a ROSE by any other name........


I have a cute adorable OES...HEART :hearts: Ali named her cuz when she was born, she had a heart on her back. I LOVED the name so I decided to name her Heart :hearts:

ya know....

"I get kisses from "my Heart"" :hearts: ......
I get to use the emoticon :hearts: :hearts:....ALOT
I get to sing ALOT of songs to her with the word HEART :hearts: in them.

NOW the problem----

My husband, Dino........I guess he thinks it's not macho to go around calling HEART!!!! :hearts: HEART!!! :hearts:

So from the first day she came to us...he has called her.....RU ready for this???????????????????????? JELLY.....

So here is this poor little puppy being summoned by the two most important people in her life calling her by two very different names!!!

I am at my wits end with this...I have talked and talked till I am BLUE in the face..I tried to explain that her name is Heart...I will NOT call her JELLY...

He says..."Let's call her JELLY HEART....????? (you see he doesn't suggest heartjelly....) Is it the testoserine (msp) that make men so utterly frustrating????? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for letting me VENT......

ps...don;t tell Ali about this....I haven't had the nerve to tell her that her poor little HEART will probably develope and st-st-st-stutter b-b-b-ark from being so confused.
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I think Heart :hearts: will learn (if she hasn't already) to be called by both names, just as my dog knows he is:

Mullie (OK they sound alike, but he can read)
I agree with Ron....my dogs answer to a wide variety of nicknames...and so far, no stuttering! :lol:

Abby answers to:
Miss Abby
Baby Girl

Bert will equally ignore:

Tell your Hubby, at least he didn't have to deal with the dilemma my friend (and a fellow forum member) Liz had when she fostered a dog named "Nookie" 8O :lol:
I agree with what has been said. My dogs each have a ton of nicknames they respond to. They pretty much respond to any name called as long as you are looking in their direction. :lol:

I DO call..........


But Heart and Jelly--are so different-- :lol: :lol: :lol: Just wanted to make sure we don't permanently damage this cutie.
I agree with the other responders...Violet and China both have many names they respond to. Side note: I think Jelly is a really cute name for a sheepie.


Shag a muffin (apologize to the UK members)
Suger Baby
I could go on

China Doll
Chine Chine
Boo Boo
Boo Boo Baby
Sweet thing

YOur names are so cute....

and yes you are right...Jelly is a very cute name...for our NEXT...OES...NOT this one...

Dino and I have been married 35 years this Nov. 10th and yes, honey I was a child bride... :lol: :lol:
so...there are some things that, after all that time, I have to take a stand with..so I will go on to the next issue...
oh, I don't know.....

the toilet paper ..over or under????? :lol: :lol: :lol: ( keeps us both on our toes...)
Am I the only one who thinks that maybe the husband should have been involved in the naming? I think lots of guys would resist a sweet sentimental name. I know my nephews went nuts when their family got a dog named "Charm." They came up with various alternatives because they were too embarassed to say that.

Maybe you can ask your husband to call her Art, Bart, Dart, (I will skip the next one), Mart or Tart? I like Dart (because she probably dashes around) and Tart (because she is probably a bit saucy). Just for your husband of course -- not to change her name.

Still I actually think that your husband having a personal nickname shows he is developing a sweet bond (like Jelly).
hmmmm Jelly Tart.........
This nickname subject made me remember a few years back when I was watching my sister's dog. Her dog is an offspring of the dog we had growing up, and in a litter of 5, he was the only male.

My Mom made the decision that I could name the girls and my brother could name the boys. Of course what would a 14 year old boy name the only male pup? DICK!!!

Well, when I was housesitting Dickie became sick and I had to call the vets. They were completely confused when I asked for an appt for Dickie to be seen, the tech came back on the line and said...do you mean Richard?

I have laughed a million times over that! My sister is mortified by the name, but she didn't want to hurt our brother's feelings changing the name, and now he is 15 years old.

So, just make sure everyone knows Hearts aliases!
Sheepie in Vt-- What a funny story...Dickie....kind a cute though....

Val---You are right in husbands SHOULD be involved in the names of all things important. But Dino and I have very different tastes so, long ago, we decided that we would take turns...

BUT...that didn't happen..I wanted to name Pearl, Jordan....he wanted Pearl(cuz of her big white Pearl head).......... I wanted to name Cosmo, Macgregor, he wanted Cosmo ( in honor of my favorite cocktail). So Heart was all mine :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: Or so I thought......

Jelly Tart is cute......
Sheepie in Vt wrote:
when I asked for an appt for Dickie to be seen, the tech came back on the line and said...do you mean Richard?

I have laughed a million times over that!

Very funny! Partly because Richard is such funny name for a dog. Good story.
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