The Old Soul

"The Old Soul" is how my former Marmalade cat was referred to by many who knew him. He was adopted from a shelter within minutes of being euthenized many years ago.

At that time this particular shelter had all the cats in a communal room and I visited daily in search for a cat that had gone missing from my home. The particular cat I was searching for was extremely shy and I knew she wouldn't go to anyone so I stopped at the shelter everyday for six months in hopes she would one day turn up. It was then I noticed Oscar, although he didn't have a name at the time - just an number.

Oscar, was unobtrusive and although he would look up at me, he never sought attention but appeared to be looking at me with wise eyes. Week 3 one of the shelter staff placed him in a kennel and I remarked "ah he finally is getting a home". He stared at me and didn't respond and walked down the hallway with Oscar. "Wait I shouted!", knowing what was at the end of that hallway.

It's not how one should choose a pet but I was there and couldn't live with myself if I had just stood by. I showed up at my then boyfriends parents house for dinner with a cat in tow.

At the time I was in university, supporting a young son and living in a no pet allowed townhouse. Admitedly I had snuck the previous cat in, as she ran and hid the moment she heard anyone's voice. Not so with this boy, he jumped out my open bedroom window one night, up on the roof and into the manager's townhouse behind me...right on his wife's stomach in the middle of the night. I awoke to her screams and heard "(&(&^(* whose cat is this? The ruse was up.

The manager and his wife really liked me and I think were a bit suprised when they said I'm afraid you have to get rid of the cat and I chose to move instead. This time in a pet allowed place. Ironically my very shy kitty returned after six months...skinnier and even shyer. These two lived together for 19 years. I had Oscar for 21 years ..not even sure how old he was when he passed three years ago as he was already an adult when I adopted him.

For 20 years Oscar never messed in the house, didn't climb on furniture and would sit at my feet and tap me gently with his paw as if saying "excuse me, hate to bother you but may I have a pat?". Only in the last year of his life could I coax him to climb up on the couch or bed. The last night of his life, I laid beside him on my bed and he reached over with his paw and placed it into my hand. We stayed like that for hours until it was time to take him to the vet and say our goodbyes. I still grieve when I think of him.

Now this foster boy I have in my home has the same spirit, same personality, same gentleness as my Oscar. This one who had taken care of the sick little kittens, who ate a few bites while they watched and then backed away when they approached the food dish. He only would eat after they finished the much needed food as their noses were so stuffed I had to force feed them for days. He touched the head of the adult female who was so ill she was unable to even lift her head. Although she hissed at him he sat quietly by her side. He continues to do so and she has taken to appear to like his presence. I never thought it possible that there would be another cat like my Oscar. This boy too appears to have an "Old Soul"- always observing, watchful and so easy to fall in love with.


Apologies for the long story
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Wonderful story as usual. :D
Oscar sounded like an awesome cat. I cannot believe how long you had him. I wonder how old he was? I am sure he had the most wonderful life.

Are you thinking about keeping the reincarnated Oscar?
He sounds like a great guy to keep around.
Oh Marianne, what a lovely story. Oscar certainly was special. And I too, believe you new fellow probably has Oscar's spirit in him. After all, I don't think Oscar wanted to really leave you. He came back via the foster boy.

Enjoy him.
I understand how you feel, I have had many cats but there was one that was like yours. I some ways to wonderful to be true. I am a so happy for you to have found another one, if a bit jelous. I hope you have at least twenty years to enjoy together.
Oh- what a lovely story. I needed a good ole cry today- and the picture of Oscars paw in your hand did it.

Marianne- you are a gift from God. :ghug:
Beautiful story Marianne.

I also had an Old Soul kitty once....his name was Goliath, and even people who disliked cats had to admit he was something special. He once nurse-maided a litter of kittens (offspring of my very irresponsible roomate's cat :evil: ) washing their tiny faces, herding them around like a small sheepdog, and meowing for us any time one of them got into a dangerous situation.

He's been gone for almost 4 years now, and I still cry for him sometimes.

Are you going to keep this Old Soul kitty? :plead: I think he's a perfect addition to your household. :hearts:
Old souls tend to find one another. He's meant to be yours. :wink:
Oh what to do? I knew within minutes of bringing him home he was a keeper. Although I have several ...cough well make that 9 I'm fostering and some may be non adoptable. Those are the ones I will probably end up keeping and I don't want to be selfish if someone wanted to adopt him.

The decision is killing me as there are a few that I feel probably won't be adopted - at least three...I already have my own five. The kittens never have a problem finding a home when they are small but even Autumn the previous feral kitten is now five months and no calls or interest about her.'s happening I'm turning into one of those zany ole cat ladies I used to read about. Except I have dogs, bunnies and Guinea pigs too.

Marianne :D
Marianne , I think one old soul has found another . You both sound like wonderful beings :D
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story! I have read it several times (it is such a "feel good" story). The world needs many more people like you!
I too moved (years ago) when it was discovered (ratted out by another tenant) that I had My Irish Setter "Mona"! :D
That is a great story, Marianne.
I love the justification that you aren't the crazy cat lady because you have all the other species too. :lol: :lol: That makes perfect sense in my world.

Last summer I had a reading done on Chewie, and he is an old soul too. No big surprise to me or those that know him. :)
Thanks so much for the comments and kind words everyone.

GotSheep:Thanks for the verification that I'm not a crazy cat lady...just not yet anyway. :excited:

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