New Puppy

Hi all,
I am bringing my 14 week old pup Ralph home next week. Any words of wisdom I need? I have been on here reading about puppy proofing etc..I do have concerns about shedding. I have heard they dont really shed, they kinda lose hair like a person, then I hear they shed alot....HELP!
I am gonna keep him in a puppy cut when he gets older but my husband is having a fit.

Thanks :P
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they do not shed like the short hair breeds, but they do blow their puppy coats, I have been told three times. Lots of brushing, so get good brushes it does make a difference.
Hopefully, you won't have a problem with shedding. The real shedding problems seem to come from poorly bred sheepdogs with skin/coat problems and poorly groomed dogs.
Just like if you were sickly, with poor genes, your hair would be gross, a poorly bred sheepdog will have gross coat.
You will need regular grooming sessions in order to keep your dog's coat nice and keep the breakage down. If you don't groom your OES on a regular basis, you'll have a huge mess that will result in a shave down and then you won't have to worry about the hair at all!
I never really thought of that, it does make sense thou.
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new puppy.

I have had two OES (both kept in full coat until their first birthday), and neither one has shed or "blown their coat", even when changing from a puppy coat to an adult coat. Sheepies do have an undercoat, which, when lightly shed, can look like a random dust bunny floating across your floor, but I have never had a problem like my friends with Labs or Beagles or other short-haired breeds. I find more of my own hair on the floor than the dog's! 8O I do keep Oscar clipped, and the groomer strips out his undercoat when he gets shaved, so maybe that's why we don't have a shedding issue here.

Maybe some folks with more experience will chime in with different thoughts, but I have never had an issue with shedding.

Good luck with Ralph!

Laurie and Oscar
One of the rescue sites sums it all up very nicely....if you don't want to find hair in your refridgerator, don't get an Old English Sheepdog.

Guest wrote:
One of the rescue sites sums it all up very nicely....if you don't want to find hair in your refridgerator, don't get an Old English Sheepdog.


Actually, that's kind of the opposite of what it should be. If you've got so much hair that it's getting in your fridge, get that dog to the vet! the only hair from Clyde that I find is in a brush or in one of the other dogs' mouths.
I find is in a brush or in one of the other dogs' mouths.

That is so true
Guest wrote:
One of the rescue sites sums it all up very nicely....if you don't want to find hair in your refridgerator, don't get an Old English Sheepdog.


Which rescue site is that?
An OES Rescue???? :lmt: I highly doubt that. But if it is there, it is probably to scare away people that don't know about the breed. OES rescue of course prefers people that have experience with the breed as a lot of them end up in the shelter due to their large size and herding instincts.

All of us who have shared our lives with Sheepies know the truth.

Now I would totally believe that statement about a German Shepherd, Lab, Golden Retriever, Husky..etc but I have never found sheepie hair anywhere but in the brush. Except for the occasional dust bunny when Rags is in full coat and she and Pepsi play.
I haven't been finding much from Edgar lately but oh my goodness. For awhile there (maybe he was having coat changes or something) I was getting these enormous hair bunnies every week when I vacuumed. Now granted it was mixed in with the two cats hair. But you could tell a lot of it was his from thickness and springyness of the hair bunnies. Now its mostly back to the cats just making the bunnies. :x
Crustybirds that is what I had going on and I WAS blaming the grey cat. :roll: It was the dog I just brush more and doing ok.
I couldn't blame the cats as they are orange with some white. :D On the other hand Edgar has been having skin issues so that could have been causing the massive hair shedding.
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