Cassie and Greg

Hi Cassie and Greg,

is not today the day where you get your Puppy???????

Please let us know how the first day/night with Rufus was!!! :clappurple: :go: :hearts: :kiss: :yay: :banana: :excited:

And loads of pictures please!!! :wink:
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:lol: I think she must be asleep...resting up from all that work she did last week on the new house. :lol:

Hopefully, we'll get an update and some pictures soon!! :D
I thought the puppy was going to be called Rufus????

Can't wait to see pictures either way!
OOOOh my god what a mistake!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

Ofcourse it's RUFUS!!!! Youre right!

Sorry Cassie, Greg!!! :oops: :oops: :?
It is Rufus. I don't know what you're talking about. :ImInnocentSmileyHere:

Well, the last two weeks really have been a nightmare! Dad decided we were moving all our stuff into the new house a week early- I was still painting when he & greg started bringing in boxes. Dad panicked and just threw everything randomly into boxes and filled up the van (I think they did about 6 trips!) so I spent 5 days trying to find all my stuff.. it was a nightmare!!! Plus I was planning to keep using the net at the old address but of course dad disconnected everything :roll: we found out there were 2 faults on our phone line here (the new house) so had to wait for engineers to fix them.

On Sunday 30th Sept WE COLLECTED RUFUS!!!!! I've not had time to put the pics on here yet (I know, I know, BIG telling off for that haha) but will as soon as possible.
The first few days were a nightmare, just getting used to him really. I thought for a minute I couldnt cope, but we keep a diary of all his activities and now we have a routine and have got to know eachother its much easier!!

He virtually sat on my feet for the first few days, it was like an invisible piece of string was attatched to me with him on the end! But then he became more confident and follows me a bit less now, which is a relief.
I cant begin to list the things I have pulled out of his mouth :roll:

And when he was pooing indoors-- what a nightmare! I had to wash all his blankets and towels- then the washing machine broke. I'm having a new one delivered on Sat, phew! Then he started eating poo, he had munched on some poo and come in looking all excited and ran off with my slippers, covering them in the offending brown stuff. I have a pile of washing the size of a mountain.

But I think he is the funniest and most gorgeous sheepie I have EVER seen :hearts: :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:

In the garden last week he jumped up, took a bite of my trousers and pulled them right down around my ankles :oops: Greg thought it was very funny indeed.

Got lots more funny stories, he's such a pickle!!

Monika, don't worry about getting his name wrong it's funny :D


I'm glad you have all that energy!

I'm looking forward to those pics. Sorry, no telling off today. But I AM looking forward to them. :D

New puppy

...............R U CRAZY?????????????

(Only kidding) What a fun adventure!!!!!!!!!!!
Cassie I was starting to worry that you had changed your mind about getting Rufus when we didn't hear from you for so long!! He sounds so wonderful but did no-one warn you that they truly are velcro dogs that 'stick' to you all the time? :lol:

Please post pics asap, if you can find your computer! (sounds like mayhem there!)

Have a :ghug: for all the work you've done lately and to keep you sane with all that washing to do! If only you lived closer I could help out.

Hmmm..... maybe I could 'borrow' Rufus for a day or so until you catch up with the washing! :wink: )
Congrats.. Cassie & greg Can't wait to see the pictures... :banana:
Wow, it sure sounds like a very busy time for you. New house, new puppy, new stress. I hope everything starts to settle down for you. I will be looking forward to seeing your new boy.

Take care and remember, one day at a time. :D
Congrats!! Can't wait to see those pics. He sounds WONDERFUL!! :D
wow take a deep breath you took on alot can't wait to hear more
Hi Cassie and Greg (and Rufus)!

I'm soooo happy you got such a great time with RUFUS!!! (I know his name now!!! :lol: ) He is such a pretty pretty boy!!!! :hearts: :kiss:

I had to laugh about all the stories you told us, it's sooo interesting for me as I put my name down on a list for a puppy which will be born around spring! So bring on all the stories cause I have to get used to the "habbits" of Sheepie Puppies as I never had one!

Cant wait to see the pictures! I was thinking of you all and wondering how the move into the new house was, especially while you have all the hard work to do (painting etc. etc.) and getting Rufus at the same time!

How exiting!!!!

All our hugs to you!!!! :ghug:
Congratulations Cassie!! I can't wait to hear more stories and see some pictures of your puppy! :D

Just make sure you wear a belt with your pants when you have company over. :twisted:
Hilarious! :lol: :lol: Oh my gosh you poor thing......I felt so sorry for you, even as I laughed all the way through your post! :wink:
Aww It all sounds like it has been fun!!

Can't wait to see some photos!
Vicki & George wrote:
Aww It all sounds like it has been fun!!

Can't wait to see some photos!

Yes - pictures!!! I don't care if there are mounds of dirty laundry either!! :lol:

Sounds like a lot of stuff happening all at once. Isn't it great when you know you have the cutest puppy in the whole world. I remember that feeling so well.

I think once you get used to the velcro sheepie you'll feel lonely if he stops following you around! :lol:
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Ive just seen the pictures, surely that little angel couldn't be naughty!!!! congrats to both of you, hope the house move is sorted. :D
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