Meeting Ollie

Hi guys,

For those of you who read my introduction thread you will know we were going to meet Ollie, the deaf/blind OES in rescue this weekend. The plan is to try and get him out of the kennels for a bit more quality time and see if we can help him with a couple of his issues.

Sorry no pics, I forgot to take the camera!

Well we met the lovely Ollie who is approximately 10 yrs old. He is 98% blind, can make out light and shadow and is about 95% deaf, can hear some noises but no particular pitch. He certainly plays on the deafness when it suits him! :lol:

He is a sweet boy who really took to my 11 yr old daughter and was happy to flop down next to her for a belly rub. He loves his squeaky toys and can find it by scent when thrown for him.

He apparently hates being groomed and can be quite aggressive in his refusal for this to be done. He's obviously had a tough time with this in the past.

His issue with other dogs is because he can't see them and will pile in on them if he bumps into one.

We spent a good couple of hours with him and talking to his kennel assistant, who obviously adores him. The plan is to meet him a couple of times on site to make sure he is happy being with us before we take him off site for some new adventures!

Di x
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Wishing you lots of luck. :D
Thank you for taking the time with this boy. He sounds like a sweetie. Would you consider adopting him if all works out?
HenrysMum wrote:
Sorry no pics, I forgot to take the camera!

8O :lol: 8O :lol: 8O :lol: 8O :lol: 8O WWwwhhhaattttt?? 8O :lol: 8O :lol: 8O :lol: 8O :lol:

I'm so glad you were able to meet Ollie and bring some love to his dark & silent world. Poor fellow. He sounds like a real sweetie who just needs someone to love him and give him some attention. Thank you for making time for him. :P

Please do keep us posted on how things go with him. :D
Ollie sounds like a love. He's lucky you found him and understand his needs, especially the need to take it slowly.

I hope this can all work out for you and Ollie, and perhaps you'll find a place in your home for him.

Please keep us update!
he is lucky to have found you.. good wishes in helping him
Paula O. wrote:
Would you consider adopting him if all works out?

That's probably more up to him than us. We always have room for an oldie but will he cope with our demented pack? We have two lurchers and a staffie x. (click camera to see their pics) The white lad, Jester is deaf; the staffie x, Tiff, is a sweetie so no worries there and the grey lad, Castle is nicknamed Forest as he is rather lacking in the intelligence department.

The kennel asst. calls Ollie Spud because he doesn't have much going on either apparently! Personally I think he's cleverer than he lets on and knows how to work her :D

Whatever the outcome it's a long process. He currently doesn't tolerate other dogs or any type of brushing so plenty to work on!
Wishing you lots of luck too. :D We are keeping fingers and paws crossed for you and Ollie. :wink:
Good luck with Ollie. :D
Our 1st OES was Oliver - aka Ollie - and he was very smart!!!
Ahhh good luck with Ollie, your Ollie sounds like my Ollie, he HATES grooming, my poor hands lol - keep us posted :lol:
Aww Good Luck !!! :)
Here's the lovely Ollie!




He was supposed to have been shaved last week so was expecting a baldie but it turns out the vet couldn't make it. Wish I'd taken my grooming kit and a muzzle now to see how bad his reactions are.

Am planning to take it along next weekend along with a soft puppy brush to see if he will tolerate being brushed if he has minimal coat.

So what do you think guys, is he a hunk or what?
I would say he is very McSheepie! :lol: (That is Grey's Anatomy lingo for being a hunk!
Ollie is a HUNK!!! :D :D :D Big and beautiful! McSheepie sounds right to me too.

So glad you have pictures. Any thoughts yet on if/when you will be able to bring him home? He looks like he definitley needs some TLC.
Despite appearances he's very happy go lucky and very loved at the kennels BUT it is a kennels for elderly dogs and they don't really have the time to spend with him. By their own admission they don't have time to walk him (the majority of elderly residents can't manage more than a potter around the yard) although a couple of volunteers come up and walk him around the rescue site, he hasn't been offsite in the two years he has been there as far as I can tell.

