What's going on today?

Honestly, if I didn't see the Moon I would think it's full Moon tonight! Lumpi and Boni were and still are crazy today! After our usual walks they run, oh no, they FLY into our little apartment and they chase each other and try to bite each others necks, wrestling, running into furnitures, play growling, playing tug etc.

Boni knocked the water bowl over so the kitchen was flooding. I tried to be really mad at them but at the end I had to try not to laugh because Lumpi immediately run to his rug, Boni bunny hopped into his crate and they "pretended" to be good boys. :twisted:

Oh, I'm so tired and I don't know what got into them!? :roll:
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Must be something in the air, my pups have been playing very rough with each other all day (had to separate them a few times)

I came in the backyard and Chewy and Rascal who do jump but when you tell them down usually listen. Kept jumping on me and getting very rough and not in the good fun puppy way....they calmed down when we put them in though.
Seems to happen around this time of year....The air is crispy and fresh....so the heat doesn't wear them out...

Bosley is his usual goofy self, but Dixie is getting out of control! She is so jumpy, and nippy, and hurts when she bangs into me, almost knocking me over.... :evil: ....She is almost 3 years old, so when do they finally calm down, again?

Grrr.....Lucky for her she is so dang cute and her daddy always makes excuses for her.... :evil:

Are we all in for a wicked winter or what?
I just asked if there was a full moon I was kidding, now I have to wondering. The animals have been different today.
Oliver was up until 3:00 am last night! Usually by 10:00 he is on his bed, ready to go to sleep. I think for him it is the cooler weather. He just doesn't want to come inside. I actually had to pick up my 72 pound dog and carry him in last night...
Sorry to say this, but I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. :lol: My hubby told me when he got home that there was a lady in the elevator with two dogs and she told him that her dogs were going nuts too.

I suppose it can be the weather... :roll:
don't know where everybody is but sounds like the kids in school when the snow is coming!
daytona ran after derby yesterday !! this never happens daytona is 13 and can't even walk must be the cool air in fla
Murphy is almost five months old now. He was neutered this past Wednesday. So far no calming down. He gets periods of craziness. He is well trained for his age and most of the time listens, but the other times he is wild. Do they calm down? I heard not until 3. oh oh
Do they calm down? I heard not until 3. oh oh

If your lucky lol, some sheepies are more energetic then others. I know people with dogs that act like puppies most of there life. But I have heard three years is the general rules as well.
This happened at my house last week. The dogs were crazy and I made the mistake of laying down for a nap. All of a sudden, the chaos made it's way into the bedroom! I pulled the covers up and curled into the fetal position for protection. When it seemed that quiet had returned I peaked out from under the covers and Suzi's face was about an inch from mine and she had the craziest look! It was very serial killer like! Luckily they took off again and did their laps around the house.

Something is definitely up with the sheepdogs. Maybe this is the first stage in their plan for worldwide domination. 8O
Was she holding a rope in her mouth?
Maybe dolphins are not the second smartest creatures on the planet? Are the dogs trying to tell us something before they leave? Just don't forget your blankets!

(showing my geekiness and hoping no one gets it lol)
Ron wrote:
Was she holding a rope in her mouth?

No, she was panting heavily and drooling. If she starts to use impliments or tools, I'm abandoning my house and running to Canada!!!
Murphy's Mom wrote:
Do they calm down? I heard not until 3. oh oh

Below is my almost ten year old...in an obedience <hm??> trial!!! :lol:

In fact, she's ripping the armband right off my arm. Don't know what got in to her, but, you know what? Treasure their wild side. OES are so slow to mature, that when they finally do, it catches you so off guard and, frankly, it's a little sad.


Oh, and that wasn't her only trangression! She was naughty throughout. And you know what? It made my day. :D


(Pictures by Jenni Niittylä)
Kristine & Belle
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