I am so furious right now.As soon as I walk through the door and open go into the bedroom, he jumps up on the bed and pees.We talk Cosmo out alot but he still manages to pee inside.I have not taken him to any classes,yet.What can I do to stop this?He knows when I get mad but he just goes too far sometimes. :x
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We had Jack pee on Ashlan's bed quite a few months ago. We didn't know what he could have been thinking, but we washed in natures miracle and kept him out of her room for a few days and no more accidents from him.
His he neutered?...maybe it could be marking?
I wish you and Cosmo luck. (I love his name! :wink: )
Stormi and co.
No, he is not nuetered.He gets real crazy when he sees me or my wife when we get home.I leave the tv,fans and a/c on for him during the day.Today, he saw one of our friends and got so happy he peed.What could be wrong?
Well, I would say it could be marking since he is not neutered. Mine male has never done that, so I can't say it would for sure it would be for Cosmo. Jack used to pee when he got excited, he stopped around 10 months old. Annabelle can STILL tinkle a few spots when she see's my stepdad, she loves him so much that she just can't seem to help herself. LOL
How old is Cosmo? When they were younger we took up water at 9:00pm and they went out at 11pm. They are over a year old now and can have water down all the time now.
Does he seem to only pee on the bed or other places too? If it is only the bed, maybe you could keep him out of the room for awhile until this problem gets solved?
Also crating him or confining him to a small room can do wonders. Plenty of toys and chew toys might keep him clean until you get home. Is there anyway you could have family or friends come during the day to get an extra run and potty break in?
I do wish you well, I can imagine the frustration. Hang in there, you will get lots more advice and help. It seems the forum is slower on weekends and speeds up with the beginning of the week.
Please keep us updated. :wink:
Stormi and co.
There is submission peeing in puppies and adults. The puppy submission is like what happened when he saw your's partly being a puppy and not fully developed and part trying to find his place in the pack. The adult submission is mostly emotional. There is also "pissed off" peeing: "Where have you been??? I'm going to your most precious spot and letting you know how I feel!! "

We can't be certain yet exactly what he was trying to tell you: "I'm so happy you are home I can't contain myself" or "Hey, I want you with me."

Sounds like puppy needs to be confined to a crate or room while you are gone and immediately "drained" when you get home. No stopping to change clothes, puppie bladders come first.

Once you are changed, it's time for a longer walk and play letting the puppy know how happy you are to be home with him.

The submissive peeing, well, have puppy meet new people outside if possible or at least over hard floors with a mop handy. Also, buy Nature's Miracle in the gallon size.......sounds like you'll need it for awhile :lol:
This could be a case of separation anxiety, and the reason your doggie is peeing in your bed is to get attention from you... Even negative attention is attention!

how old is Cosmo? He could be going into adolescence and trying to test you on how far can he go.

See my post on separation anxiety , that may help dealing with the dog being hyper when you get home.

One last thing, submissing urination is emotional, so DO NOT SCOLD YOUR DOG, or the problem will get bigger. It is usually associated with insecurity or overexitement. Once your dog feels more secure about you leaving the house and meeting people, it will dissapear.
Chelsea peed on our bed twice and both times it was my fault for not letting her outside before I went running up to change clothes. Once she peed on her own bed becuase she was mad at me for telling her to get down off of my bed, she jumped down and walked over to her pillow bed on the floor and just peed, looking at me the whole time. We kept her off of our bed for a few weeks until we felt we could trust her. Good luck!

