Do dogs get Pink Eye?

Cassie has had "stuff" in the corners of her eyes all weekend ...Ick! I cleaned her eyes several times yesterday & this morning they were really gross...hold your hat for this Border/Schnauzer keeps wanting to lick her eyes...oooowhee....gross! Has anyone ever heard of this??? I'm off to the vet in an hour...this is NOT a good thing!
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does it look like cherry eye? i didn't think sheepies got it, but from your description, i'd look it up on google for more details/
Hi Cassie's Momma,

This website might help you figure out what she has and whether you need to take her to the vet?

I hope it helps you. I hope Cassie feels better soon. Stormi and co.
It's not cherry eye...still think it might be pink eye :cry: ! Http:// ... .cfm?id=65
Cassie started this eye thingy after she went to the groomer for a freshnin' up! Hmmmm?! What's gross is Brody licking her first I thought she had some leftovers on her beard but I watched closer & he was licking her eyes...gross...he is now chillin' in his crate until we get back from the vet!
she may have gotten some powder or a short hair into her eye and is tearing profusely, jack licked my eye when i got something in it and it started tearing.

so...i assume some dogs love the taste of saline. is there anything in the eye?
Well all, Cassie does have pink eye or conjunctivitus (sp?) Poor baby...the vet had to stain her eyes to check for a scratch etc. Vet said it is not as contagious as in children. When I taught school, we could not allow wee ones to stay in the classroom if we thought they had pink eye. Wee ones had to be checked by the nurse or sent home via parents! Cassie has to have mycitracin applied every 12 hrs for 14 days!! Yikes... :roll:
Thanks for all your was a $90.00 trip... BUT she is worth it! :D
I am glad to hear that you figured out what it was and that she will soon be feeling better. :D It won't be much fun keeping Brody from cleaning the meds off of her eyes. LOL
Yes, my kids have had pink eye and we couldn't send them to school. They also had to wear sunglasses in the sun if I remember right too. :?
Stormi and co.
wow, didn't know they could get pink eye, good to know!
Guess it's good that it's raining... Cassie won't have to wear her sunglasses :lol:
PS I'm going to ask for some drops tomorrow...this ointment is soooooo messy...she has greasy looking eyes. Everytime Brody goes near her he puts his nose up in the air & gives her a SNIFF & turns around & looks at me...momma, aw come on just one more lick! :(
i have pink eye.. and i know i am not supposed to touch anyone.. and wash my hands and stuff like that.. but i was looking up online to see if dogs can get pink eye? I have a dog and i dont want to be touching him or kissing him, if they can get pink eye! has anyone heard of this before?

can dogs get pink eye? :?: [/b]
Well, yeah, I guess they do. I suppose the real question is: "Is conjunctivitis in humans and dog caused by the same bactieria? Is it communicable between the species?"
It is also called conjuctivitis in dogs and cats. It is a different strain and can not be contagious to different species. This is what I have been told, so please correct me if I am wrong. :wink:

Stormi and co.
How odd that this thread started back up just now. We had contact with
a dog the other night that had very infected eyes. Last night my oldest son
began getting a very red right eye, and it is worse and itchy today.
Guess I need to seek some medicine for this!
I wonder if it did come from the dog?! I guess we'll never know.
Hi Shellie,

I was curious after your post, as I wasn't positive I was right. I did a little search on it and came up with one link. ... unctivitis

Here is what the link has to say:

Dogs get conjunctivitis the same as humans, and it can spread from dog to dog just as it spreads from human to human. However, it is not spread from dog to human. You can use your Visine or other eye wash solutions if the problem persists. If the eye gets red (as with humans) you will want to get a prescription eye medication from your veterinarian.

Most conjunctivitis (pink eye in humans) is caused by a bacteria. It is treated using eye drops that contain antibiotics. If it is caused by a bacteria, it is very contagious

I hope this helps. :wink:

Stormi and co.
What a huge relief!!
I am so glad to know that. I am giving him the eyewash right now - hope
it helps. I have seen a lot of this lately- I guess it is very contagious- but
thank goodness it is easily treated.

I've been looking into pink eye with dogs, and I stumbled onto this page. It's helpful, but no one seems to be talking about the same symptoms. His eye isn't just pink; the tissue inside his eye is puffy and exposed. It's about the size of a vitamin e pill (sorry, it was the only thing I could think of, but that is the right size). Is this pink eye?
I would think it is an infection, or more likely an injury.... I would take him to the vet to see if there is anything in it. :)
It could also be cherry eye.
That DEFINITELY sounds like cherry eye.

WARNING: This image is not for the faint of heart, or queasy of stomach: ... ry_eye.jpg
My mom's cocker spaniel used to get that all the time. It was really hard to get rid of it. I've heard, though, that cocker's are prone to it. :(
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