Northern Illinois SheepieFest!4--October 20

Ladies and gents, you are invited to the Northern Illinois SheepieFest!4 on October 20. The picnic will be held at the Shoe Factory Road Forest Preserve in Hoffman Estates, just off I90 on Route 59. Here is a link to a map (it isn't so great, but that's Cook County):

The picnic will run from 11am to 5pm at Grove 2 (all the way at the end of the preserve). A 6 foot sub from Subway will be provided (half veggie, half turkey). I will bring a small grill (Smokey Joe) so people can bar-b-que if they want. Please bring something to share (food wise)--chips, salad, pop, dessert, whatever you want. We're not picky! This will be a fun day of relaxing with friends and dogs, and meeting new people.

The forest preserve is technically on-leash, but the leash police will not be there so the dogs can run. Remember that some dogs aren't as sociable as yours, so please respect any owner who asks that you keep away from their dog. There are hiking trails at the forest preserve so you can take walk with your pooch (dogs MUST be leashed on trails though).

There is a Porto-Potty. And a very nice shelter with several tables.

Last year we had a very successful silent auction with proceeds going to NE OESR. There will be another silent auction this year, with the proceeds once again going to NE OESR. Donations for the auction are welcome. You can bring them the day of and there will be a check-in table (run by the ever organized Debcram and Amanda and Melissa P).

As always, there is absolutely NO fees involved with attending. If you want to donate to the silent auction, that's great! But if you don't or can't, that's great! We want to the day to be fun and relaxing for all involved.

If you want to make it a full sheepie weekend, the Chicagoland OES Club is having a get-together the next day, Sunday October 21. They are not affiliated with SheepieFest!4 and you can attend either one, or both. Info on their function can be found at

Any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to PM me.
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If anyone who isn't coming wants to give a donation, we are looking for new items of $20+ value (or $$$ donations, make checks payable to NEOESR, Inc).

You can messge me, and I'll give you my home address and you can mail them to me.

Donation are tax deductable :clappurple: .

Thank you for your help, you have how valuable rescue is, and we help them make good things happen!

Remember.. SheepieFest! It's all about the Sheepies!
Melissa, Izzie and I will be there. I think our neighbors will be coming and possibly bringing Izzie's boyfriend (their black lab Harley).

I would like to suggest that everyone who is planning on coming post on this thread that you are attending and perhaps what food or drink item you plan on bringing. That way we can make sure there is enough for everyone and avoid 20 bags of potato chips and no drinks :lol:
Steve, Stacy and Fozzie will be in attendance. We will be bringing paper goods (napkins, plates, utensils, cups). I really haven't thought of a dish yet...
Bad news- I have a bar review class that morning from 9am-2pm! I am so bummed. My plan is to race home, pick up Walter, and come hang out for an hour or so until everything comes to an end.

I assume the eating will be done by then, so I won't be brining anything
We have a 24-pack of diet coke and regular coke that we will be bringing. We will also bring bottled water. Food-wise I am not sure. I might wait and see what needs to be supplemented after more people post.
Steve, Stacy and Fozzie will be in attendance. We will be bringing paper goods (napkins, plates, utensils, cups). I really haven't thought of a dish yet...
Tony, Pirate, Keira and I will be there.

I think I'll bring a fruit platter to share.

I'll bring some water for the dogs (the big jugs) some dog treats, some Halloween candy (People treats) and some misc stuff.

I'll also bring a plastic tablecloth for Silent Auction table.

Not sure if my kids are coming yet...we'll see.

OOOOO! I'm so excited!
There's nothing wrong with 20 bags of potato chips.

I'll bring a "relish tray"--pickles, olives, carrots, etc. And 2 liters of Diet Dr. Pepper. bring the ice, I'll bring the Scotch!!!
Deborah, you're on!

I'm bringing a relish tray, Diet Dr. Pepper, and ice. And a bag of potato chips (one down, 19 to go).
My Plan(subject to change), is to be there. I will be bringing Simon and Barkley. I'm dogsitting on the 20th and I don't want to miss this and Barkley is a sheepie so I think he will fit right in, LOL. I will bring brownies and a bag of chips(that makes 2). I'm counting the days...
I'm so excited that I can't sit still! All I can think about is the sheepie events! By the time I get there, I'll be all tired out from being so excited!!!
NEOESR has given us space on their website. Pretty cool! I'm getting very excited!!!

How fantastic!!!
Hi all,

I am planning on attending but at the moment I don't know which sheepie will be attending with me. I guess it will be the one who gets to the car first!!!

I will bring a cake.


Yea!!! Kathi is coming!!!!!!!!!!

We missed you last year :cry:
sheepiemom wrote:
Hi all,

I am planning on attending but at the moment I don't know which sheepie will be attending with me. I guess it will be the one who gets to the car first!!!

I will bring a cake.


Well, for heaven's sake decide if Ms Yoda is coming so I know whether to bring Belle or not! Actually, I'll probably bring Belle and the little rescue boy, Rupert. I'd love to bring Sybil, but one of us would probably have to be sedated, and she won't sit still long enough and I have to drive.

