Oliver Went to the Vet Today

In preparation of Oliver getting neutered (yes, he is 8 months old now, transition of moving threw us off) he went for a consultation at the new vet. Let me just start off by saying Miss Vet is fab.

Here is what we found out:

1. We went to Mr. Vet in Manhattan for 7 months. Oliver saw him quite regularly, and he never noticed that Oliver has entrophion "rolling in of the eyelid". Oliver's isn't too bad yet, but we might have to have surgery to correct it later if it gets worse. Miss Vet (the fab one) wants to wait until he is at least 1 to see if it will correct itself. If we have surgery, she said it was a simple procedure that she does often.

2. Oliver weighs 70 pounds!!!!

3. Miss Vet thinks Oliver has early signs of hip dysplasia. He was in pain when she manipulated his hips. We are taking x-rays next week Friday, when he gets neutered. Please cross your fingers in hopes it is just growing pains.

She did say Oliver was the best groomed OES she has ever seen, and the vet techs said he was the most loveable, and well behaved large dog they have ever seen (I think they were just trying to be nice).

I hate thinking about surgery, just the neutering is scary enough. I really hope his eye heals itself, but even more so I hope he doesn't have hip dysplasia.
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Sending positive no hip dysplasia vibes to Oliver :ghug:

It is such a relief to find a vet and vets office that you really like and feel confidant with :phew:
Very glad to hear you've found a vet you're pleased with! Terrific!

I sincerely hope you find no evidence of hip dysplasia.
It's actually called Entropion. The operation to correct it is only minor so if he does need it done don't worry too much it is a minor procedure and something that will have to be done if no improvement to ensure his eye sight is going to stay fine. With the lid rolling inwards the hairs on the lid constantly irritate the eye and can cause ulceration and irritations to the eye over time if not corrected with surgery.

Ron has this picture of the eyes so you can see exactly what happens with the lower lid with entropion.


With the hips here is wishing you just a growth spurt causing a bit of a problem at the moment and wishing you all the best with the up and coming snip and x-rays. :D

Your new vet sounds wonderful !!

Also if Oliver came from a reputable breeder, then you should notify them of the entropion diagnosis as it is an inherited eye defect :wink:
Thanks Lisa. The picture really makes it clear. I am going to notify the breeder. I was going to wait until I hear about the hip dysplasia though, that would be a whammy for her! My poor puppy. This just goes to show you can never be too cautious when choosing a breeder. I thought we had a good one, but after the problems we've had, I'd pay 3x the amount I did for Oliver if that meant no problems. I love Oliver to death, and wouldn't trade him for anything, but hate the fact he has to go through all of this.
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