Sheep Dog Growth Rate

I understand that every dog is different but at what monthly age intervals do sheepdogs grow at? Basically I am trying to estimate when our dog Kayla will be full grown. She is 8 months and currently weighs 48-50 lbs. When should she have been through most of her large growth spurt?

Any opinions would be welcomed.

Thank You,

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your best bet is to look at the parents for an estimate, My Sami is 60lbs at a year, was around 50lbs at 9 months. Thet can grow until 18 months is what I was told. Sami takes after her grandmother to the T. Blue, he takes after his father(96lbs) at four months Blue was 43lbs. He is our big boy.
I was always told girls stop growing on their first season, and boys when they cock their leg! Dunno if this is true though!
Boni is 9 months old 67 Lbs and 23 inches. At 4 months he was 40Lbs, 5 months 50 Lbs and recently he only puts on about 2 Lbs/months. His mom is pretty tall at 25 inches, Daddy only 24 inches.
ej wrote:
My Sami is 60lbs at a year, was around 50lbs at 9 months.

8O I wonder how big Boni is going to get! :lol:
Sami is our first big dog always had small (toy poodles)ALWAYS wanted oes forever. And of course you can not stop at one. :roll: So I got Blue and he is growing way faster then Sami, My husband teases me could not have one big dog HAVE to have 2 and he's going to be bigger. :lol: But Blue is his suck gives Dave snuggles and clean his ears drinks his bath water, he loves just as much as me.
We got Kayla from a family who had to move, but they said she would most likely be around 60-65 lbs. She was seen recently by a trainer who works just with Sheepdogs and said she was on the smaller side for her age, but we also saw a full grown 8 year old who weighed 55lbs so who knows.

The biggest I have seen was at the groomers the first time I we had Kayla cut. It was a male who was not yet a year old and weighed over 100lbs. Fully groomed and combed out it was quite a site.

Thank You,

Oliver is 8 months old and weighs 70. He gained about 10 pounds a month, but is slowing down now. His parents were each about 80, so we are looking at about that same weight when he is full grown.
KTB wrote:
I was always told girls stop growing on their first season, and boys when they cock their leg! Dunno if this is true though!

Oh GOD I hope not! Chauncey turned two in Sept. and he still doesn't cock his leg 8O . He does appear to be still growing though 8O
His dad was a big boy.
KTB wrote:
I was always told girls stop growing on their first season, and boys when they cock their leg! Dunno if this is true though!

:oops: ok since English is my second language I'll blame it on that but what does cock their leg mean ????

The mother is 65 lbs and his father is 95lbs. Brutus is 7months now but at 6 months he was 64 lbs
cock their leg means to move their leg in the air to pee instead of squatting.

Around our house we call it hiking their leg. lol :wink:
It really does depend upon so many different factors. I always forget that sheepies come in different sizes until I go to SheepieFest! 8)

Both of our boys tracked about the same.... 25-30 lbs at 3 months, putting on 10 lbs per month until they were almost a year old. Quincy's healthy weight was about 112 lbs, and Oscar looks good at about 105 lbs. My vet told me that big dogs are not considered fully grown and developed until 18 months or so, but they do most of it under a year of age.

Laurie and Oscar
My male OES was full grown by 9 months at 85 lbs. At 4.5 months he was 46 lbs. He is nothing the size of his father who was 125 lbs. Though my sheepdog's brother is 125 lbs. So, you can't always go by what size the parents were.

My first male sheepdog was NOT the runt of the litter and only got 65 lbs.
KTB wrote:
I was always told girls stop growing on their first season, and boys when they cock their leg! Dunno if this is true though!

Bailey is 3 years old, over 100 pounds and still squats to pee. I sure hope he's full grown! :lol:
Mine is just about a year and 90 pounds...still squats too! Hope he's about grown! I only weigh a little more than a hundre myself! :lol:
Ha ha ha! Pepsi is also 3 and has never lifted his leg. I do know he has definitely been done growing for a long time now. He is the same height he was when we rescued him at 10 months old, but about 10 lbs heavier.
Murphy is four months old and weighs 42 - 44 pounds. he goes to vet on tuesday so i will get an accurate weight. Wow i see some are as large as 125 pounds! Eeek! It is a good thing they are gentle dogs! I have always had Shih Tzus. My Shih Tzu is 10 pounds at 3 years.
Obe is now 15 months and has (I think just about full grown) I know he is 25-26 inches, measured at the pet store two weeks ago. His weight I am not sure of. A few months ago he weighed 75lbs he weighed at the vets office. On Thursday we go to get shots and I will know his weight. He did about the same 4 months 40lbs, 5 months 50lbs. He has not gotten to much taller in the last month or so but has started to fill out so I know he weighs more than 75 now. He is the runt but that does not really mean too much, runt at birth can grow to be the largest of the litter. We did see his parents last spring and I can say he is bigger than both. Dad was the biggest of mom and dad and he weighed in at 85lbs.

I Obe does not lift his leg, he is a squatter. I am sure he will grow some more. He did the up, out, up, out growth procedure.
I hope Fetch slows down soon ... he just hit 5 months and he's 65 lbs. ! He's been gaining about 10 lbs. a month so far...
Got Barney as a pup; he gained about 10lbs a month. Now at 3 his is just over 100. Maggie came to me at about 20 months. She is about 90. When you're walking two large OES, the first thing you do is teach them to walk without pulling, or wanting to charge at a passing dog or other distraction! :D (unless you're on rollerblades like Cesar - then make sure the both want to go in the same direction.)
The average OES will grow in height until roughly 15 months although the last 2 - 3 months is minimal, the gain their substance until about 24 months, a my girl is now three years old and is approx 24 inch in height and weighs 68 lbs. :roll:
We are very lucky! Some of you guys have horses! 8O

Allie was the runt of the liter, out of 8 pups...Her mom weighed 65 and we were told the dad was about 70. Most of Allies sibs are now 70-100 pounds! She is 20 months old and only weighs 52pds! I love her size. She stands about 25 inches (if I have measured her right)
Funny, when people see her they say how big she is! The hair makes her look so much bigger....
Yes, I do have horses - literally! :lol: :lol:

Chewie is not that big - 23 1/2 inches at the withers, 63 pounds. He is almost 19 months old.
do you measure from the foot up to the shoulder?
From the floor to the highest part of the shoulder. :D
Max has turned out to be quite a big boy, he is about 110 lbs. and will be 3 years next month. I think most of his growth was complete around 2 years, and he has filled out a little more since. He certainly is not overweight, just a good solid build!

sharon and max
Sami only 60 lbs and I could not think of her crawling on the back of the couch to get to me if she bigger 8O . Blue is going to be bigger BUT he not a couch snuggler.
I heard somewhere (the vet or a book maybe??) that the puppies grow at a rate of about 10lbs a month. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but our puppy is currently growing at that rate. :)
Ok, we weighed George yesterday, and he now tops the scale at 71lbs. He is 25 inches at the withers. And only seven months old!! Me thinks I have a dog from the larger end of the scale.......
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