Honey the basset

When I slightly hijacked Derby's post, I mentioned my foster basset Honey was having surgery today. She had her's and she is back home. All went well.
Honey was a former puppy mill female, and she is so incredibly sweet (hence the name!). She came into rescue with another female. Both are very nice, but obviously had many litters. Honey's 4th mammaries on both sides hung so low they actually dragged, and she was stepping on them. She needed surgery for health reasons. Our rescue OK'd the surgery with my vet, so we got her done today.

Here are a few pictures of the before. I will update the "after" ones later, after I take them! Honey has the hound eye patches over her eyes, so photos make her look slightly evil. She really has the biggest brown eyes and looks up at everyone so soulfully.


Here she is sleeping with Todd and Simon in the Element on the way to WI:

And here she is with us at Bassetfest - giving me "the look" :

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I think she looks precious, Dawn! Not "evil" at all! :lol:

Poor baby...that really does look painful :( I'm looking forward to her "after" shots :banana:
so great things went well give hugs !!!
Awww what a honey she is. :kiss:
What a sweet sweet dog :hearts: I love basset hounds!
Awww! She's very pretty. :D Nothin' like the sweet face of a basset hound.
I bet she'll be happy to get that saggy skin off. Sad to think she was left like that.

A friend of my sisters has a basset hound named Fred and he does agility 8O Honest... she sent me a picture so I have proof! :lol: I looked at it again tonight and all you can do is smile. He's jumping toward the camera and has one of those big ears flopped on top of his head and the the wind is blowing the other one out to the side. He's in midair as he cleared the hurdle-thingie (my experience with agility is showing eh? :oops: )

Hugs to Honey... she's one very lucky girl to get this nip 'n tuck before heading for her new home.
She looks like a sweetheart. :hearts:
I am sure she is much more comfortable now. Poor girl, those were some serious "utters". 8O
Oh my gosh. I gasped when I saw those poor boobs. It never ceases to amaze me how even when that has to be obviously painful, animals will just go on and, even more amazingly, still be good natured. I think about how much whining I hear people do over the seemingly most trivial things and then I look at a dog like that and think that they should look at her if they want to see real problems. I hope all is tight and perky now!
I didn't know that they could get that long. WOW. 8O Poor girl.
Awww, poor Honey. So glad she's doing OK:)

That's what I felt like before my breast reduction :roll:
Bless her heart! What a trooper she is to deal with that and not complain, but be a sweet little Honey of a girl. :D I am so glad you were able to get her the surgery to correct it. She's very pretty. I like her coloring and those pretty eyes.

Starting tonight, I am babysitting my brother's family dogs while they go to Disney World. They have a five month old female Basset Hound named Ruby and a five year old English Springer Spaniel named Daisy. Ruby is tri-colored like Honey. I'll take her picture for you tomorrow and post it. She's cute. :wink:
That before picture of Honey is 8O. How could they keep breeding her like that? I can't wait to see her after pictures. She looks like she is a sweetie.

By the way, since Simon went to Sheepiepalooza did Chewie get to go to BassetFest?
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can totally sympathize with the dragging mammaries 8O 8O
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