Length of walks

Rufus had his first walk this morning- and he loved it!! He had his last jab last week and the vet said wait a week before taking him out.
We walked around our block which took about 20 mins at a brisk pace. He stopped for the toilet 3 times and sniffed a couple of times, but I wanted to keep moving confidently as he was a little afraid of a few cars. By the end of the walk he was walking close to my legs with his head wrapped around the front looking up at me, tail high and full of energy. He was having a great time. I felt fantastic!!

My question is this, he is 13 weeks old, the breeder said not to walk him too far in the first 9 months so as not to disturb his hip growth. But how far can I take him? Is 20 mins 2 or 3 times a day going to be too much?

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Good question! Puppy people -- what do you think? I tend to think you should go by his body language. If he is alert and brisk, that's fine but you don't want to force a tired puppy to keep going. Maybe try to ratchet up slowly and see how tired he is for the rest of the day. Start with one walk per day for a few days and if he is fine and bouncy at home, add another.
I walk my boys twice a day. The morning walk is about an hour (hour and a half), afternoon walk is half an hour.

The first couple of months (2-3 months old) puppies get enough exercise just playing and running around though I believe you should take them out and walk them to desensitize them to cars, people, noises, etc.

I started to walk with Boni for half an hour when we was 2 months old and he was fine with it. He has a lot of energy and I don't make him run or jump so I watch not to do anything that would ruin his hips or joints.

Boni is turning 10 months on the 11th and he is taking the walks fine. I have started to desensitize him to doggy back packs too, so when he gets older he can carry some weight. I have to make sure my boys are tired otherwise I can't work.

You will be able to figure our how much walk Rufus needs just like Cassie said.
depends on the puppy. I had two who were six weeks apart as pups and the older one would walk as long and as far as I could take it - the younger one ended up being carried after about 10 - 15 minutes. At two they still have very different activity levels although I cut their hair and Captain Morgan has discovered a seemingless endless supply of energy that he uses whenever I am trying to get anything done!
I think it's best to start with frequent short walks until they get used to it. Fetch seems very tired after a walk, but recharges quickly with a sort nap.
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