So what do you women know about labor/delivery (TMI)

Does it get worse each time?
generally labor shorter?
is it true kids tend to be larger after each one?
if my first kid never cried as a baby, does this mean this one will leave me sleepless? :lol:

I'm getting so scared. I'm 27-28 weeks, but all the memories of the first are coming back. Too painful. Labor is so scary.

I hear contractions are hell after each additional kid (when the uterus shrinks back down after you've given birth). If so, I'm so in trouble. For my first, I was in so much pain when I would feel it shrinking when I breastfed.

My cervix feels so swollen right now, I want to cry. I think it's my cervix. It's just extreme pressure. Equivalent to if a man got kicked there. I dread getting up if I've sat down for even 5 minutes. 1000x worse if I've been sleeping. Nurse said it's because my uterus is weaker this time around so hangs lower, pushing on my cervix. ...or something like that.
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I am sorry I cant give you any answers ~ but at least you are almost there !!!! :D

I can not believe you are 28 weeks already . This is sooooooo exciting.
Could it be that you feel your Cervix hurting cause you are so small framed? :lmt:
From your last picture it looks like you got a lot of baby in there 8O

My daughter seen the picture when you first posted it and looked at me and said " See ma now that looks like it has got to hurt, that's why I want to adopt" ..... LOL :roll:

Well, I hope you start to feel better ........

glad someone else is worring about another birth im 17 weeks now and after the problems with the last im worried but all babes have been within a few ounces of birth weight
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotsheep's daughter is also pregnant and around the same week as you, I believe. Please don't forget to update us with pics!

Like Bandaa said, I'm so afraid this one will be HUGE
I have no idea Jo.. the only advice i can give you, is take any and all the drugs they offer you!!
Never having been there, I agree with Darcy. :D
Each one is different, I don't believe at all that subsequent labors follow an easier/harder trend - they're unique. I think contractions with my first were much worse than the contractions with my third.

Look at it this way - you've been through it once, so you know what to expect. It'll be ok....:)
Joahaeyo wrote:
Like Bandaa said, I'm so afraid this one will be HUGE

If your baby is too big, would you be opposed to a c-section? Maybe that would ease your worries a little?
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
Joahaeyo wrote:
Like Bandaa said, I'm so afraid this one will be HUGE

If your baby is too big, would you be opposed to a c-section? Maybe that would ease your worries a little?

NO!! Oh goodness... :lol: After realizing I can't push a big sucker out and have already gone through hell, knowing I then have the pains of a c-section to deal with after I've given birth? ........just saying. ;)

I could NOT push J out, and he was 6lbs. That's why I'm concerned.


I honestly think "not knowing" what to expect is easier than knowing. There's nothing more aggravating than hearing "1 more pushhhhhh..." after every push and you've already been pushing forever.

Then when they used the vacuum because I said I QUIT!!!!!! felt like my organs were being pulled from inside. I stayed curled in a ball as everyone else enjoyed our new son. I was in NO rush to hold my son. I just wanted a few minutes to myself to prepare myself for the next round (afterbirth).
My friend who just had baby #2 had a C-section and had her 3 weeks early (planned) because she was going to be big ( the dad is 6'7 or 6'8 ) and they were guessing the baby at 34 weeks or whenever they decided on the c-Section would weigh 9+ pounds if left until she came on her own.

Will your doctors do something like that? See that you are going to have a gigantic baby (for you) and declare that it'll be induced or c-section?
Yeah, that's what I mean about a c-section. Women can have their babies naturally only up to a certain weight, right? After 10lbs+ or so, do you even have a choice anymore?

I just meant that you don't have to worry about pushing out a 14lb baby or anything. And everyone that I know that had a c-section make labor sound like a breeze.
I'm pregnant with #2 but I'm only at 13 weeks so I haven't given a whole lot of thought to labor and delivery just yet....just trying to get through morning sickness at this point!! I can say that I had a c-section with Allie and it really wasn't that bad. After seeing the c-section in the birthing class I wanted no part of it but when the time came and after 12 hours of labor with a baby that just wasn't cooperating I was no longer concerned. I'm pretty much a wimp when it comes to pain and honestly the c-section wasn't that big of a deal.

Now my issue is going to be whether I have a repeat c-section or a doctor is open to either. I think it would be easier if she had a strict opinion on what was best!! :)
Not from personal experience, but mother was a delivery room and neonatal nurse. She said second births are usually quicker as the body "knows what to do." Meaning things may happen a lot faster than you remember. That said, it might be over quicker. Delivery depends as much on your health:physcial strength and condition as well as baby size, baby health. I know you are ready for this all to be over, but you have up to 8 more weeks.......groan. I assume you are staying in bed as much as you can with a little one and 2 dogs, keeping stress off your cervix (and bladder) but probably unable to breath from pressure up underneath.

