It's Pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.....haha, just kidding. A boy like I figured.

Well, it's been an interesting morning. Today when I dropped lil J off for daycare, I casually asked (curiosity) if she's had to deal with a lot of blow-outs? She said never the years she's worked there. I reminded her that J only knew sign language, so if he's slapping his face, he wants water (last time she had no idea).

Went to my appt and I guess the soda I drank really made the normally lazy bean very active because the bean was bouncing everywhere which made it difficult for her. I kept getting the look for drinking soda. :oops:

She said my uterus is tilted forward a lot and very low, which was no surprise since I have extreme pressure "down there." The kind of pressure I only felt in the third trimester of my first pregnancy (which I also carried low). Other than that, they are not allowed to tell you if things looked normal. That's the next appt! :(

Then, I saw a third leg was sticking out. :( Double the size of mighty J's, so there was no doubt to what the baby was.

I said I wanted a boy because they just seemed so much easier, and it would safe us a gazillion bucks ...esp. with Mr. J getting out of the military, but I was sad. Totally not as sad as my first pregnancy when I was told lil J was a girl and deeply wanted a boy though.

Looks like Mr. J will be shopping for a new kid because he definitely doesn't want to stop at 2 if this one had a wee wee.

Back to the daycare... I came back from my appt, and the provider said, "You were preparing us for what you knew was coming huh?" I looked over at J and he has a completely different outfit on and no shoes. :lol: I literally almost peed in my pants from laughter. She said they took his shoes off to change his diaper and their fingers were covered in nastiness. I felt horrible I continued to laugh. :twisted: I said, "now you can't say you've never had a blowout!" :)

The good news was she said J was a completely different boy than usual. He normally sits in a corner by himself while the others play and never moves (for 2 hrs even). This time he played with everyone, and kept showing off his animal sounds to the daycare provider. He didn't care I came back which was also a first. Yay!
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MEAN Mrs. J! :evil: :lol:

Congratulations Jo! A boy, that's wonderful. (It'd be wonderful if it had been a girl too!) I'm a little bummed cause I like teasing you about having girls! Oh well, I'll get over it :lol: Three cheers for your new son!




So do you guys have a name picked out?

And do we get to see any ultrasound pics???

Glad to hear J's appt went well(other thent he diaper explosion for course!). Was this for his speech therapy? Animal sounds are good. Any vocalizations count, right? Just cause he speaks better sheepdog then person... :D What are his favorite animals to do?
Congratulations!!!! Although that was mean cuz I thought "Yay! A girl!" ...then I had to change it to "Yay! A boy!" :lol:

Now you can start all the fun decorating and shopping and planning! :D
The ultrasound pic really sucked. Again, the positioning of the baby was bad. He is very low, so they had to do a vaginal ultrasound. :?

Name is JOSHUA RYAN.... but for the board purposes, I plan on calling him baby J or graduating lil J to "J" 8)
Joahaeyo wrote:
Other than that, they are not allowed to tell you if things looked normal. That's the next appt! :(

Well, they gotta keep you wanting more!

Congrats! See, I'm glad I changed my guess back to a boy. 8)

What the heck's a blow out. Did he shoot poo out of his diaper? I was thinking he had a hair appt and you were asking if they did blow outs... :roll:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

blowouts are everyone's worst nightmare. down the leg and just horse amounts. :twisted:
Man you're not gonna be gentle to us are you??? Two J names, both boys. Sigh! It's a lovely name though. I've known a lot of very good men named Joshua! Bummer about the ultrasound. The vaginals don't deliver as nice of a picture- they're pretty blurry. Still, it's so cool to see that heart a beating away! I'm a little sad I don't get to see US. pics. :plead: I so enjoy divining body parts from them!

Hope that baby starts to move up a bit and you start having less pressure!
:cheer: WOOOO HOOOO A BOY :cheer:

wendy and gismo
You had me! I was all like OOHHHHHH!!! It's A GIRL!! :excited:

But you know what? I'm just as excited that you're having another boy. They're great! :hearts:

Plus, as you said, it will save you a ton of money. :D
Boy, with all this talk of how having children ages you on top of 'blow outs' you're really selling the concept of having kids to me!
Congratulations! :ghug: Don't know why, but I just had a feeling that you would have another boy. Great name! And yikes - all J names - Mr J, lil J, and baby J. We gotta come up with something else to differentiate them all!
Congrats on the boy. :D I am just glad everything looks good and the new babe is OK.

Gotta love the blowouts. Just think, soon they will be into a toilet! :lol:
Boy oh boy!

Congrats on #3! :twisted:

(The one after this boy! LOL)
I love little boys. I had 2 and boys love their mums the best!!

I now have a grand daughter and a grand son. When Libby was born 2 years ago I gradually started to love her and believe you me the feeling you have for your grand children is just as strong as the one you have for your own children... :lol:
Congrats! I love babies, and two little boys are the cutest thing ever. :D
Congradulations on Joshua Ryan.....what a great name. A healthy little brother for lil J, how great. :hearts:
Awww a little hose, CONGRATULATIONS :D

Now no dating problems later for dad, boys are so much easier. :wink:
Woooo Hooo! Congratulations Mrs. J! As long as you are happy and your baby boy is healthy, that's all that matters! :)
congratulations and as long as all is well thats all that really matters :D
Two boys are a ton of fun. :) Congratulations!
:go: :banana: HOORAY ANOTHER BOY!! Congrats from the UK!! You are making me broody- but I have a puppy on the way so it's ok haha. Hope he moves up and gets more comfy for you. When is he due?
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:cheer: WOOHOO!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! :cheer:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I guess it's been too long since I had a baby, I didn't know what a "blow out" was either!!
Jan31st/Feb1st. What's weird is... 2 dec moms on our baby board already had their babies! Both at 24 wks 5 days. No complications. Babies are healthy. I swear that puts a wake up call in my face since I'm about 21 wks. I don't want to go that early, but if I did, I'm soooooo not ready!!
Oh my gosh that would be a shock 8O

If he behaves... Aquarius!! The BEST sign 8)
Congrats!!! I knew you were having a boy! :lol: :cheer:
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