Quit smoking

I have quit smoking about 5 weeks ago, I am suffering still at times, need you guys support

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5 weeks? You made it over the hard part already! Good job! It'll only get better from here, I promise!
Congratulations on being smoke free. Stay with it...............it will get better.......DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE I MADE..............(please)

I quit about 4 years ago when I got my BYB Cosmo. I stayed quit for 3 years--then I made the horendous mistake of thinking I could have just one and .............well....................I am back to smoking again---to my credit, I don't smoke a lot--but that's just my justifying my weakness.

We are going to Vegas in 2 weeks for our anniversary. I will be leaving my pack in the Vegas airport, and will immediately come home to beg for the support of this forum to quit once and for all. I know I will be starting from square one......but I know I can do it......I WILL do it...

WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS.................
Val you can do it, I had to get pneumonia which really forced me and I considered that a big warning Quit NOW, or............... I feel lousy but guess that will get better too, I just felt better smoking, but will not go back.
YAY EDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOO HOOO!!!!!!

YES YES YES! Your dogs must love you even more now!!!

Just remember, you are no longer under the control of the cigarette business! YOU are in control. Oh, your brain is still fighting it, but that's just desperation because you've got it beat!!!

Day by day the urges get weaker. Day by day the grip weakens. You know how much easier it is today that when you first quit, even if at times the urges can be strong.

When I had a strong urge I would take in a huge deep breath and hold it for just a couple of seconds -- then take in a little more and hold it for a few more seconds, then sip in just a little more air, then just a little more, then let it all go. The tension just leaves with the air and you can concentrate on something else.



VAL, when you're ready to quit again, you KNOW you can. You will. Try the gum to get you over the hump.

Edy, you don't need the gum -- you're body is past the nicotine already, now it's purely a brain thing.. BUT if you even consider giving up, you could try a piece or two of the gum as a last resort.
Congratultions Edy! You've made it through five weeks already?? That's fabulous! You are stronger than the craving. You will WIN!! :D
Edy, I had my 6 month anniversary last week. I quit using Chantix. Not a day goes by that I don't think about smoking. I'm at my niece's wedding this weekend and unfortunately have had a few and I can see how easily I could start again. But I'm going home tomorrow and will be smoke free. What I'm trying to say is it's all right to crave, just don't act on it! You can choose to do a lot of things, so you can choose not to smoke! Stay smober!!!!
Edy, it takes awhile for your body to recognize it doesn't need the nicotine and you don't need the oral addiction. Think of this as body and mind de-tox. You can do this!! Congratulations on 5 weeks.

And I try to stay from food too, I gained 2 lbs and that is more than enough

Oh Edy, that's wonderful!!!! 5 weeks is HUGE! Once we are smokers, we are (in our minds) always smokers. I quit 3 1/2 years ago, and every now and then, I still dream of smoking :excited:

I dream that I forgot I quit, and I light up, and it is mucho delicious!!! Then BAM! I remember I quit! And panic! Its a terrible a dream, but it show what a hold that evil stuff has on us.

Hang in there! Don't worry about the weight, you can conquer that after you get this beast off your back!

We are here to cheer you on! Remember...you can do this! :cheer:
:clappurple: Thanks you'all you are the very best
Edy, keep it up! Im about the same quit time as you....i dont know about you...but i actually dream that im sneaking smoking......nothing like the guilt from that.......but i guess cheating in your sleep is better than cheating in real life!!
I smell it all the time and mu husband has quit too.
Go Edy, Go!!! You can do it!!!
You can do it! :go: :clappurple: :high5: :high5:

:plead: don't give up. You can do it! :excited: :banana:
Edy, that is wonderful! Very good that you and your husband both quit. Less temptation that way.

My MIL quit after pneumonia too - and eventually came to hate the smell of cigarettes. Mind you, it took YEARS, but it did happen.

Hang in there and keep up the good work. :cheer: :yay: :excited:
I quit 3 1/2 years ago, and every now and then, cigarettes really smell delicious! However, the people smoking them smell like poopie!
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