Hey all...New Puppy stuff....

So we finally found a breeder that we love...now we have to wait until the end of this month until we know if we get one! I am so excited and have talked to her twice. But I am also a little nervous....I mean what if we don't get a puppy. I would be heartbroken. But we would just wait until we could get one from this breeder. Anyways..I was wondering what kind of things we should be looking into buying to get puppy ready? Any advice or lists are most welcome!!! Thanks guys!
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Here's a quick list. Others may suggest better alternatives and additional items; but to start with...

1. For the trip home: protection for the car in case it goes potty, and collar / leash in case the trip is long enough to let it out
2. A large crate with divider that can be moved back as it grows;
3. A Hindes Pin brush to begin to introduce it to grooming
4. A safe place for anything in the house you don't want chewed up (and some cayenne pepper to mix with olive oil for placing on baseboard, chair legs, etc. that it has begun to "taste", and plenty of alternative toys to give it when it's in the chewing mode.
5. A set of ear plugs so you can sleep the first couple of nights, and a small travel alarm that ticks loud enough to put near his crate at night (the sound reminds it of it's mother's heart beating).
6. An appointment with your vet within 3 days of bringing the pup home for a thorough checkup.
7 Bowls for food and water. The breeder will advise you on the best type of food to start off with.
8. Plug all holes in the fenced off area you're going to let it run in.
9. Most important & above all a digital camera so you can share pictures of the little guy with us all.
10. Plenty of old newspapers for house breaking.

OK guys, what did I forget....
paper towel :lol:
Lots of them!
If you have carpets, a carpet cleaner like the Little Green Clean Machine is a necessity.
My dogs are 3 yrs old and I still use it. Yesterday, Pepsi decided the living room carpeting was a good place to throw up. :roll:
A few bottles of simple solution or something similar that contains and enzyme cleaner to get rid of the urine smell where they pee.

An appointment for puppy kindergarten!! :D (Ours was such a wonderful experience!)
All the stuff mentioned and "lots of patience" and a lot of rest now as you wont get to much when you first get the pup. Get the largest crate you can get. They grow and grow fast. I got Obe a large crate (people thought I was crazy) not sure of size but he still uses it and has plenty of room. He is now 15 months and 26 inches at the shoulders and has plenty of room. Also get a puppy kong.
Hi, welcome to the forum. Not sure where in NJ you are. If you're in south NJ, I'm on the Delaware River about 15 minutes NE of Philadelphia. If I can help you out at all, please feel free to PM me. I'm familiar with a few OESCA breeders in the area as well. Maxmm from the forum & at least myself will be at the Philly kennel club dog show this year as well Nov 15-18th, if you want to see what the grooming is all about.
Thanks for all the great info and advice. I showed my fiance the list and he was like whoa! ok then! hhehehe it was great. I have heard that they are like 6month olds. hehehehe not looking forward to that!

I live in Jersey City, Journal Square.

I can't wait for the end of this month!!!!
I will keep you all updated.
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