We are told he has issues. He has a go at other dogs as he cannot see them. Apparently he really piles in. He is also aggressive when it comes to being groomed and has to be sedated to be shaved.

We will be looking at these issues over the next few weeks coz one persons idea of aggressive is another's idea of a frightened dog! Also they are bound by Health and Safety at work where I am not. Am hoping we can take him off-site next week for a proper walk in the woods rather than a play in the field. Lots of new sights and smells for him and hopefully I can see how he reacts to grooming away from the young kennel assistants.

We plan to take small steps with Ollie if we are to socialize him around other dogs and work on the grooming. It has to be at a pace he can cope with if we are to make any progress.

Its far too early to know if we'll get him home with us. I'm just grateful they are prepared to let us work with him. On a brighter note, they have updated his card since last week and it now says he is suitable to live with children 11+ yrs. Guess who has the 11+ daughter who proved this to them? :D

Di x
Yea, for Ollie! And three cheers for your daughter!

It is great you are willing to work with him and from the toy in his mouth, he looks like he is all ready for playtime. He looks like he has lots of potential.

Our Sadie was a rescue. Though she was still a pup of 1 yr., she came with some issues from neglet and was mal-nourished. You couldn't tell it today though at 2 1/2 yrs.

Sadie wishes you lots of sheepie hugs! :ghug:
Oh I love Ollie, he's gorgeous. He's such a lucky boy to be going to such a good home :hearts:
Oh wow....this really makes me smile. :D I'm so happy you are able to work with him. It has to be the highlight of his week to have you there. I hope it works out that he is adoptable. :D
I forgot to add, when they updated his card they updated his age. He's actually 12 yrs old. Not that Ollie knows or cares, typical OES 12 going on 2!
Hi Guys,

We've been down with the boy again today. Have a look at his new pics to see the worst haircut ever! Can't you tell it was done by the vet! :lol:





He is really loving our visits. We were supposed to be taking him off-site from the Rescue today but he had not reacted well to the sedation when the clipped him in the week so we kept him close to "home".

I took the opportunity to test out his reactions to grooming now that he has a short coat.

I started with a puppy brush... no reaction.
Moved onto a firm bristle brush so quite spikey.... no reaction.
Finally a double sided comb... again no reaction, not even when I teased a couple of areas out for him.

We made it fun and turned it into a game for him and he was more than happy to stand there and be groomed, in fact he throughly enjoyed having his back gently scratched with the combing.

I even brushed his muzzle with the puppy brush and not even a grumble, a bit of mouthing in play but not the reaction I was expecting at all!

All in all a good session with him today. Hopefully next week we'll get to take him out.... should be interesting as he has no idea about getting into a vehicle!

Watch this space for next week's installment

Di xx
Nice haircut! :lol:

I think I may have done worse. 8)

He does look happier!
It looks a bit choppy, but in a month you will never know! I'm sure the haircut feels a lot better to him, anyway.

I agree, he looks more relaxed this time, and really seems to be getting into the interaction with your family. :D
you are doing great .. some of my cuts look like that.. living in fla i or my daytona had to learn the hard way.. please kkeep us posted ..
Wow - sounds like he is responding very well to your interaction with him. Super!! His hair is pretty choppy, but it won't be too noticeable in a few weeks. Besides, we think he's beautiful no matter what. :kiss: Thanks for all you're doing for this sweet boy. :D
I love the pictures and the stories- please keep them coming. His looks so sweet and wonderful, thanks so much for adding a little spice to his life!
Well, we took the boy out yesterday.

He wasn't hugely happy about being lifted into the car but travelled well. We drove a few minutes up the road to The Ridgeway a large rural pathway that covers Berkshire & Wiltshire.

Here's the lovely Ollie just starting up the path on his new adventure.

