Transport from Indiana to AL and TN

We have three guys in a shelter in Vincennes, IN. We have transport for one to his foster home, but need help with getting the other two to their foster homes. They will be ready for transport next week, but we don't expect to be able to move them until the weekend. They appear to be litter mates and between 9-12 months old. One of the guys is coming to me in Alabama and the other to one of our other board members in Tennessee.
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The OES Rescue Network are in Tennessee, and e-mail for Ingrid . Ingrid is a member on here and she has volunteer driver connections.
They are coming in to the OESRNSE for foster. Ingrid has her hands full right now, so I am trying to help her get a transport together. Seems like all of our transport people are tied up right now. Some are fostering, and others have previous commitments.
I'd love to help, but just to go from my home to Vincennes, then to the border of Tenn is over 6 hours, then I'd have to go back home, and I don't think my dogs could make it all day without me there (especially with the new foster). I'd have to take all 3 kids, and 5 daogs (my 4, plus the extra), and I simply don't have room in my Camry, lol.

Maybe I need to invest in a bus :?
Oooh Betsy... I'm so glad they're almost ready to be fostered.

Hey gals and guys out there...
There were originally 4 sheepie-boys... all dropped off together in a holding pen... one of sweet sheepies didn't didn't survive :cry:

So please... if anyone has that weekend free, consider at least a leg of their transport. You'll be helping some neglected sheepies start their journey to new and better life.

If you need help with a little gas money, let me know.
They receive their final dip and check up next Tuesday. These guys have been terribly neglected in their short life. The pictures I received of these sweet, sweet boys made me cry. I cried even harder when I found out that one had died. I am so looking forward to giving the sweet guy that I will foster all the love and attention that he has undoubtedly never had.

So, if there is anyone that can help get this guy even part of the way to me it would be greatly appreciated.
Hay Betsy , I do have family in town BUT if someone can get them here to me in Nashville TN I can get them to you.

I really wish I could do more. :(

I saw the pictures Jim took. :cry: I felt bad too when I heard one had died...
from what I read it sounded like it was kindest to let him go.

Three will have a chance at life the way it SHOULD have been. Please give
your baby a hug for me once he's settled in... and thanks for helping him.
Do you think we might get to see pictures?? :D I know they won't look like
show dogs... rather diamonds in the rough but that's what makes them all the
more special.

Again, if anyone can help with transport...
6Girls wrote:
Again, if anyone can help with transport...

I live in Louisville KY and would be happy to help with transporting if I am in the transfer loop.
I remember seeing something about truckers possibly helping transport rescue dogs... is that a possibility here?
I just don't trust truckers that I don't know.
Sorry, but there are so many mean people out there that I got to the point that I have trouble trusting people.
We have a trucker in our group, a great guy, but he is not going that way.
These boys had a horrible beginning, I want the best for them from now on.
Looks like we can get them to Owensboro KY this weekend. Is there anyone can help from there? Just found out we have two more girls coming in from somewhere else. We really need to get these guys.

Thank you all!
Betsy I just sent you a PM. :D

Just so everyone knows, looks like we got it worked out. The guys will be in their foster homes by Sunday afternoon.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :yay: :yay: :banana: :banana: :clappurple: :clappurple:

Thanks to all the angel sheepie transporters out there. This is for you :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: .
WAY TO GO, GUYS!!! :clappurple:
That's wonderful!! :D
I wanted to share these 2 pictures I took with my cell phone during my small part in this fabulous effort to transport these 3 poor sheepies.

For the first time I seen the pictures of what these dogs looked like when they were dropped off at the Indiana rescue . I am still sick from what I seen. :cry:
The people who were involved with saving these boys are angels!

This is "Brandon" . He looks 100 % better now than the picture I seen of him 6 weeks ago.



The only reason I wanted to post these 2 pictures is to say to the people out there that " Want to breed their dogs" PLEASE, PLEASE look at what is happening ! We have sooooo many that are ending up like this.

These boys were the sweetest boys in the world no matter how bad their conditions were when they seen me they were wagging their bums and giving me kisses. My heart just broke. :pupeyes:

Thank you so much : Ingrid, Betsy, Karen Lee and Rita......You are all Angels in my book ,I thank God there are people like you in this world !

thanks for helping saving them .. seems like the sicker they are the more love they want to share
Thanks to all of you who helped these poor babies. Bless their hearts. :hearts:
My heart is breaking seeing this sweet boy.

A few people will eventually be getting some
very special sheepie-boys because of the
efforts and sacrifices of you and others.

Old English Sheepdog Network of the Southeast and
all the volunteers that have assisted these boys...
THANK YOU! :hearts:
I am fostering one of the guys. My Mother cried when we went to visit her last night. He just gave her all kinds of kisses (like he has be doing me and Mac). She said that she hopes whoever did this to these babies rots in *&^%. :oops: That's a Mom for ya. :lol:

Tuco (formerly Cletus) also has tapeworms. As if this poor little guy has not been through enough. Lots of love and attention will get him through it all though. I will post some pics tomorrow.

Thanks again to all of those involved in this, it takes a community to rescue a dog.
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