I'm so confused about shedding...

I keep reading in several topics:

They aren't typically shedding dogs

...whene very breed description says they are heavy shedders and THEN also lose their coat, etc.

So can anyone expand?

Do they shed a lot less when clipped down to 1-2 inches all around?

Thanks. :)
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I depends on the dog. Some shed more than others. However, I've never seen a sheepie shed like a husky ....great gobs at once.

First, most are two coated, that is there is a fluffy undercoat and then the longer overcoat. The undercoat comes out.....either on its own or with a brush. People who groom often have less trouble with hair balls around the house. If ignored, the hair can become "dustbunnies" around the house or mat tight against the dog.

The longer haired outer coat also comes out but only gradually as individual hairs die or break.

Yes, keeping your sheepie in a pupppy cut will reduce hair balls in the house, but not eliminate them. You still need to brush often to remove any shedding or broken hair before it either mats or becomes stuck on the rugs.

NEOESR.org has a grooming video.......sounds like you might need it.
Sorry, I may be confused. Do you mean the video you have to pay for? Thanks, but I don't think I would go that far. ;)

I know "how" to groom a dog and use clippers. ;)

Still useful info!
I don't remember reading any breed descriptions that state they are 'heavy shedders' .....
There is so much more to these dogs than coat.... lots of research is always good! :)
I don't think they are heavy shedders. One of mine is blowing his puppy coat for the 2nd time. Not all of them do that from what I understand. It isn't that bad though. They will leave us a few nice tufts of black fur in a few places, I can usually just walk by and pick it up. I am a twice a day vaccumer, so it is usually always picked up, but it isn't because of the dogs, more because my kids are pigs and the 4 cats seem to leave me little fuzzball presents too.
IMO, most of the hair comes out during brushing. If it is done daily you will rarely see shedding. There are some great websites out there that would be great research for you.
Stormi and co.
Willowsprite, you sure you researched your dog before getting your two lovely ones in your avatar? lol

Um, ever official site says they are heavy shedders. Heavy shedders mean ...more than labs (average shedders). ;)
I found this site for you to research. If you go to FAQ's it tells about the shedding factor.
Okay, thanks. I swear that's the first site I have read that, but think the info was important.

I should start a poll.
I never read they(oes) were heavy shedders either. And I did a lot of research.
Have had Abbi 6 years and she hasn't shedded (in all of those 6 years) anywhere as much as our new Chesapeake Retriever has in this last 3 months. If he comes in, the vacuum has to be used immediately or there's hair in our food. Abbi's hair has never left the floor and is easy to sweep up, in little dust bunny-like balls or tufts.

It is hot here and she is shaved 2x a year. We now brush 2x a week, and she is fine.

Actually some people buy oes because there hair, although plentiful and high maintenance, is less aggravating to clean up after than a lab. Some even think they are hypo-allergenic because of their hair characterisitcs. I don't subscribe to that, but I would clean up after Abbi any day vs a lab in the summer down here. Average shedders? They leave hair every where constantly, averaging half of their hair a day. I had a chocolate lab and Abbi is much easier to clean-up after.
hmm. Well ...haha... you guys are only confusing me more then. I have a hard time anyone could confuse a heavy shedder with hardly sheds. Just trying to get the facts. ;) If they don't shed that much, that's awesome.

http://www.old-english-sheepdogs.com/ol ... mation.htm



http://www.obediencedogtraining.com/Old ... eepdog.htm
I'm mostly probing so hard because I want one so bad, but am so detailed ....I must vent here because I can stand getting on your nerves rather than my FI's. He's in Iraq, and he'd rather not me email him 2page long emails 4 times a day about how much research I did. ;)
You keep saying we are confusing. We keep saying each dog is different. Mine isn't a heavy shedder. Depends on the dog, diet, hormone levels, ....
No simple answers in life.

My hubby isn't in Iraq, but I wouldn't bug him about my dogs either.
When he left me here, while he worked in Ohio for 11 months, I was pretty lost.
When he was in Argentina and had left me in Holland for several weeks, I was a bit upset with him. Dealing with foreign countries and 3 kids, a dog, school, and a field trip -- not to mention our first snow, was no picnic.
When he left me in Argentina for several weeks and then every other week for 6 months, now that just proved I loved him ... a lot. He has promised no more travelling. So now ...

Hopefully your husband will return soon. Sounds like you miss him.

But we are not being confusing.
I am serious.
Listing links really is confusing. Like I want to re-read every link. High light what it is you are questioning and copy and paste it onto your reply. If you are quoting within this forum and you use the quote function at the top of the reply panel, it will automatically quote the highlighted area. That would be less confusing.

I never said I really cared what anyone else says or thinks. I did plenty of research 5 years ago, adopted my dog, and wouldn't trade her for anything. You can have the Chesapeake Bay Retriever any day. He is clean when he isn't digging up my backyard. Very friendly and will retrieve hours on end. He even throws you the object he has retrieved and waits for you to throw it again now.

Wait on the oes. You sound like you are going through a traumatic event. You have dogs, and I suppose children, and a cat? The OES can wait. Love what you've got ...
I should talk. I just set up my 3rd aquarium, sigh. The birds, the dogs, 2 fishponds, 3 aquariums, 3 kids, and a handsome guy. What a life. Not to mention band, scouting, and basketball. Hmmm, oh and webmastering, learning networking, signing up for a computer class, ...
Yep, I should talk.
The only reason I am on line is I am in pain and hubby's still at work. The girls are watching something or the other ... guess I should go check on them.
I really think an OES will not be the answer you are looking for ... they are a LOT of work. How about a support group?
People here make up a tremendous support group. Just ask em.
no kids :)
one dog/one cat
i train dogs for friends/hobby
You read fast.