Finally, if you ever feel something is not quite right, don't delay, seek a doctor immediately.
I think she has up to 12 more weeks!

I had 2 friends who had C-sections recently. The one who I mentioned before. She regrets it. She felt that the doctors pushed her to have the c-section. She recovered pretty quickly, but just felt like she would have rather done it the other way again.

My other friend had her first regularly and the 2nd c-section. She wasn't really a fan of the c-section either...

But, lots of people prefer them and actually choose to have them, without even needing to (I don't see why you'd want to!)

I'm scared because my doctor told me I have one of the smallest pelvises he's even seen 8O
You should be scared then. Bwhahahahahhahahahaa... :twisted:
My mother said the pain from her 4th go at childbirth was a walk in the park compared to raising me.

Hard to believe, but I guess I was a handful. :roll:
I agree with Tammy and Darcy----

Drugs- Drugs and more Drugs. :)
Abuckie wrote:
I agree with Tammy and Darcy----

Drugs- Drugs and more Drugs. :)

Ditto. I want my epidural to start the week before I go into labor!
Ron wrote:
My mother said the pain from her 4th go at childbirth was a walk in the park compared to raising me.

Hard to believe, but I guess I was a handful. :roll:

My mom is trying to convince me that 2 is enough, and if I think 1 is hard to raise... I'm in for a real treat with 2. It's not that I don't think 2 is enough, but I can't be making promises.

Ditto. I want my epidural to start the week before I go into labor!

I tried so hard to tell the person giving me the epidural that I have a history of medicines not working/being strong enough just to get a stronger dose. I'm guessing he hears that a lot. :lol:
Joahaeyo wrote:
My mom is trying to convince me that 2 is enough, and if I think 1 is hard to raise... I'm in for a real treat with 2. It's not that I don't think 2 is enough, but I can't be making promises.

Ooh, how many do you want?? I think 3 would be perfect. :D I have friends who honestly want 5!! 8O :lol:

(My mother was one of 12, if you can believe it!!)
I can't give you an answer because I did not go into labor with Hayley.
But she was out 1/2 hr after I walked into the hospital :wink:

Hayley was breech and we tried to turn her (a procedure called a External cephalic version). Dr didn't want me to go into labor with her, unless he could turn her first. When her heartbeat dropped while the Dr tried to turn her, we got taken in for a c-section.

Ryan was natural, 8 hrs, 2 epiderals... yes 2! Dumb ex-husband knocked out the line the first go around and the second didn't help one bit.
I was only in labor 8 hrs with 45 of those minutes pushing. Not bad I guess... compare to some. I've alway heard it gets easier with each subsequent birth. But can't actually say. :?
As a rule, the labors are shorter after the 1st one (as I sit up in OB land typing this - i was floated up to the Women's Center tonight!).

Your body has already stretched and had a baby, so it goes faster. Kindof like how you show faster with 2nd one.

I'm not a good one to talk to about pain meds. the girls were high risk preemies, and they flat out told me - little or no pain meds. i got a injection once, but that was it. Thankfully they were 2 small babies, so they came out fine. But, i had horrible back labor leading up to delivery. It was a relief to push.
With Travis i fell asleep (in the hospital bed) and woke up to my water breaking and him crowning. They made me wait, but he still was out in a matter of minutes. NO pain meds that time. 8O The nurses told me I could come back and have as many babies as I wanted! :lol:

Congrats murphy'smom on the pregnancy. Leanne (and Keith) are about 20 weeks now (I think)... nausea has Finally passed!
okay i guess i need to start checking in the list daily now........
I'll fess up........ I have 27 years Labor and Delivery Nurse experience........

Your going to do fine. Just remember to BREATH!!! THAT is the key.... your body will do all the rest of the work for you. But you have to relax and breath! Do you have someone going with you as a labor coach? A doula??? (done that one too).

Second and subsequant labors are much shorter and faster. IF you can do it without any meds, it is better for both you and the baby....... but, an epidural is the way to go if you can't.

When is your due date??? I'll try to be around........

Huggs to you and sweetie you will do just fine.......... Babies come......

I'll never forget the woman that stood up on the delivery table and was kicking and screaming "I"M NOT DOING THIS ANYMORE" Cmdr. Lopez and I looked at each other and stood back and said Okay, about that time she had another pain, laid back down on the table and 5 pushes later out she had a beautiful baby!
A cute true story................

