Anyone jog with their OES?

...or is that too much on them? I keep reading they can go on long walks for hours, so I was wondering if this can slowly be progressed to a 2-mile jog?

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Oh sure, but not until their bodies have completely matured. Their bones and soft tissue take 12-18 months to finalize. Walks while pups.....short ones, but frequently if necessary then build up as they mature. Running is fine for short periods.
it really helped us on the leash; emily pulled alot but when jogging she stays right next to us. remember though oes' are stubborn, when she's done she just stops sits down and refuses to move until you turn around for home.
hahah, that's kinda funny

(btw, i just moved from nova. i lived at ft. myer) :)
I'm beginning to Jog with Sofi and Lennon (1 at a time!) and they seem to like it, just don't over do them or you'll end up carrying them home....

If you want an intense excersise for them, try playing fetch with a Flying Disk or something you can throw far away. OES seem to be made for short burst of speed more than long runs, but with the proper training, I don't see why they cannot jog with you. Ours sometimes are just like the energizer bunny. :D
Talking about carrying your dog home...we are on a routine "hope I wear her out for a while" walk, and coming back to the house she goes to sniff something and all of a sudden she yelps and lies down licking her paw! I am bending down trying to see what was wrong, and with all the fur i can't see anything! So i coax her to keep walking and she is limping and says down again. So i end up carrying a 46lb dog like a baby not able to see where I am going with all ther fur and her licking my face as i huff and puff home. We get home and examine her paw, turns out she has a TINY little cut on her paw! Such a big baby!!! LOL We were relieved to see that it was so minor. Now we only walk on the sidewalk and no more grass sniffing for her! LOL
Henry and I jog, although I use that term very loosely. I have heard that these dogs are not good joggers--notice all the posts about arthritis medication and old age joint damage. My guess is that if you are up for a marathon of 8 minute miles you will need to borrow a german short hair pointer, but if you are like me--you have a fully developed adult, two miles is plenty for you, and it can take more than 20 minutes to cover those 2 miles (okay I confess it takes closer to 1/2 hour what with the sniffing stops) your dog would love a little jog.
i'd say if you want a jogging buddy you got the wrong breed of dog

my issue on it is their dense, shaggy hair - not good when they're going to get really hot on a warm day!
Nah, it was just a question since they enjoy long walks so much. ;)

I jog best alone. My 6lb dog is the LAST dog that you could think about going jogging with, and she does a mile on the treadmill almost every day. She runs to it and starts scratching it to get it started.
Mr 4 year old can run 5-6 miles. I train consistently and do triathlons and he is right there for me when I train for the run. The vet says he's sound, and I would never do anything to hurt him. He slowly built up to the distance and loves it. We run near some water, or I bring him some. We love our time together. It's great because it takes some of his energy (which is endless) to a calmer level.
I walk a mile, jog a mile now days. Abbi does fine. I agree with some of the previous posts. She pulls less and handles more smoothly on the jogged mile. We take 30 to 45 minutes. Nothing fantastic, but its fun. Having a dog trot at your side is just awesome.
I also shave my dog when it gets hot (9 months out of the year here).
She does run better and faster when it is cooler. So do I. So it works out.
Whoever thinks that arthritis should slow you down doesn't know much. Warm up first, but joggin can help with joint and arthritis disease. I should know, sigh!
Start out slow. A 7-8 month old dogs needs the exercise and runs all on its lonesome if you hadn't noticed. But no dog or kid needs to be pushed or forced to run. When they get tired or achy, they need to stop, cooling down with a long walk. And warm up for a longer time the next time they try running for any great length.
We are ruining most of our young boys health with the current strenuous workouts they go through prior to their football/basketball seasons. How come are track coaches so much more reasonable and caring? They know to build up the strength first.
That of course, is true for dogs also. Usually pups and dogs will build up their strength on their own, if given the room. Thus the DOGGIE 500's around the house...
In truth, neither I nor Abbi began joggin until a couple of years ago. I am just working back up to it right now. Abbi is also out of shape, so we are a good match. She just turned 6 and I'm .... over 40. As long as its fun, we will keep working at it.
I've taken my OES jogging in the past and she seemed to enjoy it. However, she also seemed to enjoy a rather fast pace which i didn't particularly like. Being a head-strong OES she of course had to make sure she was always in the lead. It did tire her out though. I prefer taking my other dog jogging (he's a rottie/shepherd/chow mix), and taking my OES to the Lake where she likes to swim and fetch a frisbee. She particularly enjoys the days when there are big waves. Go figure.
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