Sheepieboss, I also buy a lot of Nature's Miracle. I actually use it just to wash floors on a regular basis now because it cleans really well too. Dancer and Sky are both pretty much housetrained now, although they will have accidents in the evenings if we don't get them out on time or get busy with something, totally our fault. I also use Nature's Miracle to clean the litterboxes and wash the floor around the litterboxes to eliminate any invisible scented footprints, as well as the guinea pig pen.
If you smell it up close, it almost smells like it has rubbing alcohol in it? I thought about that a lot when I was trying to get Dancer housetrained, and one day I was out of it and used rubbing alcohol to clean a pee spot. Do you think that is part of what makes it work? Or just a coincidence? I know it is the enzymes that take away the odor etc .... but I wonder if using just rubbing alcohol would clean pee odor even better for those who are still housetraining?
Just thinking out loud....
he is almost 7 months now and over 50lbs.I love him to death.After he eats he needs to go outside immed. or else.He likes to tug on our clothes and follows us around the house all day.He only jumps up on the bed when my wife is in it or we leave the fan on and we leave.
A trainer once told me to use vinegar & water to wash away a pee spot...hmmm :idea: I do use the Miracle with great success!
About a month after we adopted Cassie, our Border Schnauzer peed on Cassie's comforter...where she sleeps next to our bed...he looked right at me while he did it if to say...I've had enough of her momma :evil: But he has gotten over it & they are good buds!
Jealous type, hu? :D

I have used the vinegar remedy, but I mixed 3 parts of club soda in one of vinegar, and the stink and stain of urine goes away without any hassle.
This mixture has worked wonder fur us, along with the Arm & Hammer Pet Products.
Hmmm...I like that recipe...usually have those ingredients :lol:
Training and Neutering! Your dealing with a pre-pubescent teenager!
Sheepieboss had some great ideas too - submissive peeing could be the cause. :?: Either way, I would recommend training - positive reinforcement only! I would strongly encourage neutering too - because these behaviors will get worse as he matures.

Oh yes, Neutering is super recommended! Lennon stopped enjoying going out to the park, all he did was pee on every tree he saw and picked fights with our neighbor's husky by the time his adolescence kicked in.

After neutering, Lennon is a completely different dog, plays with the dogs he encounters, enjoys the walks, does not mark much and is very easy to handle.
Yes, Cosmo likes to mess with other dogs and anything that moves.Their are times he gets out of control and even tries to bite me.I know he is playing, but tugging on our clothes and trying to bite our hands is a bit much at times.I would love for him to have some kids , is nueturing the only way?He is chewing on everything and restless.
Okay, when I first read this post, I was like that is strange, but low and behold, Max peed on my guest bed over the weekend! He has not peed in the house in many months, so I was very surprised. I think it may have been for attention though. I have been gone for the past 2 weekends and busy during the week, and when I am home he is very clingy and wants to lay on me all the time. When I am on the couch, I am pushed in the corner becasue he continues to get closer and closer. He also may have pee'd on there, because the friend that was watching him, had his dog in there too. I hope he doesn't continue to do this though, what a mess to clean up!
hey everyone, just wanted to drop a line about my problems and see what you all think.

i rarely post here becuase amelia is such a good girl and it is not often that i find myself upset by her behavior. unfortunately i have learned that my baby might have a bed wetting problem too.

amelia NEVER ad accidents in the house, she left those habbits back in her young puppy days. She just turned three in late january and is altogether a very wonderful dog. She will wait for me as long as it takes to go outside and do her buisness, but as soon as i see he waiting at the door, its out she goes.. Last night we went up to bed and she jumped up on my bed as i went to the bathroom before climbing into my bed and feeling wet sheets!!!! my worst nightmare! i removed my sheets and cleaned up the mess using ODO-BAN stain remover, works wonders for pet messes of any sort!. and we went to bed

i just woke up now at 5am to another surprise, this time bigger! and on the new sheets i had to put down. so im running out of sheets and patience for my little one.

shes outback now althought she probably has nothing left to drain. the only thing i can think of is my boyfriend has been staying over lately and maybe she could be jealous? im not sure becuase she still sleeps in the bed with us and seems to adore him. so any ideas are welcomed.
Have her checked out by a vet to rule out a possible UTI, take a urine sample when you go.

Sounds like it might be that, if she has been happy when the BF stays previously and this has just started the other night and morning. :wink:

Does not sound like it is a bahvioural problem sounds more medical. :wink:
Dutch who will be 3 in October ( spayed at 6 months) and once she learned to go outside is a very clean girl started doing this along with peeing on different things when she lay down, after a pee sample showed she had no infections the vet put her on Propalin to strengthen the opening of the bladder (I think thats what it was , technicaly challenged here :oops:)
Started at 3x daily now down to 2x daily an all is dry :lol: , next month 1x daily and then if all keeps going well will try her with no meds
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