Did I tell you that as I was working on set-up in the rally ring at the national, I kept noticing this OES running around outside of the ring. I didn't look closely, just though to myself, hm, I wonder whose dog that is? Must belong to one of the other performance people. Then I noticed the dog seemed to be zeroing in on me as she was running around. So I looked more closely - and realized it was one of mine!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Sybil, of course.

Don't ask me what I'll be bringing. It will be whatever I can buy as a last minute replacement for whatever I intended to bring, but which Sybil somehow managed to get her paws on on the ride down.

To bring or not to bring. That is the question...

I was a 6 foot sub a lot of sandwich, or should I order a 3 foot???? Remember, this is for people, not dogs! They will have to get their own treats!
How the heck will you transport a 6 foot sub? 8O
LOL ^^^^^^
debcram wrote:
How the heck will you transport a 6 foot sub? 8O

Cut it in half :wink:

Steve bought large things of napkins, plates, utensils, cups so we should be good on supplies for people food :D
Deborah, that's what made me think a 6 foot sub is a lotta sammich! i was envisioning getting it my little Honda and realized it wouldn't fit!
I've got soda and water. I'll probably bring some chips, hotdogs and buns...maybe some potato salad too.

Let the countdown begin!!! :banana:
3 bags of chips, 17 to go....... 8O (just kidding)

Cake, we got cake. Sammich, we got sammich. Relish tray, check. Fruit plate, check.

Anybody bringing charcoal???

Paula???? Do we have grill?

We'll bring charcoal, and a stuffed life sheepie to auction!!!!!
I am bringing my Smokey Joe, and Amanda said her neighbor might bring his. So we'll have at least one little grill.

Our auction stuff is going to rock. I put together a bag of Satsuma bath products from The Body Shoppe, and that stuff smells so good I could eat it! Plus the dog biscuit wreath and the car DVD player and the diamond ring. And a stuffed sheepie!!!!!!!
I'll need to drop off my silent auction item with someone sometime this week. Stacy will you be around Thursday night or Friday?
Lil Walty wrote:
I'll need to drop off my silent auction item with someone sometime this week. Stacy will you be around Thursday night or Friday?

I just sent you a PM.

I have a large harvest Ty bear to add to the autumn gift basket and clipboard :D
Paula O. wrote:

Is Glenlivet okay? :go:

Guess I'll be bringin' a bag o' ice!

And a bag of chips!
Is Glenlivet o.k.????? Are sheepies the cutest????????

OF COURSE!!!!! Will you be bringing it????????
Paula O. wrote:
Is Glenlivet o.k.????? Are sheepies the cutest????????

OF COURSE!!!!! Will you be bringing it????????

YES!!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Drunken SheepieFest!!!!

We might have to bring FANCY paper cups for the FANCY Scotch.
you guys might want to consider going ALL out and actually use the clear plastic cups.......

what a swooshy party......
To transport a 6 ft sub via Honda all you need to remember is the lead.

For Bob. You strap the sandwich to his back (be sure he can't reach it) and put the end of his lead in the door and close the door on it.

Be sure to avoid highway speed, as the gallop gait might knock off a tomato.
We do need the fancy, hard, clear "crystal" plastic glasses. I volunteer for this duty, Captain!

Oh yea...I'm soooooo ready!!!!!!
I've revised my plan to include a 3 foot sub. That's a yardstick. Or do we need a bigger sammich???? Someone make the decision for me!!!

Ron, Bob does NOT cross county lines so using him is out. He wouldn't snatch a bite unless it was a carrot and apple sub because he is rather particular about his treats.

I need to provide further directions. The Shoe Factory Forest Preserve is on Route 59, about a mile south of I90 (the tollway). It is on the west side of Route 59. We are in Grove 2 which is the last grove. Just drive all the way back (in a booth in the back in a corner in the dark, for you Flip Wilson fans). There are water pumps so you can fill doggie bowls (if your pups don't mind well water).

The weather prediction as of today is mid 60s, no rain, partly cloudy. Perfect sheepie picnic weather. Fingers crossed that it is not windy like last year.

SheepieFest!4 is going to rock!!!!!!!!!! Bring cameras (I don't have mine yet, just got the bonus).......
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Yea!!! Its going to be bee-u-tiful for SheepieFest! It always is!!! I swear our lovies at the bridge watch over us (weather wise) on SheepieFest! day!

Paula...decision made....3 foot sandmich is big enough!!!!! After all, we are going to have 37 bags of chips!!! (I'm bringing baked chips!)

Go SheepieFest! 4!!!!
I was going to bring baked chips too. Can't have too many bakeds for us WW gals. Hope that someone brings bar-b-que rippled chips (hint hint).
I'll bring hotdogs and hamburgers to that should be plenty with a 3 foot sandwich. Worst case we can always run to the super target down the road.
did i hear paula right?????

the shoe factory forest???? 8O

okay im totally intrigued!! shoes grow on trees? elves in a factory in the forest??? WHAT????????
^^^ LoL
I was having the same thoughts, but you worded it so much better, Darcy!
Darcy wrote:
did i hear paula right?????

the shoe factory forest???? 8O

okay im totally intrigued!! shoes grow on trees? elves in a factory in the forest??? WHAT????????

