jumping up on furniture

We have a 81/2 month old OES named Leo. We have tried to get him from jumping on the furniture and kitchen counter and there is no hope he always seems to find his way onto some piece of furniture. We also have a 10 month old baby and my attention 99% of the time needs to be on her.
If there is anyone out there with young children and an OES please give some advise on handling my problem. We have tried everything from taking things of that may be getting his attention to just yelling at him to get off. We also got a big pillow for him to go on so that he won't jump on the furniture.
We are the end of our rope with and comtemplated finding another home for were he may be able to get all the attention he really needs and get 100% percent.
There are other issues with him as well but write now this is our frustration. Please help us with and suggestions that we can utilize to try and minimize this problem of ours. Thank You.

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Hi Pamela

I am so sorry about your frustration. It sounds like you have your hands full right now with your baby girl and Leo. I have an 18 month old and 15 month old sheepie and can imagine how much energy your 8 month has. My best advice would be to crate train and unless you or another member of your family can be supervising him, he has to either stay in the crate or a confined room. I would attach a leash so that when he is doing any behavior that you don't like you can disipline him easier. He is entering the rebellious stage that doesn't last a very long time (at least with mine it didn't) but, you have to stay consistant. I was lucky to be a full-time mom with the kids being a little older and it has been fairly easy to keep the pups in line. Most of the time anyway. LOL :wink:
I hope that you can find a solution that works for your family. Stick around here, there are wonderful people that can give lots of great advice to you. AND Welcome to the forum, we look forward to hearing more about you, Leo, and your family.
Good luck to you. Stormi and co.

This is often a problem when trying to raise a young child and a young OES. Not enough time for both! :cry: This is the #1 reason OES end up in Rescue.

Your puppy is looking for attention - of any kind - negative or positive - he will take it! Scolding him for jumping on the furniture counts as attention.

If possible, I would suggest enrolling your puppy in an obedience class ASAP (positive reinforcement only). I don't know how much free time you have right now - but an hour per week would make a big difference.

Please hang in there! Contact your OES REscue in your area - they will be able to help you - either with providing a resource for training, etc. - or helping find a new home if that's what you decide has to happen.

Best of Luck!
I agree with other posts, training if at all possible is the best way to go. I know how exhausting it is to have pets and babies, my kids are 2 years apart, and as crazy as I am, when my daughter was 4, my oldest son was 2, and I had a newborn, I fostered a pregnant springer spaniel who had been abandoned at the same time! I was so overwhelmed, and by the time those puppies were old enough to go I was on the phone with the other rescue organizer bawling my eyes out saying "All I do is clean up poo! Baby poo, puppy poo, dog poo, more poo!" I must have sounded like an idiot, but hey... LOL
If you tough it out and give that puppy as much time as you can, the rewards of a well behaved dog who loves your and your family more than you can imagine are well worth the effort. However, if you cannot, then please make sure this boy ends up in an experienced, knowledgeable, loving home, and the best way to do that is through an oes rescue. Good luck! Please let us know how it goes, and welcome to the forum! :)
Pamela, how are things going? :)
Just something else to try. We just spent a couple of weeks with some friends and they put tinfoil down on the sofa so the big guy wouldn't jump up. He didn't like the smell or the sound of the foil.
Cooper loves to jump up on our couch, so we've been putting cookie sheets with metal utensils (ladel, grater, tongs... non-sharp items) perched on the edge of the couch so that if he jumps up he'll knock them off making quite the racket. It's a good way of "distance training" him so that the couch just "explodes" if he jumps up, and we don't have a direct hand in disciplining him.

The only problem is that it looks like he's too smart for it. Now he'll only try to jump up when he sees that that cookie sheets aren't there. I've found that if I'm watching him and shout "NO" or his name right before he's about to lunge up on the couch, he'll stop and turn around. Again, though, if I'm not constantly watching him, he'll jump up when he knows I have my back turned.

Does anyone else have other ideas? The cookie sheets work, but I don't want to have cookie sheets on the couch forever...
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