We've had a lily incident!!!

I stupidly left lilies in the hall without cutting off the staining bits...now I have a dog with a brightyellow head (funky yes, but not the look we were really going for!) Does it wash out? I know carpets are forever stained, I hope my dog isn't?! :?
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Cassie brushed up against & ultimately ate the (pistel sp* part) of a Hibiscus blossom! Her face was stained yellowish orange but washed clean with DAWN dishsoap! What characters...helping with pollination too :lol:
have you tried hydrogen peroxide?
Constant use of peroxide makes the hair brittle. Using on their face doesn't matter much because it breaks of anyways, but ....

Try soap first. Or brush it out with baby powder.

No it isn't permanent, because their hair does shed, just like our skin . Besides there are lots of ways to "bleach" it out. Including lemon juice and cream of tartar (don't let them eat (lick) too much of the cream of tartar or alum). The lemon juice with alum or cream of tartar work best in a bright light for about 10 minutes. Rinse or towel out afterwards.

Try water, then water and soap or shampoo, then one of the harsher remedies; always start with the simplest remedy.
If an oes should ever lap up enough hydrogen peroxide as to make it throw up, keep an eye on it for a few days. Hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidant. It is used to clean out wounds for a reason. It breaks apart ALL cell membranes. Use with care.
Yes, I know some people recommend it for making animals vomit. I do not think this is very wise though. Some animals will not react fast enough, and it can damage the stomach lining and lungs.
Lots of better and less dangerous methods.
Yes, I know they only sale 3%. It is still dangerous.
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