Hello I'm Austin and I just lost my Teddy.

Hello my name is austin and i had a beautiful OE poodle mix, up until about 4 days ago.

About 4 years ago my mom went to petsmart for a puppy adoption to get our family a dog. As she was walking up to the store entrance there were a couple punk rock/goth looking kids with the cutest little puppy (about 6 months old)in a box and they had a sign that said free puppy. My mom went to talk to them and found out that the dog they had, and loved very much, was getting too big to fit in their college apartments and so they wanted to give him a loving home. My mom took him home and instantly he took to me, and we became best friends. He would sleep in my bed and follow me around everywhere in the house. He would bring me toys to play with him and alway help me when i was feeling down or stressed. Well i graduated high school and moved to a college and took my dog with me and we grew closer and closer every day.
All my friends said they would never be as close to me as he was. Actually one time I got in a fight with a lady working at homedepot because he came in with me, i didnt want to get lonely in the car :-).

Well on November first i was woken up by one of my roommates saying there was something wrong with teddy, and he might be dead. I jumped out of bed and ran out side and there he was in my neighbors yard, cold. My stomach dropped and my heart sank, I screamed and cried so loud that the neighbors came out. I couldn't believe it. The rest of the day was a blur. I took him to the vet and she said that teddy was hit by a car, he had opened front door to my house (he was so smart) and gone out side and someone hit him.

She said that he died quick and painlessly, I wish it was that easy for me. I loved him more then I have ever loved anyone. He was my best friend i would talk to him, share my life with him, and he would be there with me to help me at any time.

I have not stopped crying for 5 days. My house is empty his toys are still around and i carry his collar with me everywhere (it still smells like him
:'-) ). I have never been so sad and so angry about anything, and everyone tries to be their for me but they all talk and don't listen. I found this forum and though a couple other people would empathize with me, and this would at least give me a place to write everything down.... kinda empty out.

well thanks for listening

here is a cute picture of him

I love you teddy, RIP
03 - 11/01/07
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I am so sorry to hear about your best friend's death. What a beautiful sheepie mix. It is very hard when one of our babies dies and goes over the rainbow bridge. Most of us here on the forum have lost one of our babies at one time.

Hopefully in time you will come to a time when you will adopt another sheepie. :ghug:
My deepest sympathy for your loss Austin :cry:

Teddy sounds like he was an extra special boy. Your right about this being a place to go and find people who will understand. Many of us here have been through the terrible pain of losing our fuzzy best friend. Hugs to you, and sloppy sheepdog kisses from my pups. :ghug:
How horrible for you. Your story is one of my worest fears. I hope the forum can give you some comfort we do understand. :cry:
Hi Austin,

I'm so sorry for your loss. We DO understand here. A great many of us have lost at least one Sheepie, some more.

I'm glad you found us.
I am very sorry for your loss. You have my deepest sympathies.
Teddy was a very beautiful dog.
What a beautiful dog and such a peaceful pose. He really looks content and well-loved. Your experience is my biggest fear when it comes to my doggies. I can only imagine your grief and pain. My heart goes out to you.

So glad you found us. There are no words, just I'm sorry :cry:
He sure was a beautiful & muched loved doggie!
Hugs, Sue & trio
Austin, what a beautiful dog, he looked like a real character. So clever I bet. You had him for 4 years and in that time I bet he had more love and quality of life than lots of dogs have in 10 years. Try thinking of the good times, it will get easier believe you me although it is ok to cry, he is worth crying for, it will take a long time but keep posting here it helps an awful lot as we have all found.

Hugs to you......
Austin, I am sorry to hear about the passing of your beautiful sheepie mix boy Teddy. He is indeed beatiful. I send you positive thoughts and strength during your time of grief. Teddy will be missed very much.

I am so very sorry for your loos, what a handsome guy he was!!! I hope you are ab le to hold all those wonderful memories close during this difficult time.
Thank you guys very much for being so friendly and welcoming me with open arm. I don't think any thing worse could have happened to me then to loose teddy but i know where he is now he has all the stuffed animals he wants and can chase every skunk in sight and after they spray him he doesn't have to take a bath :(

My house is so lonely with out him, my friends are here all the time but it seems empty still. I loved that kid so much.... it's still hard to believe.
Teddy was a beautiful dog. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope that your memories of the wonderful times you had together will comfort you as you grieve. As others have mentioned, your experience is my worst fear.
G'day from Australia, welcome to the forum Austin, sorry to hear of the loss of Teddy, always so hard when our fur babies have to go.

We are thinking of you as this sad time and bless your darling Teddy.
Your post brought tears to my eyes... I cant imagine losing your baby without any preparation (even then, its hard)...

my heart goes out to you. Panda sends her wet slobbery kisses to you too...
Hi Austin,

I, too am weeping for you and Teddy. What a beautiful boy, and I think the name Teddy was perfect for him.

Yep...he's up at the rainbow bridge with my Cupcake and Molly and so many of the other that we folk here at this forum have loved and helped go to their "fun" place...after illness and terrible pain.

He is there. And he's watching down on you with great love, and thanking you for the wonderful years you gave him. Someday (a long time from now) you two will be together.

I understand the loneliness..the void in your heart. We are here for you. Cuz we understand that void.

Big hugs to you. I will blow kisses to Teddy, and wait for my mean ol' Molly to boss him around, and make him feel welcome. That was just her way of saying, I love you.
my heart goes out to you.. teddy was a beauty we all understand here
I am sooo very sorry for the loss of your Teddy, what a beautiful dog. We all understand here how you are feeling and we will be here for you. :cry: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
Hi Austin,

I am SO sorry about Teddy. :cry: It must be terrible for you since this was so sudden and unepected. :ghug:

It sounds like he had a wonderful life with you though. You gave him such a happy loving home. What more could a dog ask for? :hearts: I am very sorry that you have to go on without him. Hopefully each day will become a little easier. Rest in peace, Teddy. :cry:
I am so sorry for your loss, my son is close to my dogs and I know it would break his heart if something happened to them. Any of us who were close to pets and had lost one, does know what you are going through. Our thoughts are with you. :cry:
Hello from San Francisco.

Having lost a number of fur folks over the last fourty years, I can empathize with you in your loss. :cry:

Losing a friend creates a big hole in your heart you think will never heal.

And it never truly does. You will always have the memories of your fuzz face and the good times you gave each other. And, at first, each memory will cause some sadness but sooner than you think, your memories of the 'good times' will bring a smile to your lips and a warm feeling to your heart.

Then it is time to adopt another friend. :D
I am so sad after reading your post. I could not imagine that happening. I think your relationship with Teddy is very similar to the one Obe and I have. My prayers and thoughts to out to you.
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