Rosie is very ill again and might be Leptospirosis ?

Well - it's been a rough couple days. Rosie started with the runs again over last weekend. It seemed to clear up but then started VERY badly again yesterday. She also started drooling really excessively. She was extremely thirsty and would drink tons of water. Then all afternoon - she drank tons of water - then about 1/2 hour later - threw it all up. She did this until 10:30 last night. We thought she might have eaten some mushrooms or something in the yard. So I thought it was good to get whatever it was out of her belly. Everything I read said to induce vomiting. Around 10:30 last night I said enough - and I just gave her a little tiny bit of water and tried to get her to sleep. I was up watching her until about 1:30 AM - then I went up to bed. When I got up at 6:30 - she was completely covered in drool and wet. She could hardly stand up and walk. I gave her some more water and then about 9:00 AM got her in at the vet. He has her there now and is pumping her with IV fluids and antibiotics. Her blood came back with high creatin and white cells. He did an ultrasound of her belly thinking she had the infected uterus thing and might need surgery but it didn't look enlarged at all. So now he's thinking that it might be this Leptospirosis thing.

Back in Sept. she was like this but not near as bad. The vet did find "spiral or cork shaped" bacteria and put her on a sulfer antibiotic and she was fine. Maybe she's been re-infected? Anyway - does anyone have any info or experience with this?

The vet is going to keep her thru the weekend on IV and antibiotics so as to get enough in her so she's not contagious.

Never a dull moment here - UNBELIEVEABLE!
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I don't have any advice for you since I have never had an experience with Leptospirosis. I just wanted you to know I'm am crossing my fingers for both you and Rosie.....the poor girl. I hope she gets to feeling better really soon!!
Poor girl :( . :( Did your vet mention anything about liver values or bilirubin count?
Poor Rosie. :( I hope she's better really soon.
Poor Rosie, what a worrying time, we will be thinking of you both and hoping she will be better soon. Hugs to you both.
Poor Rosie..........and will be my thoughts....
That sounds just horrible. Best wishes to Rosie to beat this. :hearts:
Leptospirosis is caused by infection of leptospira interrogans. the domestic animals are reservoirs of infection for humans and other animals. They usually get it by accident and usually animals that are drink from streams, lakes or rivers where dear and other animals urinate.
acute renal failure, dehydration, vomiting, fever, increased thirst, jaunidce and shock or death.

Diagnosis is done by:
aggultination tests on blood at the lab
blood counts
and blood chemistries with increased BUN and Creatinine, ALT and bilirubinuria

Supportive care: IV fluids, furosimide to flush kidneys
antibiotics: penicillin IV for 24 hours or imtramuscular for 14 days followed by doxycycline for 14 days to eliminate carrier state.

Animals with lepto are contagiuos to humans and other animals, supportive care is important, treatment and diagnosis are expensive.
I also believe but am not 100% sure that once they have had lepto, there will always be some remenant in them for the remainder of their life but I am not positive on this last fact.

Your pup will get through this. Its hard to have them hospitalized but they have good people taking care of them and it is for the best. Best wishes to you and your family and hopefully it was caught early and there wont be any more troubles for you. Good luck.
Oh my, I am soooo very sorry you are going through this! I am praying for a full recovery.

Awe, Poor Rosie! Sounds like she's getting the best care possible! Thoughts and prayers are with you guys!
Hope Rosie is feeling better soon. We are thinking of you :(
I hope she feels better soon.
hope she feels better soon.
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