What a Week! - Raccoon in the Attic & Other Stuff

Ugh! I can't wait to leave for California, but there's so much going on!

For starters, Steve has a cold, Annie had a bladder infection, Fozzie has an ear infection, and Mom...well, she's not sick yet!

My skin is crawling! There's a raccoon in our attic and I hear it right now above the office. We woke up last night due to Steve's hacking and coughing. Then I wondered, what are the dogs doing. No, that can't be them, it's coming fromt ABOVE US! There was walking, scratching, smelling of corners 8O Great watchdogs I have; they didn't do anything. An animal control company came out and confirmed that it was more than likely a raccoon so he set up a trap.

We've had insulation pieces falling in our yard which we had thought might be due to a bird. Nope, the raccoon. Apparently our house has had raccoons and squirels previously based on the size of the THREE holes and that someone stuff chicken wire in them. The crafty raccoon pulled the chicken wire out and is making himself comfy in our attic.

I did get to see wildlife up close in the guy's truck which was quite interesting. Unfortunately once the raccoon is caught it can't be released back into the wild according to Illinois law as we were told. They are an extremely high carrier of rabies and cause damage so they are euthanized :( Opposums, squirrels, skunks, ground hogs can be released.

This whole ordeal will cost $95 first call, $85 each hole to fix them properly($255), and $75 to pick up the raccoon from the trap. So much for buying a new camera for the trip.

So, if this raccoon doesn't come out before Tuesday, our dog sitters will need to watch for it. I'm glad the first one is a vet tech! Mom's skin is also crawling for me. I think I'll sleep with ear plugs tonight.
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About ten years ago, we added a second floor to part of our house. It only took 3 months from start to finish, but there were too many weeks with the attic open. We had raccoons, squirrels and oppossums living up there at different times. The oppossum was the most destructive.

Every fall, we set a trap up in our attic, just in case somebody finds their way in. So far, they just run across the roof.
Please be careful with the racoons and keep the dogs away. My sister was bit by one about six weeks ago and just finished the series of rabi shots this past week. They are very exspensive, even with insurance, $175 per shot and she had to go twice a week, after the initial 8 shots the day it happened. She loves to feed the wildlife in her backyard. At Christmas time, she was bit by a furro cat she was feeding and spent a weekend in the hospital. She is a nurse, so pretty much knew what to do when bit. She said she is still feeding the wildlife and now that she has had her innoculations does not have to worry about rabies anymore.

Just please be careful!
The raccoon is in the trap and will be picked up today. I really feel sad for it :( I can't believe that cute little guy made so much noise. It sounded much bigger. At least noone else will need to worry about it.
My mom lives out in the country in an old farmhouse and it was a regular occurrence for animals to get in when we were growing up so I know how unnerving that scratching can be! Some nights, I'd be in bed and I was sure whatever it was, it was gonna scratch through the ceiling and fall on me while I slept. Isn't it amazing how giant the animal sounds then when you see it, it's just a tiny little thing? We had an open crawlspace under the house and animals would often get in and die in the walls. That was the worst!
Well that sucks Stacy. Here's hoping you don't have any more problems. Come on.......... california!!!
Sorry Stacy. I can sympathize. The one house I lived in had squirrels living in the attic. The worst part was it wasn't really an attic, it had been the upstairs in a Cape Cod style house.
My ex-FIL had trapped about 5 squirrels himself. He would then drive them up to the woods about 1/2 hr a way. Before he would even be back we would hear more up there. 8O
He finally had the holes patched and no more squirrels.
I met at least two of them face to face while they were not in traps on trips up to the attic while we were cleaning it out.
They had insulation and papers chewed up everywhere.

Glad you caught another one!

Can't wait to see you!! :D
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