rather be outside

Blue would rather be outside then in, he was my escape artist last week. Been three days since he got out. So I think I won. But like I said he loves it out there and I am glad to have that doggy door. But every time 15 minutes goes by I am where's Blue and sneek a peek, he is on the deck. sleeping away. A little later where's Blue on the deck, I just over protective mommy. I think if you could get Sami, foods, water out there he would never come in :roll: Maybe when the Snow flys, it's just weird I am not used to that. And he is only about 13 weeks out. Any one else like that?
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The dog wanting to be outside is not unusual....a lot goes on out there that they need to know about. Once it cools down here in Florida, usually both China and Violet spend most of their day outside. We have a doggy door so they go in and out at their leisure. They nap in the flowerbeds and under the trees/bushes. I think it is good for them to get the fresh air, and stimulation of the sounds.
I think I would like to be in Florida :D Its trying to snow at the moment and I have Sami sleeping at my feet , my poodle under the covers with the hub,(the smart ones) and Blue out side on the deck. Giggle should keep an eye on him he may be covered in snow later and not know it. 8O
He just came in now sleeping by the doggy door. :roll: These guys are so silly and amusing you gotta love them.

My Nigel goes outside all the time too. The difference is that he is 4 1/2 months and always looking for trouble. I can't get him to stop eating the bark off the firewood. I know this will pass as he gets older, but I just have to lock him in part of the time so I can get a break. Sheesh!
We finally got Chauncey a fence a few months ago. He has NEVER learned the word come. We could dangle porterhouse in front of him. It would take the 2 of us to herd him in the living room, I couldn't imagine getting him to come in with almost an acre. It has not been a problem. Unless we go out with him he will do his business and then look in the windows for us. Open the door and he's right there. If we stay outside with him he's good for hours.
When we lived in a house, both of my boys liked to be outside, Boni especially in the snow when he was 2 months old! He would put his head in the snow for a minute or two. :lol:

Since we live on the 29th floor, he likes it in our bathroom. :oops:

My Morgan would not come in no matter how bad the weather.
Your Boni looks like my Sami ears and all.
ej wrote:
Your Boni looks like my Sami ears and all.

:D Sami is really cute! Boni is from Main, where did Sami come from?
We got her in Canada
LOVE the bathroom photo!
Our Ollie used to lay outside in the snow all the time. He really loved our wooden bench. He laid on it like it was a couch - but looked so weird in the middle of a snowy yard! He actually took naps out there.

Chewie was just a pup last winter, and he loved it. He was ready to stay out and play, and the other dogs were shivering to be let back in. :lol:
Obe loves to be outside even as a young puppy. The weather didn't bother him at all. The last couple of months he has turned into an inside dog. Unless we are outside playing but if I come in within 5 or 10 minutes he is scratching at the door and barking to come in. I think he just likes being with his dad.
We got Heart :hearts: at the end of July and it was extremely HOT!! I had to carry her outside almost every time she needed to go ---she HATED to heat.

A couple of weeks after she arrived we had a VERY bad storm...I COULDN'T keep her IN---She cried and barked ---she loves to get wet.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now, with the cooler temps, she won't come in!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
my two are just waiting for it too cool down here in FL they love to stay outside all day
We have finally reached the point where our nights are cooling off. (60 -70 degrees and windy)

The dogs love this time of year. I think Rags slept outside at least two nights this week. We have a dog door and since she wasn't inside when I went to sleep I left it open. I think she came in when the sun came up. :lol: I usually don't let her sleep outside because she always finds something to bark at. But she's been quite lately.

Pepsi used to spend a lot of time moonbathing as we call it. But once Rags came to live with us I started closing the dog door at night due to her barking. I feel bad for Pepsi as I know he loved being out there.
But I also don't like hearing the dog door open and shut all through the night. :lol:
We were -5 today brrrrr. :cry:
And in Minnesota we were 86 today and very humid with storms!! Go figure.....
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