Military Duty and My boy Merlin

I'm a SSG in the Army out of Saint Peters, MO.

I rescued a sheepie from the north county animal shelter, he was abused, underweight and a social wreck (scared of the ice maker, cars, and TV). He lived outside for the first two years of his life.He was matted, sick (vets gave him a 30% chance to live) and needed a new chance at life. I never owned an OES, but I do now :)

This dog is sweet, kind and part of my family. He has graduated from crate to kitchen w/gate and will be a great doggie. He plays well at the dog park, likes to ride in my truck. He is working on his manners as he still paws from time to time but improves daily. House training is almost over. He was neutered friday.

My Delima: I leave for two months in January for a Military Obligation. I may have to leave for up to a year in June. I'm looking for a Foster home, I can not afford boarding him at a commercial Kennel, my dog requires a little affection and to pay for that daily is a lot of money(32-50 a day times 6 months to a year!). Can any one suggest any help? I will pay for all of his food/vet issues and an afford a small amount for the individuals time. Please help. I do not want to permently break up our happy home.
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I wished I lived closer as I would do so in a heartbeat. Hopefully one of the other forum members that lives closer will be able to help you.

Also I want to say thanks, not only for adopting a needy sheepie, but also for your service to our country. THANK YOU!
That really stinks! The dog pounds are overflooded with dogs [to a ridiculous degree] for that very reason. I see it on the news all the time when soldiers get ready for deployments, NTC, or TDY's.

We're really glad you found this site. I hope someone can help you out. Maybe a picture of your dog would help? Do you have one that you can upload here?

Do you at least have a friend that can take care of your dog for the 2 month trip? That way you have a little more time to figure out what you're going to do.

Can any of your extended family help? I know most may not want to take on a sheepie due to size and grooming, but it's worth a shot?
I will post a picture, he is a cutie. My parents are keeping my 17 YO pug and can not handle a big doggie (no fence).

The laws on how often they can deploy us changed the week after I adopted Merlin. Sucks.
Have you thought about a house sitter? Maybe a college student who would take care of your house and dog so they wouldn't have to pay rent somewhere.
These stories make me so sad but I am hopeful that someone will be able to help you and your sweet Merlin. Maybe the St. Louis Sheepie Club will have some ideas or know of potential foster homes. Ideally, it would be a forum member who posts regular pictures so you will be able to keep tabs on your boy during your deployment.

Thanks for both your service to our country and to sheepie rescue. And welcome to the forum.
I want to thank you all for your thoughts. I have thought about the house sitting but would rather not go that route. Trusting someone with my beloved companion is hard, my house on top of that would be a killer. If that kept me and Merlin together I would do it, don't get me wrong. Maybe I just remember my college years:)

It's a hard sitution. Merlin is a fun little circus be be around:) Today I was doing the laundry and felt like someone was watching me, I looked up and and found out Merlin was staring at me thru the basement window. He cocked his head and made nose paintings on my window.
I have got him so close to being a dog again. He squatted bitch style peed the fisrst time I pulled the brush out, maybe he was beat with one at some point.? He also did this with the hose, only he ran away yiping.

He is a sweet dog and I love him so much. I wish I could take him with me. Today marks three weeks of not pottying in the house.Very good boy.

Thanks to everyone and I look forward to meeting some sheepie people around STL!
What a sad story - it sounds like you're doing a good job with him. Here is another idea for fostering:

Have you tried contacting the rescue agency in your area? All the agencies have foster homes, and maybe one of these homes would be willing to foster your boy while you are away. Look at this for a list of OES rescue agencies by state.

Good luck and keep up the good work!!!
I thought I found a perfect set up in a nice ladys house, however Merlin likes to play with dogs, I happen to have a pug, she has a little guy as well. Merlin can get to "RUFF" at times, I do not want to risk a situation like that. I keep my boys seperated, (Merlin will not bite or attack but he swings that butt around like an ox and the little guy gets it!) I f any of you know somone in the STL area, please let me know. Untl then all I can do is network. He is good with kids but again a small child can get knocked over!

I have asked around and kow of someone willing to help you. Please contact me at
i want to know how this works out for Merlin. I hope we get an update and Merlin gets someone wonderful to take care of him!!!!!
Hoping and praying you get Merlin a great home while your away
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