tail should be mostly straight back, but when standing the tail should hang and all but disappear.
Thanks, I've been looking at different dogs, and one breeder gives you the option of docking the tail or leaving it alone. I was so use to see tails docked, that finding one left was harder than I thought. Maybe I don't use the right words in searching.
It is difficult to find an un-docked OES from a reputable breeder in the States because the tail docking is done before they can determine if a puppy is potentially "show" quality. I love them both ways - but the ones with tails have more body parts to groom! :wink:

Henry from www.wigglebus.com has a tail - maybe there are some pictures of him in full tail on the website.
I have a sheepie with a feathery tail...but I do believe she has a splash of english setter in her somewhere...she is a rescue & purest would classify her as a MOSTLIE. One day I will learn how to post a photo & let y'all take a look & vote :wink: She is a real clown & can sure wiggle that butt & tail :lol: Her hair is mostly bright white w/grey-black back & rump splots & dark on left side of her face...very little undercoat but it still gets matts :roll: She is rather light weight...a few biscuits shy of 60 lbs...with long legs. Heart of gold...lucky to have her!
I guess what I meant to say, is if you are on a waiting list, they will leave a male or female with the tail. The down side is that is your pup, and you can't have the chance to see the personaility develop. For the most part they do the tails, but they understand people who are against it, and give you the choice.

I'm still in the process of looking, thank you all for your help. :)
My first OES about 20 something years ago had his tail. I got him from a local neighbor. He was super cute with it when he was small. It was still OK when larger he was a big dog too, but it added a lot to the grooming. He had a very outgoing personality and loved everyone. As everyone coming to the house was coming to see HIM not me. I've got some pictures but they are not scanned.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY breeder worth their weight to tell what pup is going to be a show dog or not at 3 days of age. Tails if they are going to be docked (which is WHY this dog is called a BOBTAIL) must be done before 3-4 days to keep it from being a surgery.

It is time the Animal Rights groups/ PETA get out of our business! And for GOVERNMENTS to stay out of our rights as well.
I love animals and especially dogs and I do not understand how dog lovers can accept that it is okay to take two day old puppies and cut off their body parts. I do no care what the breeders say, it hurts. I have three dogs all with tails and I love their wagging tails and so do they.
I assume you don't give any preventative innoculations or believe in castration either.

I have docked three day old lambs (and castrated them) and I can tell you they are more indignant about having blood taken and being given shots than the docking. I suspect they dislike the castration the most.

Not everything that is uncomfortable "hurts" and not all temporary pain is inhumane - where does this attitude come from?

These are shots from a OES.ORG member, AnnE. She posted these shots of her two in the photos section. Aussie ..... something

These two dogs are BEAUTIFUL.... as are the photos.... if you look around at member photos you are likely to find plenty of tails. Europe already has in place, laws that make it illegal for you to dock your dogs tail.

I have Henry and he's got a tail, you're welcome to look at my photos and my 2movie links under my signature and you get to see him at 4 months old and at almost a year old. :D
This is from a 5 year old post.
I knew that - I was responding to the obvious spammer who came on - I have been cranky all week :)
More troll than spammer I'd say... but could be just someone who is passionate about tails.

Frankly I can speak from experience that I don't even remember my docking. :wink:
Ron you are so funny.... here it is after midnight and I read your post response and it wakes me up and makes me laugh........ too funny :clappurple:

I have an idea. On the forum index, where the name of the original poster is, add the date of the original post.....
Hmmm, I don't know if I can do that easily or that it would make much difference, but I might be able to print a warning that the thread is old when someone wants to reply. I don't think that would make all that much difference anyway. People just want to get things off their chest!
can you just lock them when they get too old Ron? So at least folks can still read the info but not get replying? just a thought, I am cranky this morning as well, 10.08 am UK time and I have done nothing...still in pjs! :evil: :evil:
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