NO kids? If you don't mind having fun with someone else's kids, consider volunteering as a scout leader. It is time-consuming, fun, challenging ... best of all you will be needed. Best of all, their parents come and take them home after an hour or two.
There's a real shortage of leaders in our area. It is a real shame.

If you train dogs, an OES may be fun in a sort of challenging way. I trained a standard poodle, a lab, and a couple of other dogs before Abbi. To this day I am not sure how much training Abbi did. Love her though.
Right now she's ignoring me because I played with Root Beer.
labs are AVERAGE shedders?


i think that needs amended a bit...
Oreo is my third OES and they are not heavy shedders. Since 1980 we have had an OES. Grooming prevents those dust bunnies, when my cat was alive and he started batting the dust bunnies I knew it was time to vacuum. Oreo is almost in a puppy cut and now and then we see some hair. The cat was a big shedder. You must commit before you buy an OES. Where it said that the OES is not a heavy shedder is from the OESCA and they know their stuff which is the OES.
My dog doesn't shed. Period. I was told they didn't when I bought him, and viola he doesn't.
Welcome back kendreaq... I thought you were a new member, but noticed you joined quite some time ago.... :)
Not to get everything even more balled up (HA! no pun intended...hair balls...get it?!- aaah it's Friday and we have to go to obedience class tonight, I get just giddy in anticipation of all of the embarassing things Chelsea will do!)

ANYWAY - My first VET was an OES afficianado- she gave me lots of good info and she explained it to me this way:

OES have hair, not fur, so like humans they lose hair due to breakage, dry weather, disease, nutrition, and genetics. Some of us humans have thin brittle hair, some have lush thick hair, and for some of us our hair only lasts a short time and then we go to "The Hair Club For Men".

She also explained that dogs who have fur, not hair, 'shed' their fur
based on seasonal changes, i.e. they bulk up for winter- brrr cold- and they lose it in handfuls for summer.

The OES does not have the same sort of oily skin and dander that say a Lab or Germ Shep do. Instead they have somewhat dry skin and in some cases need to use moisturizing conditioners when they are bathed often.

They do lose hair- just like humans do, I have long blonde hair and I leave them EVERYWHERE. Chelsea leaves hair everywhere too ,but not in big clumps and not seasonally, so I think that's where the notion of 'no shedding' comes from- they don't 'shed' in the traditional sense of the word, nor do they 'molt'- except when they lose their puppy coat, but even that varies from dog to dog, Chelsea is much harrier and kicks up quite a cloud when we groom her, my first OES did not.

It's usually the dander that people are allergic to, that's why people like me who cannot have a Lab or a Beagle, can have an OES, they do not have traditional pet dander that is of the shedding variety.

You will see an increase in hair balls, dust bunnies, and will need to change your furnace filter more often with the OES in the house, no doubt, but imagine if you had a child with that much hair (because you do!)- they would leave a lot of hair around the house too.

Hope that clears the confusion over hair/fur and hair loss/shedding- and YES - I too have seen conflicting infomation in books and on websites- it really depends upon how you define 'shedding' (I was an English Major - can't help it! :twisted: )

p.s. -- just to prove the point - an OES can grow their hair out really long and a Beagle cannot. (poor Beagle)

Exactly what Up said.

Remy doesn't rub her hair off, it does not fall off...when I groom her every week I can get a small shopping bag of it. When I use my slicker brush every couple days I get a brush full of dead hair. It comes down to management, if you can handle the work, I mean 2 hours of grooming min per week, then great.

If not, the goldenpoo or labradoodle may be more suited, shorter coat, less likely to shed. Mind you that cross may still shed.
PIsco does shed but not very much and usually in balls, which are easy to pick up....one of my best firends has a lab and she does have a lot of work with him since he does shed a lot....but I think, that more than a lot it`s the way the lab sheds....as far as I have seen totally diferent than an OES...
Aginright :D ...HI long time no see :)....missed you.
Joahaeyo and all. I just posted to the "Help Grooming Issue" thread where I discussed OES not being a "Shedding breed". Please give it a read and I think it will help clarify your confusion.

While Bobtails don't shed per se (shedding is an often misused and misunderstood term) they can and do loose several hundreds of individual hairs each day through breakage and the usual healthy hair folicle renewal process. Control of this, both for the dogs coat and skin condition as well as the cleanliness of your home requires a deliberate grooming effort and routine. This is of course one of the biggest single reasons that OES are given up to rescue and shelters. That cute little fluffball grows into a major hairy fluffball that outright REQUIRES a substantial amount of grooming or trimming to keep looking good and indeed healthy skinned and coated. These are not dogs for the faint of heart who are not willing to invest in at least 2 good grooming sessons per week if you want to enjoy the appeal of their coats!!

Hope this and my post on "Help Grooming Issues" thread helps. If I can be of further assistance please advise.
Yeah, if I could delete/lock this thread, I would because when I first made this post, I was still new to researching the grooming part of OES'.

This thread seems to be helping other people coming to the board b/c it keeps coming "ttt" .....but I am now ------ thanks to you guys ----- aware of the difference/what is meant by any "shedding."

I am ready. Eager. ...and so anxious. :P
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