It Started as a Nice Day...

Well, the day started out nice enough with lovely weather and a fire drill. Then I was really looking forward to a beautiful division lunch and tram ride at the Botanical Gardens...or so I though :( I leave work a few minutes before everyone else at about 12:50. I drive out of the parking lot, past the security guard stand, stop at the red light at Route 41 and wait for traffic to clear or a green light to turn right then...bam :evil: A frickin' limo rolled into me :evil: :evil: :evil:

It's taken me about 5 years to get over fear of another car accident and then I thought about it this morning and how grateful I was that no one has hit me from behind with all the stop and go traffic to get to the tollway. That will teach me not to think about it again. The driver admitted to his wrong doing, handed me his business card, insurance policy# and then told me he has 2 passengers in his limo to take to he airport. I'm trying to call Steve and Mom for advice and they aren't available. So, I feel bad for the people in the limo and the line of cars behind me and start driving away.

Mom calls me and I'm bawling at that point as I'm so worried about the fact that my shoulder and neck are starting to hurt and my darn fibromyalgia pain will be flared up because of whiplash. Mom advises me to turn around, go to office campus security to file a report, so I do. The county sheriff took awhile to arrive as work is unincorporated. Sheriff calls the limo driver (he gave accurate info and did admit to the accident). 1.5 hours later I'm back on the road for home and missed my event :(

The only reason I can type on the computer is that the rheumatologist squeezed me in and provided some relief with injections. I'll be taking some additional muscle relaxers tonight :( And that folks, was my day!
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8O 8O 8O How scarey!

I am THRILLED that you are pretty much OK!

I hope you feel better soon.
That stinks..sorry that happen to you. Car accidents are the worst :cry: Hang in there
Wow Stacy,
I am so sorry to hear that! I hope you wont flare up too bad, and that you have a speedy recovery.

I'm sorry Stacy. I hope you are okay, how scary!
Stacy, I'm so sorry to hear that! I've never had an accident and I always get scared when my dear hubby says "don't worry, everybody gets into accidents and you are not a proper driver until you crash" I don't think I want to be a proper driver then. :pupeyes:

I see you are one though. :wink: I hope you get well soon! Boni and Lumpi send you slobbery heeling kisses. :kiss:
I hope you stay ok Stacy...I know what whiplash feels like...not fun.
Thanks Everyone. I don't feel horrible, but that's probably because of the injections and muscle relaxers. It really wasn't a bad accident and I didn't see the limo coming up behind me so I wasn't tensed up. Just the force of it was enough. He said his foot slipped off the brake :roll:
Oh no! What a rotten turn of luck that was. Not only getting hit, but missing your fun outing for work, too. :twisted: Glad that it wasn't more serious, though, and grateful you could get some quick relief. :phew: Hopefully, you'll be feeling better soon. :)
Not a fun day :( Watch for pain in your neck, shoulders and arms. I was in a similar accident and ended up having both my neck and lower spine fused. Also watch for any numbness in your arms and legs, that could be a warning sign that something is wrong.
I often feel like my car wears a sign that says "hit me" or "cut me off". Is it because I've become such a diligent driver that I notice everything? There seem to be so many people on the road that are just not paying attention or are preoccupied. Was it always like this?
Oh, Stacy, how scary and horrible for you!! :cry: I'm glad you're feeling okay and hope the fibro doesn't flare up.

Good thing the limo driver gave you the proper information. How much damage was done to your car?

And I agree - more and more people seem so preoccupied when driving. You REALLY have to be a defensive driver any more!! :evil:
There wasn't any damage to the car
Od Stacy!

I'm glad you're holding up well. But it's always a hoprrid shock to get in an accident. I hope you don' t have any lingering pain issues. Glad that your car is ok! :ghug:
Oh, I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I hope you feel better quickly, and your pain does not get any worse.

Big, gentle hugs to you, Stacy


It is really rattling emotionally when crap like that happens. I hope today is better for you.
I'm sorry Stacy, that sucks. I'm glad it wasn't worse, but I agree with Judi--accidents are always rattling experiences... Take it easy and try and relax...
Stacy, So glad the driver appears factual. Hope you feel better by morning. As for the car, If you hurt as much as you said, I'd have the car examined before you sign any release. Unless you're driving a Cat, it doesn't take much of a hit to do a 4 figure damage. And make sure you're all right before you let the guy off the hook. Take your time.
I agree with George, Stacy. Just because there is no visible damage it does not mean there wasn't any damage. Those plastic bumpers have a tendency to bend and pop back out after impact so there could still be damage. Make sure you have it looked at.
Gasp, Stacy we may be twins seperated at birth!

Twice in a six week period I was hit by others, once rear ended at a light and six weeks later t-boned on a major street by a car that inexplicably drove into a major street during rush hour. Both times the insurance company found me not at fault. The first time my neck hurt but I didn't want to get a lawyer, second time , (happened Sept 9th) I still get muscle spasms in my neck and my rib hurts like heck. The doctor feels I misplaced a rib. I wonder where the heck it went?..nyuck nyuck.

People are giving you the right advice as although I didn't want to make a fuss I realized that a lot of the pain showed up a few days later. Even now doing things I normally would do agravates it.

Be careful and take care of yourself.

Thank you all for your concern. I'm not too sore today, but I think it's time for some Tylenol. Now I'm dealing w/who's going to pay for the doctor's bill (auto insurance or worker's comp). Ugh!
Why workers comp? Were you on company business when the accident happened? (I think I need to re-read your first post!)
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