We walked for about an hour through wooded areas and between fields

Although he started off a bit warily, not having been off site for some time he soon settled into the walk and was striding out ahead of us.

Here he is stopping for his umpteenth sniff!

Ollie had a brilliant time, as did we! We walked back down the path and into The Barn where we had afternoon tea. Ollie had a few scraps of scone (shh! don't tell them at the rescue!) which I'm sure he enjoyed more than the food he's on which gives him terrible wind!

Whilst there I groomed him again. He's fine with all areas up to his neck & head but not happy about his face (don't know a dog that does) and was really not happy about my grooming his front legs. There was a bit of warning mouthing going on but was okay to be distracted with a couple of treats or a squeaky toy just long enough for a quick going over.

Getting him back into the car was fun because he know what was coming this time and we had to muzzle him as he wasn't having any of it! Once in he played with his toy happily on the way back and arrived wagging his tail and pleased to "see" everybody.

More next week folks!
i just love the updates every monday can't wait for the next one..
Me, too! Good bot, Ollie!!! :ghug:
Oops! That should have been: Good Boy, Ollie! :ghug: :ghug:
Hi Guys,

I haven't been on here for a couple of months as have been running around ferrying my daughter to various sporting events!

We are still walking Ollie every Sunday and he is coming on a treat! He is much better being lifted into the car and the rescue have noticed an improvement in his attitude to being groomed. He was taken to the vet the other day as he was unwell and again they noticed how much better he was at being handled whilst in there, he did not need to be sedated just muzzled for their peace of mind.

Ollie loves his walks in the Countryside and stands in his run and howls when we leave. If it's not bitterly cold or wet he joins us outside "The Barn" for tea and cake, if the weather is too bad we take him back to the warmth of his kennel and play for a bit before leaving him to dry out.

Di x
great new i was wondering about how he was doing !!keep up the good work you are doing
Thanks for the update and for keeping up the good work with this fellow. He needs you. :)
Great to hear that he is still improving. What a lucky dog to have your family in his life. :D
We've just hand a phone call from the rescue to say that Ollie was put to sleep yesterday. He has had continual stomach problems and at 12 yrs old was coping remarkably well.

It is a call we have been expecting sometime this year as he was poorly more often than not and we would gauge our walk on how he was on that day.

We continued to take hime out each week right to the end and last week he was thoroughly enjoying sniffing every blade of grass!

Run free at Rainbow Bridge special boy

Di x
I commend you for doing so much to help this poor old fellow. Thank you for letting us know. I know he's happy and running around freely at the bridge without a care in the world.
Sorry to hear about Ollie. Thank you for giving him some enjoyment these last few months. I'm sure it was probably the best treatment he had his whole life. Poor guy.

I am deeply sorry for the passing of Ollie and know that you made a difference in his life. How he must have lived for those days when you and your daughter would visit him. How wonderful the both of you would take time out to make him feel special and he was! Thank you for adding a little brightness to his week. Hugs to you for the loss of Ollie. May he now be running free at the Bridge.

I am sorry to hear of the passing of Ollie. What wonderful people you are to have given him his outing weekly. Thank you for taking time out of your lives for this sweet boy.
How sad....

But thank you for being his angel and giving him some happiness and love in his life!

Ollie-may you be enjoying your time running, listening and seeing everything over the rainbow bridge! :hearts:
Thanks for your lovely thoughts guys. The rescue confirmed that he was definitely brighter for going out with us and for a dog with disabilities he let nothing get in his way of a romp in the country!

We have been in conversation about others that we may be able to assist in the same way and potentially may be walking Lady a 15 yr old Bearded Collie X (looks more tibetan terrier x to me) and Henry a 13 yr old Springer Spaniel.

Lady is probably overlooked as she is quite a quiet girl and very elderly and Henry has been returned a couple of times for biting as he is toy possessive. They think he will be there for some time so would like us to try and brighten his time with them.
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