When bad stuff happens to good people

I think there once was a book by that name or something similar.

Yesterday, I went to see three different lawyers in the same day. I should have heeded my horoscope that said I would be dealing with legal, real estate, medical and educational issues. LOL!

I've decided to pursue the retro child support and on the first lawyers advice had to see the second one regarding property issues. The second lawyer advises me to see the third lawyer regarding my recent car accident.

After those appointments I have to go to the Insurance company and meet with the car insurance adjuster and have them access my van.

I go to the bank and see my bank balance is 1.11. I am shocked and now have to deal with bank manager to trace what happened to my money..long story but although I have direct deposit my money was placed in a bank account I haven't used in years. I'm shrug it off as at least my money was traced and can now be rerouted.

On the advice from the lawyer that dealt with accidents, I call my doctors office to get the results of my x-rays taken the day before. The office tells me that it takes a couple days for them to get back and not to worry as they only call if something is wrong. The doctor is fully booked and can't get an appt until next week.

I hang up and the phone rings seconds later. Same medical office, different receptionist. Yes, doctor wants to see you asap. " You mean now"? I ask. She replies yes. Okay now I'm a tad worried. I drive up and although the medical center is busy they usher me in right away. Now I'm a bit more concerned. My rib is still killing me but I'm now thinking perhaps it's cracked?

They hand me a gown and the doctor says he'll call the nurse to attend when he examines me. Huh? Okay now I'm a little bit more concerned. Turns out it's something else they saw on the x-ray and have to go for a mammgram.

I return home exhausted after the days events and get a phone call..confirming the washing machine/dryer and stove repairman on are the way. "Well nothing like dealing with everything in the same day", I think."

My mind is so boggled I know I've made future appointments with the three different lawyers, various medical appointments, repair shop, also have upcoming vet appointment regarding some of the foster animals..

Anyhow I gained strength from thinking about many of you on here that are or will be dealing with many of the same issues. Thanks for that! :hearts:

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ah Marianne, so much to go through,
here's a few :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: for you

I am so sorry you have to deal with so much.

Be strong and know that there are power in numbers and I know, from pasts posts, you have many, many friends here that are with you every step of the way. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!!!!

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. :( :ghug:
At least you accomplished a lot.
Are the washing/drying and stove all fixed?

I am glad you are pursuing the retro child support.
Wishing you lots of luck!!
You do through a lot!!! Sheesh!! Where's your break? ((hugs))

Here's to a good weekend for ya!!!! You deserve some sort of release! :plead:
Im here for you, sister!! Hang in there tough girl, good thoughts only!!
Yipiiiii! I finally have a working washer and dryer!!!! He'll have to come back with the right parts for the stove..but I lived with two working burners for a year already and can wait a few more days..lol!

After I wrote this post I got to thinking...You know maybe this stuff that happened is not so bad . :D

If I get $ from the accident, I would now have the cash to hire the lawyer for the other stuff. :P (That other case has to be dealt with in Supreme Court)

If the accident hadn't happened I wouldn't have bothered or made the time to go to the doctor for a checkup. :? I am a procrastinator in that regards.

I had this week off work. Okay the timing is bad but I have to stop feeling guilty as it couldn't be helped.

The missing money was found.

Even my annoyance that the body shop couldn't fit me in until Sept 24th turns out to be not such a bad thing. That's my birthday - Means I get to drive a brand new SUV for 2 days like I did last time!! That was a treat for me!

Sigh a working washing machine...felt like a kid watching it spin!!! No more laundry mat or 20 dollars worth of quarters in my pockets!!! Yeah!

Maybe all of this was a silver lining? :D

Life is good! Thanks to all of you for your comments too!


Only someone like you could see the good things coming from a series of bad things that would have finished off most of the rest of us! You really are a 'glass half full' kind of person and we love you for it! You make me smile!
Marianne: I am sorry to hear that you are going through this, it's a bummer. Take each issue one at a time and keep a log/journal so you don't get issues confused...less stress. Write it down and then move on. :ghug: Always remember that WE are here for you and many prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. We have your back!

Enjoy your "rental" car!
Well THAT SUCKS, doesn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!

I decided some months ago that the folks of oes.org seemed to be heading into a "rough" patch.......... which has only ben confirmed over and over recently.

But know that those of us with [not so suckey lives] are here for you that (til it's out turn , I guess :roll: )

HANG TOUGH MARIANNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're made of tough stuff, Marianne! You can handle anything that comes your way. :D You've got a great attitude and that alone will win half the battles for you. :ghug: We're here for you. :ghug:
I have some issues at the moment, don't want to say what. But I came here to get cheered up- hopefully in a few months I will be saying everything is not so bad too! This is a good place to come in times of worry!
Hope everything turns out good for you marianne xx
I too know the simple joy of having a working washer and dryer!!! :lol: :lol: :D

I hope all turns out well with the mammogram, Marianne. It is amazing how some things work to get us where we need to be.
Hang in there
Sorry to hear that you're dealing with so much! :ghug: I hope your mammogram turns out OK.
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