When my daughter, Joey, was pregnant..she was determined to do it all naturally.............ALL...........

Well, the labor went on and on............15 hours later and "Haley" just wasn't cooperating.

My poor daughter was exhausted from the pain so the doctor suggested she may want the epidural, she agreed.

As the doctor and nurse were beginning the procedure, my oldest began to cry. The nurse asked her if she was having worse pain, as she had not cried through the whole labor at that point.

My daughter turned to the nurse, and with tears in her eyes, said............"I really wanted to have natural child birth."...

The nurse, without missing a beat said............."Honey.....YOU have NO MAKEUP on................ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

She ended up having a C section...Haley was over 8 lbs and her head was stuck in Joey's pelvis...................
sheepieshake, lol ...tooo cute! I love it!!! I want to shower before I go into labor and delivery which is what I did last time. Made me feel SO good afterwards b/c I didn't have someone rushing me to shower. Instead I relaxed w/baby.

Ali, I'm due the end of Jan. Technically Feb 1st, but really.... I'm SO not going to wait that long. I had a discussion w/baby, and he understands...

I don't have a doula. I did have a Colonel come in my last time and say "you're going to go fast" (my total labor from 1st contraction at home was 5 hrs. 30 minutes of it was delivery). She then told me I had to have it standing up and FORCED ME to stand up. I was so scared and confused, I did, but wanted to punch her. I had NO interest in having a baby standing up and watching myself spill "whatever" on the floor. I was NOT more comfortable like she promised due to my frame. the second she left, I laid back down on the bed. I also had no interest in the mirror they offered me so I could look while I pushed. I'm too busy concentrating on pushing!!!!!

Last night was SO miserable. I want a pelvic exam done so bad because I feel like the baby is going to come sooner than later from all this pain. No contractions, fever, or bleeding, so I have no reason to sweat ....but the pressure has seriously gotten to a point that I can't walk w/o moaning. Maybe that's why I was told to stay in bed. ;) I know it's just my cervix muscle being sore/swollen, but I soooooooooooooooooo didn't have this before. I dread getting up for ANYTHING. I may ask at my next appt on the 8th. Normally they don't do one until 36 wks, I think.


I am really surprised by the pain because it's not like I'm "getting some" with Mr. J gone. So there's no one here helping my cervix smooth out (ripen).
I don't think there are any hard and fast rules. Each pregnancy is different. As a general rule labor is short for subsequent deliveries because the "area" is already stretched. That being said my first delivery was my biggest baby and my shortest delivery.

I know of many women who have had very different experiences with each child.

I had 100% nautral childbirth with all my deliveries and it was easy breezy. But every person is different and every delivery is different so you need to do what works for you.
My MIL had both her kids naturally and that's what my husband, the DOCTOR wants...I say, good for her, bad for me! Give me drugs! :D
Take it from a person with 5 :-) My third was the most painful back labor YUK. But other than that my 4th just flew out "my husbands words" my first was really the worst as far as lenth of labor. 2nd was the biggest and 5th was easiest lol would go into details but i'm at work !!
barney1 wrote:
My MIL had both her kids naturally and that's what my husband, the DOCTOR wants...I say, good for her, bad for me! Give me drugs! :D

Dont let anyone make you feel guilty for not doing natural...drugs ARE perfectly is my statistical logic

God made man smart + man made good drugs(no pain x long labor)-doctor husband((male)never will have kids) = Drugs are good, perfectly acceptable means to a happy ending
Joahaeyo wrote:
You should be scared then. Bwhahahahahhahahahaa... :twisted:

We are planning to start having babies in the next couple of years.... :roll: You guys make it sound REALLY scary! :lol:
That's cause I never liked people telling me it was a breeze b/c by no means was it for me, and again... I had what others consider a short labor. It is definitely a 10+ on the pain level like people warned me. :twisted:

