Whine? Vent? Whine? Vent? Whine!!!!!! (long)

October needs to be over soon. I can't take much more. The month so far: We lost Abby our lab/alien suddenly. We don't know yet what made her so sick. The vet wants to talk to the pathologist again about the test results.
We got Isabella a 9 week old Newfoundland who is a riot. Took the new puppy and Hannah in for check ups and Hannah's shots. A couple days later I took Ivyrose and Zumi for their check up and shots. A week later Hannah and Zumi were both spayed. I had them done at the same time so hopefully they would be calm together during the recovery. Not so much, No. Zumi did great even though she never even thought about slowing down. Hannah got some swelling at the incision site and started licking it. Soon she had a wide red area on either side of the incision that looked awful. Trip back to the vet. The stitches were removed we started her on an antibiotics and put her in an Eliabethan collar. She didn't try to get it off, which surprised me, but she sure learned how to use it as a weapon. We still have bruises where she would bash us with it. I finally took it off after a couple days out of self defense.
On the 21st I totaled my car a block from the house, on the way to work. I was not hurt! But the car was a goner because it rolled over up against a utility pole and crushed the roof through the back door.
That brings us up to last Tuesday when as you all know Katie crossed the rainbow bridge.
Ok now, for the last couple of days Hannah (aka Drama Queen) has yelped several times and we have not been able to determine the cause. So my sister called me at work this morning and said she was taking her to the emergency vet in town. Well, having already had about all the fun I can stand in one month, this was not what I wanted to hear. But I knew Hannah needed to be seen today.
My sister just called from the em. vet. Hannah has an ear infection. Wheeeeeeeew. That we can handle.
For all that has gone on this this month I still feel blessed. I may whine, but I am thankful for all the furkids and extremly thankful I was not hurt last Sunday. My sister is a jewel and we both love the girls. We were both thankful I was alone when I wrecked the car and that none of the babies were riding with me. I am also thankful to all of you on the forum for the love and prayers for us and Katie this last week.
November is going to be a great month, Right?
Everybody take care and give your fur kids a big hug and kiss.
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November will be a fantastic month I am sure you have had all the grief that you should have, and you must be a really strong person to carry on.
I am glad you werent hurt in the crash, and as you said thank God none of your babies were in the car with you.

Love and hugs to you and yours. Sue, Tilly and Summer....
(ps I have had a rotten 18 months but things can only get better :? )
oh my!!! what a bad time for you. I am sure next month will be better :D

It alwats seems to happen in 3's but you have doubled that :cry:

I will pray for you that things get better. :)
I am very sorry about all the terrible things that have happened this month and the loss of your two babies. :ghug:
I pray things get better for you. I hope Hannah's ear infection clears up quickly.
So sorry what you had to go through, sounds like you paid for your vets x'mas. :cry:
Wow what a tough time you are having.

Things should get easier!

Thank God you weren't totalled like your car was, it must have been a violent accident to roll the car over.
I am sorry you have been going through this diffecult month...wow! I hope things get better. My mother used to always tell me there is a beginning and an end to everything. I was always wondering when was the end. I hope November brings you much luck!
I wish I knew the right words to say to bring you some comfort.

It doesn't seem fair that you had to endure such a difficult month with more than your fair share of woes. Some things are beyond our realm to change and the only thing we can do is change our attitude towards it.

You did that in one of your last paragraphs..started thinking of the positives, sometimes people have it worse, or the situation could have been worse..that sort of thing. They say what doesn't kill yah only makes you stronger. Not that it helps, but it's only in retrospect can we see we survived a horrible situation or situations in your case and be able to look back someday in awe as to how we managed to survive it all.

You handled each situation step by step and to me that makes you strong. Being human you need to rant and we're all here to support and listen to you. Sending you hugs and warm thoughts.

No, it hasn't been a good month for you. May November be better. What's this a Newf and a Pyr and a sheepdog....and a lab.......can I come live with you?? I want pictures.......after everyone is healed up.
:cry: Oh, I am so sorry to hear this! November is going to be better, December is going to be much better and 2008 will be wonderful! :D
November is lookin' up!!!!!!! Wishing you a much better month for the next go-around.

Laurie and Oscar
Oh my! I'm so sorry you've had a bad month. I feel that your November will be looking up!
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