costs of docking tails?

How much does it cost to have the tails docked, and how soon should it be done?
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leave their tail on, they look beautiful with long tails..
I don't know, but welcome to the forum!

If you will have your vet dock them, call your vet and ask. Asking is probably free!

It is my understanding that they are usually done very shortly after birth before the pain receptors are fully mature, otherwise there are pain killers required.
The docking should be done at two to three days old. Everyone is entitled to their opinion re docking, but why get into a docked breed if you prefer tails? :?:
Your breeder should really have had the tail docked like everyone said at 2-3 days old.

I would not recommend docking any older as the dogs do experience pain associated with it.
jezabellesmom wrote:
How much does it cost to have the tails docked, and how soon should it be done?

I see you are having puppies in 9 days. I would suggest you contact the breeder where you got your bitch and get them involved NOW. Whelping and raising puppies is not for the faint of heart....IF it is to be done right.

We have had tails docked at around 3 days several times. The pups experienced some pain for a 24 hour period. The last litter we had them docked at a vet's recommendation within 24 hours and experienced little to no pain. I would recommend within 24 hours. Pain is much less and healing is so much faster.

Besy of luck with your new litter!

On a side note:

I do not know where you are but it is almost impossible to find a vet who knows how to correctly dock an oes tail and many refuse to dock at all. That's why so many end up with a cocker spaniel type tails. They are also, one of a few breeds that can pull their tail in a joint and do so when being docked. Many vets will not pull that joint out while docking and will refuse to and state that possible nerve damage could occure for their reason. There is nothing worse than a long stump when it come time to groom around it. A long stump also defeats the purpose of a dock for a clear and clean back end.

I would be finding a vet now and not later. Most charge around $10 to $15 a dock on a pup. I use a surgeon and he charges around $40 a dock but the results are usually what I want and I have had zero problems with any type of infections.

I just e-mailed a long-time OES breeder in Eau Claire to see who she uses. I'll PM you the info. You need someone with experience to get it done right. And they are doing them earlier these days. Immediately following birth in some cases if the puppies are born strong and healthy, but that still varies by vet.

Do you have a good vet you can go to in case you need an emergency c-section? Just make sure you won't have to waste any time wondering where to go if your bitch is in serious trouble in the middle of the night and needs help ASAP.

This just upsets me so much. How much pain are they experiencing? How can you monitor a pain level in an animal. The distress it must cause the poor Bitch to have her puppy disfigured and hurt.....sorry rant over
KTB wrote:
This just upsets me so much. How much pain are they experiencing? How can you monitor a pain level in an animal. The distress it must cause the poor Bitch to have her puppy disfigured and hurt.....sorry rant over

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this topic. I guess lucky for you that the UK has established a ban on docking, or you would have a dog right now without a tail, if it came from a reputable breeder.

Nobody said tail docking does not cause pain. The degree of pain is extremely lessened if it is done the first couple of days as they are born, while their nerve endings are not fully developed. Neutering and spaying also causes pain.
Excuse my naivete, or perhaps just being ignorant about this. I thought OES were "natual" bobtails with only the occasional long tail....but this thread sounds like the opposite is true. Somebody straighten me out, please! Glad I don't have to make this decision. Sadie has a beautiful, appears to be natural bobtail.
When my Boxer pups were born 12 years ago (emergency c-section, she had natural birth with the first 3 pups and c-section for the last 3) I was told to return in 3 days for tail docking and dew claw removal. I witnessed the tail docking on all 6 pups. They yelped when the Dr clamped the tail, but seemed to have no reaction to the actual tocking and the stitches. Seemed pretty painless...except for the clamping.
Mophead wrote:
Excuse my naivete, or perhaps just being ignorant about this. I thought OES were "natual" bobtails with only the occasional long tail....but this thread sounds like the opposite is true. Somebody straighten me out, please! Glad I don't have to make this decision. Sadie has a beautiful, appears to be natural bobtail.

Nope! They are born with tails. ..
I have had 2 natural born 'bob tails" in past litters. This last litter I had one little (hah) boy that had a kinked tail like a bulldog.
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