When will he learn?!

I've got a 6 month old male who still pees by crouching down. All of my relatives have watched him and then commented: "Why does he pee like a girl?"
I would care, but sometimes it puddles right below his feet and he steps in it, or is splashes onto his front legs and belly. It gets tiring to clean.

When will he learn to raise his leg, when???
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Is he intact, or neutered? We neutered our boy at 6 months of age, and he has never lifted his leg. He doesn't get pee on him though, and neither does our girl, who of course squats too! :? Maybe putting something more absorbent (so less splashing) in his potty area?
If he gets around older male dogs that hike a leg to pee, he might imitate the
behavior. Just an idea... but I've got 6 girls so it might not be a good one :lol:
When Bingley first started he would occasionally even lift a front leg :roll: so every dog is different. I am happy to say that he is a healthy leg lifter now! :D
My 9 month old was neutered last month. He didn't lift his leg before and doesn't lift it now. He also does the pee pee thing and steps in it 8O Oh, well, at least we don't have to worry about him marking walls, etc!

By the way, my last sheepie lived to almost 15 and never lifted his leg either!
I have heard this before that lots of sheepie males do not lift their legs?
my mom had a dog that rested his foot on a fence when he peed.
derby got neutered at 8 weeks and lives with 2 girls he his 14 months now and just started to lift his leg
Beaureguard was neutered at six months, but he did not start trying to lift his leg until I fostered a male dog when Beau was around 10-11 months old. When he first started trying, it was quite comical to watch as he really had no idea what he was doing and would lift first one leg then switch in mid-stream to the other. :lol: Now, he routinely lifts his leg to pee, but will occassionally still do the lean forward thing.

When he was smaller, he did step in the puddles sometimes, too. You just have to clean them up and wait til they learn better.
Barney's a leaner. I think he's lifted his leg once. Usually he misses himself for the most part, but occasionally he'll get himself, especially if he's peeing on a slope.
ej wrote:
I have heard this before that lots of sheepie males do not lift their legs?
my mom had a dog that rested his foot on a fence when he peed.

This is so funny! :D

Boni is 8 months old, he is being neutered as I'm writing and he never lifted his leg up and he pees on his front legs and I'm lucky if he misses his belly and back legs. :wink: The main reason for peeing on themselves is that they are puppies and they have to sniff or look at something while peeing. Everything is so new for them and they "don't have time to pee". :wink:

My older dog, who is a 2 and a half, lab/greyhound mix has lifted his leg up....about 8 times so far. He stayed with my in-laws 9 year old boxer for a month, who did lift his leg up and we thought he will teach our dog to lift his leg but it never happened. He started to lift his leg up recently.
My last yorkie bitch used to squat and lift one leg. Sensible really hubby used to hardly ever mow the lawn and the grass used to tickle her tum. if she weed on the path she just squatted!
billyruffian88 wrote:
I've got a 6 month old male who still pees by crouching down. All of my relatives have watched him and then commented: "Why does he pee like a girl?"
I would care, but sometimes it puddles right below his feet and he steps in it, or is splashes onto his front legs and belly. It gets tiring to clean.

When will he learn to raise his leg, when???

Could be never. In fact, he could just get lazier. Clyde is 3 and doesn't even squat anymore, he just stands. If you ask me, that's more typical for a male anyway, you know taking the laziest possible option if available, lol.
Hudson is at the same age (26 wks) and is a leaner as well. I'm impartial to his urinating stance, whatever he's most comfortable with.
Sometimes it's a low drop of the hips and deep lean forward (those are the clean ones) but mostly they're slight leans and he hits his front paw.
I could care less if he never lifts his leg. However, it would be nice if he finished the stream before he starting walking forward so I don't have to wipe down every leg.
My experience has been that the boy dog needs to see another boy dog (or in rare cases, girl dog :lol: ) lift their leg before they think to try it. But maybe that's just the boys I know.

Che, 17 mos old neutered male, came lifting his leg. He is getting lazier about it, but he always seems to remember to life it if I or one of the girls happen to be walking by :evil:

Funniest :?: leg-lifting scenario I ever saw when was tiny Coco - probably not much more than 21" at the withers, was playing with her older, taller (maybe 25-26"?) cousin, Tom. Tom lifted his leg to pee as high as he poooossssibly could on a bush. Coco went trotting right underneath. :roll:

Both my 4 year old boys squatt.......Max may lift a leg to pee on Miller, but thats the only time he does it :o
There all different in their technique to pee. :wink:

My friends sheepie boy tried as a young man and lifted his leg so high he fell over 8O , went back to squatting after that. Made for a huge laugh for us girls. :wink:

Boys Sheesh. :roll: :lol: Squat or Cock the leg really does not matter as long as the aim is perfect without wetting the front or back legs. :roll:
Chopin is almost 10 months and I got him neutured recently in an effort to make sure he never lifts his leg. He may get a bit on his foot as he walks on but we walk around the house so it rubs off in the grass and I would much rather it be right where he is than spayed about wherever his aim takes him. If I ever get another it will be a girl so that he never learns to raise his leg if possible.
Obe got neutered at 6 months and is now 14 months and has never lifted his leg. Just a squat with some forward lean. Does not get it on him. So I really dont care if he lifts or squats.When he goes #2 he sometimes does the pop walk (funny to watch) or he get into the stance and it is okay. Every once in a while he doesnt squat over enough and that has the potential to create a mess. What are we to do?
My boys have both lifted a leg and leaned forward to pee, depending on their mood and age. When young, they even squatted.

As long as he's doing it outside in an appropriate manner, what difference does it make if he lifts his leg or not?
My boy Nigel has been lifting his leg to pee since he was 8 weeks old. What's up with that? He is my 4th boy, and the last 2 barely ever lifted their legs. They are slow to mature...but my little guy thinks he is a MAN!
Nelson, Jr. has tried to hike his leg a few times but like his buddy Clyde, he likes to conserve energy. :wink:

Nelson will shuffle out into the yard and start to barely lift a leg, put it down then barely lift the opposite one. Picture a Sumo wrestler from behind, taking an earthshaking step forward. :lol: :lol: :lol:

We actually like the fact that he doesn't pee on shrubbery and trees. Our first male OES did and killed all our landscaping. Nelson is 2-1/2 yrs. old and intact so he may never become a leg lifter.
Pepsi is 3 yrs old and is a leaner. He lived with two leg raisers too for a period of time. He never had any interest in trying it. :lol:
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