bad back ends

Well, Finney and I went to the vets yesterday for a check-up.. I have been concerned about his back end, his hips looks really loose lately. He also limps after lying on the hardwood floors.
At first, I was hoping this was just from rough play at doggy daycare, but it isn't any better when he doesn't go.
So our vet (who I love and trust), examined him, and she thinks he definitely has stiffness in the hips and limited extension. She also thought he may have a bulge at the knee, which might be an ACL issue. AND she wasn't sure if there wasn't something spine related, in the lumbrosacral area :( going on. He was started on MSN and glucosamine.
Needless to say, there was a BIG lump in my throat when we left.
We have an appt with an ortho vet in Burlington, they'll call when they have an opening, and do a full work up up there.
MY poor boy, this is too much at a year and half!
Cross your fingers for some good news!
Kim and Finney
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Aw, sheesh. I'm so sorry. After you've done the ortho work-up and depending on what they say, you may want to consider finding a good canine chiropractor. My old lady dog has spondylosis (spinal arthritis) and she swears by hers. In Finney's case, the spinal irregularities your vet senses may just come from compensating for other discomfort.

You're on the right track with the supplements. I also give 1000 mg Ester C x 2 daily - you may want to check with your vet to see if that's something worth considering.

Kristine & Belle :ghug:
Positive thoughts go out to you/Finney. I hope everything turns out ok.
Sending good vibes to you and Finney!
We are sending good thoughts and well wishes your way.

:ghug: :ghug:
Thanks everyone,
The vet's office called and we have an appt for the 15th. The vet sets up his schedule to see the dogs for office visits in the am and then if surgery is needed he does that in the afternoon. Coincidently, it's my birthday, so if Finn was ok that would be the best gift ever!
I got a little panicky thinking this may all happen in one day, but I guess I'll find out where we go from here when Finn has an actual diagnosis.
Good luck to Finn! I hope you get good news.
Kim, we will be thinking about you and Finney and praying for good results.
good luck think positive keep us posted!! been where you are at my boy is the same age and had double elbow surgery it is hard when they are so young
Sending positive vibes your way for a positive diagnosis and treatment!
Good luck to you and Finn with your appt. How hard waiting until the 15th though. :(
I wonder if you have a canine physical theropy place anywhere near you? I was talking with my vet who recommend my hip dysplastic dog, hydrotheropy. Basically they get into a warm pool and get to swim in it working that back end without putting any pressure on it. It is a bit costly but I thought thru the winter that would be a nice workout for Bob. During the summer we just take walks on the flat ground.

Good luck to you, I'll hope for the best. :)
I really hope everything turns out well. That sure would
be a great birthday gift.
Kim, :ghug: and :kiss: to you, especially on your birthday! If your appointment is on your birthday nothing should go wrong then! :kiss:
I hope the news is good. It really is amazing just how much those supplements can make a difference in their mobility. I was shocked how much glucosamine helped Lucy. I hope it has the same effect on Finnigan.
Fingers and paws crossed that everything turns out well. We've had excellent luck with supplements as well.
Hoping for good results! Keep us posted, please.
Just a quick update from our trip to the ortho vet.
First, the vet was absolutely wonderful with Finnigan, and the vet tech said Finn was the nicest sheepdog she had ever met :D
He was such a good boy and I couldn't be more proud of him, he was very generous with his kisses.
The x-rays of his hips and knees were fine (thank God), the problem is in the back at the L7-S1 discs, there is some crowding there, and we are trying a conservative approach to begin with, with the last step being a laminectomy. He is starting a 2 week course of steroids and then we'll reassess. They do do accupunture at the office and the doctor did say that may be an option in the long run.
Considering what I could have found out today, I am breathing a sigh of relief.
OH, BTW, Dog Fancy was in the waiting room, this month's cover........A SHEEPIE!!!
HM!!! Didn't SOMEONE say something about it being SOMEONE's birthday today? :banana:

That sounds like encouraging news.

Happy Birthday, I believe? :wink:

Thanks Kristine :oops:
After 32, they've lost their luster, but Finn not needing surgery is the best gift ever, for me and my mastercard!
Good news about Finnigan and Happy Birthday, Kim!!!
Great news!!!! So glad Finn is okay! Have a very happy birthday Kim and hopefully the next one is going to be cheaper! :wink:
Congrats on the good news and Happy Birthday! :D
Hopefully the steroids help Finn out and tame things down. :D

And, a happy belated birthday! :bdcake:
I hope Finney is feeling better soon. Happy Birthday and remember you are ONLY 32. lol Please keep us updated on your little sheepie boy.
That is great news, have a happy birthday.
I noticed winston seems to be having the same type of issues you stated and I really think its from my new floors i put in my entire downstairs. He can't seem to adjust to them.

Anyone else having issues with laminate flooring and their OES's?
Lizziee wrote:
I noticed winston seems to be having the same type of issues you stated and I really think its from my new floors i put in my entire downstairs. He can't seem to adjust to them.

Anyone else having issues with laminate flooring and their OES's?

Just to eliminate the obvious: are nails cut short and is the hair between the pads (esp. important) trimmed? Sometimes when their paws get excessively "fluffy" underneath, they can't get good traction.

Just a thought.

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