While the epidural helped sooooooooooooo much, it by no means took away everything. Some women say it did for them. Hopefully that's you :) I still had really bad cramps and pushing a melon out of ...well "there" is not an easy task.
I had 4......first one was induced.....doc made me push too soon....of course I had the epidural.,..barely took the edge off for me....I seem to be drug daughter got stuck...the doc asked if it was ok if she used forceps...I didnt care what the heck she used...get this kid OUT! Second one was worse...doc wanted to go to bed...didnt want to be woken with the birth of my she had me push WAY too early...they ended up using the vacuum thingy....third child...I had MY own doc this time...she said get some sleep...I will do the same and call me when you are ready....the nurse came the check on me...the kid was already coming out....I didnt feel a thing with that one, except as soon as she was out I started vomiting...not fun...the fourth was the same as the second...needed the vacuum thingy again.....again the doc had me push too early....
All 4 had to be induced....due to high BP and with the last one I had toxemia....I also am a carrier for group B strep....found that one out with the first one. So as soon as I would walk into L&D ward...I would say....get my epidural ready and my antibiotics... :wink:
This does all sound scary. I am actually terrified at the thought of the actual "in labor" part. I am really petite and small framed and I just can't imagine trying to get a baby out! I don't even like the annual exam down there. It hurts!! :(

Maybe we should look into getting babies delivered by stork?
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
This does all sound scary. I am actually terrified at the thought of the actual "in labor" part. I am really petite and small framed and I just can't imagine trying to get a baby out! I don't even like the annual exam down there. It hurts!! :(

Maybe we should look into getting babies delivered by stork?

Ooh, I like the stork idea!

I haven't even started thinking about the 'end' yet 8O

I'm small too (5'3" and 111lbs) so it'll be interesting, although my mom wasn't much bigger and she had small babies and was fine (I was 5lbs, my brother was 5.10lbs and younger bro was a whopping 7lbs) hopefully I'll just have small ones...
I'm with Darcy and Tammy--

Drugs- Drugs- and more Drugs!
barney1 wrote:
1st Time OES Mommy wrote:
This does all sound scary. I am actually terrified at the thought of the actual "in labor" part. I am really petite and small framed and I just can't imagine trying to get a baby out! I don't even like the annual exam down there. It hurts!! :(

Maybe we should look into getting babies delivered by stork?

Ooh, I like the stork idea!

I haven't even started thinking about the 'end' yet 8O

I'm small too (5'3" and 111lbs) so it'll be interesting, although my mom wasn't much bigger and she had small babies and was fine (I was 5lbs, my brother was 5.10lbs and younger bro was a whopping 7lbs) hopefully I'll just have small ones...

When I had my babies I was 5' and 100lbs my first was 7lbs 11oz 4 hrs of labor, second 8lbs 12 1/2oz 3 1/2 hrs of labor last was 8lbs 6oz.(9 yrs later) 6hrs of labor. I was always the talk of the ward as the little lady that had the big babies. lol No drugs on the last delivary. I always felt my labors where short because i used to walk alot expecially the last 6 wks of the pregnancy.

Good Luck!
Hi Jo,

Just wanted to say if you can avoid a c-section do it. The recovery is long and can be difficult, esp if you get infected near the incision. They cut all your stomach muscles to get to the uterus...from a surgery point of view you feel nothing. But from a recovery point, it hurts alot. You can barely walk, not allowed to lift...this includes Lil J...only thing you can do is hold the baby. It puts alot of work on hubby to look after the laundry, vaccumming, the other child...and you are not allowed to drive for 6 weeks. Sounds like fun, but really once you are told not to do something it makes it really hard to comply.

Going to the bathroom is the worst, walking up stairs, and down is have no stomach muscles to help you with the most basic things. It is very frustrating.

I am doing well, 15 weeks, twins are doing good since last check-up...PM if you want.

Bev :)
Bev, congrats on the twins!
I don't know...I went to dinner with my friend who just had baby #2 last month this past weekend. #1 was vaginal, #2 was c-section. She said that now, 2 months later looking back, she might actually choose the c-section over the other way. She said that while the c-section sucked, really really sucked, for the first week, after that it wasn't so bad and the recovery was really fast. Whereas with the vaginal, the pain and side effects lingered on for weeks.

I'm sure it's different for everyone, but it was interesting that she said this about her c-section.
okay guys, call me Pollyanna if you want but i b'lize that we need to turn this topic to happier thoughts.......... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :banana: :banana: :banana:

In my childbirth classes I taught the #1 rule was a) dont tell horror stories, and b) don;t LISTEN TO THEM 8O

think of it this way........... there is a room with a file cabinet upstairs in the brain and a little professor that works in that room :pupeyes:
Once labor starts, this little professor goes to that filecabinet and starts pulling out memories of things people have been saying all this time. :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch: :twitch:

So we want a good steady healthy fast labor let's cheer her on instead............. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Ali wrote:
In my childbirth classes I taught the #1 rule was a) dont tell horror stories, and b) don;t LISTEN TO THEM 8O
Men have a version of this same rule... relating to being married.

If these rules did not exist, there would be no marriages and no babies.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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