Sounds like Darcy is back to her not-so-old self! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
The forest preserve runs along Shoe Factory Road. I don't think the actualy shoe factory is in existence anymore :( Sorry Darcy. :D

On the plus side, a few miles down Golf Road you hit Woodfield Mall with lots of shoe purchasing options :D
Well thanks for ruining MY day amanda! :cry:
Shoe Factory Road has neither shoes nor a factory. Discuss amongst yourselves.
Hee hee...its like dangling a carrot in front of Darcy! We'll be at Shoe Factory Road Forest Preserve. Yes, shoes grow on the threes there. They have Jimmy Choo tree, a Malino Blanik (SP?) tree, a Stuart Weitzman tree, a Prada tree, a Marc Jacob tree, and for the athletic women, a Nike tree. Just pick and pluck!

(hee hee hee hee hee hee)
They have 8 Jimmy Choo trees in the east and 9 West.
I told my new sheepie friend from work about the the Glenlivet and she's now even MORE excited about Saturday. She asked me what to bring and I said "whatever munchies go with really good Scotch."

I hope there is an Aerosoles tree for me. I saw 3 pairs of Aerosoles at the Aerosole store that I want. Correction: that I need.
Ron wrote:
They have 8 Jimmy Choo trees in the east and 9 West.

Oy Ron!!!! How do you come up with all this stuff?????????
Here's an announcement about the silent auction!!!! ATTENTION PLEASE!!!!

We will be closing the Auction at 2pm! No more bids will be taken after that, and we will start passing out the booty then.

This directive came directly from my husband, who wants to be back on the road heading home by 3pm :roll:

Hey...what can I say! starts at whenever we get set-up, ends at 2pm. BID LOTS! ITS FOR THE POOR HOMELESS SHEEPIES!!!!!! :cry:

I think Jan and Nita should bring some rescues for us to adopt!!!!!
Why does Tony have to be on the road by 3????? Doesn't he know SheepieFest!4 (and Scotch) continues til 5?
sheesh ... tony is as bad as poopers!

hey paula what time does the disco music start??
He has to be on the road by 3, cuz he is as bad as Brian!!!!!

No disco dancing after 3!!!!!!!! The disco part will be from 12 - 2!

So get ready and HUSTLE! (Hey maybe we should do Keroke! and listen to the sheepies howl!)
awww im sorry deb.....hermits till the end...

i wish i could bring my own disco music....and dance with the sheepies!!
There will be NO disco music. SheepieFest!4 is a no disco zone.

On the other hand, AC/DC will be blasting from the twin stack Marshall amps.
whoa whoa whoa, I won't even be there until 3! You can't close the auction!
Ok!!!! DON'T YELL AT ME!!! YELL AT TONY THE PARTY POOPER! (Wait til you see the sweatshirt he bought specifically for SheepieFest!)

Will someone else take over when I leave? Then you can keep it open much longer (except for the items I bid on!) vote is for Jimmy Buffett music!!!
I will take over the auction responsibilities when you and Tonythepartypooper leave. That way we can make more money and Heather can bid on stuff. Just leave me a blank check. 8O
We can keep the auction open until 3:30 or 4pm....when people start to leave if they have long drives.

If anybody wants an emergency direction phone number to call, PM me and I will give you my cell number. Hopefully I will have it fully charged and not locked in the car :wink: :roll: :lol:
debcram wrote:
I think Jan and Nita should bring some rescues for us to adopt!!!!!

If we can fit him in the car, we may bring this guy...


He's available through our Petfinder site: ... &preview=1
If it was the following weekend Obe and I would atttend as we will be hitting the road Oct 27.
Maggie McGee IV wrote:
debcram wrote:
I think Jan and Nita should bring some rescues for us to adopt!!!!!

If we can fit him in the car, we may bring this guy...

Ut oh.....You may not be taking him back to Indiana...

Oh Tony........?
If we had more space and more money we would love a Jake. Izzie was named after our old sheepie Izzy....we had Izzy and his brother Jake when I was little. :D
Is he Jake or Dempsey?

Amanda, you take Jake, and I'll take Dempsey!
I think the picture is Dempsey. Big guy - 110 pounds! wowsa! 8O
debcram wrote:
Is he Jake or Dempsey?

Amanda, you take Jake, and I'll take Dempsey!

I was going by the name on petfinder...Jake.

Maybe there are two and they are each 55 lbs? :lol: Split personality :twisted:
When I went to Petfinders this am...there were two listed, but I guess Nita took Dempsey off because she knows, I woof him :hearts: !

So...Amanda, I guess Jake is yours (even though I'm "Jacobson"!)
I'm most likely not bringing Walter, my friends are going to come with their well behaved basset hound and cocker spaniel
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