I Got a new job!!!

I've been very quiet this past weeks... The account I was working with at work was going to expire on August and I didn't know if I was going to be reassigned or they were going to let me go.

After some time in limbo, I got assigned to a new location, now in El Paso.... yaaay! I had to go trough a ton of paperwork to get my visa approved, but now I'm working in the US. Very nice office, right next to a beautiful mountain. I'll post some pics later when I remember to bring the camera.
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Congratulations Saul! That's wonderful!!! Are you and Danita moving out there then? Or are you going to be commuting? How is your little girl doing? Do we get to see any new pcitures?
Fantastic! Will the family be joining you?
That's great news!
Thanks!!! :mrgreen:

We're still paying our mortgage and we want to see how things play up, so I'll be commuting for the time being. It's a 45 minute commute, mostly on the highway so it's not that bad. At least I'm moving. I know people from my former office that had to stay stuck in traffic for 1 hour just to drive 15 miles to their homes. What's annoying it's the border crossing. There's so many people that sometimes it can take 1 1/2 hours to cross... :? But that will be taken care of in a couple of weeks when I get my clearance for the express lane... then it's like crossing a toll both and getting on the open road.

Marielena and Danita are doing Great... I'll try to post a couple of pictures from them and the furry kids. Marielena loves sheepies! I took them out the other day to play some catch and Marielena got very engaged on playing with the sheepies. She started to throw Lennon's ball and Lennon brought it back to her feet so they could play... they looked cute.
Sofa and Marielena, on the other hand, found the idea of grass surfing very exiting... let me Explain. Sofa sits down, then Marielena grabs her back legs. Sofa stands up and starts towing Marielena across the grass, laughing her belly off. They are building a very strong bond... The first thing Marielena calls in the morning after asking any of us to take her out of her crib is SOFAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! until she comes upstairs to lick her face. She needs her Sheepie fix first thing in the morning!
Congratulations on the new job! Maybe you'll get to spend some more time here, hint hint. Glad to hear the family (uprights and furkids) are behaving themselves. Grass surfing sounds like too much fun!
Congradulations on still being employed. lol When I've worked I've never worked closer then at least fourty five minutes from my home....so it's not too bad.
Love the stories of your sheepies and your daughter. What a great life she is having. I bet your little girl has grown up so much. I am looking forward to seeing more pics.
Relax and enjoy your ride. :D
Congrats on the new job. The commute sounds like a bit, but if it's a decent hiway drive, it should go by fast.
Yes, we need new pictures of the group. It sounds like Marielena is having fun with the dogs. That is great!
Congrats on the new job! :clappurple:
Looking forward to seeing the new pics of Marielena and "her" Sheepies.
Sounds like she adores her furbrother and fursister very much. :hearts:
i'M SO HAPPY to hear you got a new job that you seem to really like!! However, I don't know about being excited that you're moving to El Paso. :? It's so dang hot there. My SIL and her husband are stationed there right now and no one ever wants to visit!! At least there's good mexican food. 8)

edit: Oh, I didn't read further that you're just working there! Long commutes seem to be the thing everyone has to do nowadays even though I wouldn't want it. 45 minutes seems very common in the places I've been. They just come in grumpy!
Thqat is wonderful news!! Congratualtions.

Can't wait to see the pictures.

Welcome to Texas!! :)
Hey Saul! That's fabulous news about your new job! Congrats! :D

I would love to see pictures of Sofa & Lennon playing with Marielena. It sounds like they absolutely adore each other. True puppy love. :hearts:
Cool, I hope you love the new job. If it turns out to be boring, it sounds like you have a great view to stare at while you do nothing!
Way to go Saul, way to go!
Congratulations, Saul! :cheer: :go: A new job is always exciting! You will get used to the commute.

And I second that I'd love to see some new pictures of Marielena with the pups!
:clappurple: :cheer: Congratulations Saul and sending best wishes to you all.

Looking forward too, to seeing updated pictures.. :D
Oh Saul, first thing I thought when I read about your new job as the border crossing........ARGH! Hope your pass comes quickly.

What a kind dog Sofa to let your little girl tug on her legs! As for early a.m. sheepie kisses...yeah, I get them too, but I'm not asking for them, :lol:

Joahaeyo: Saul lives just south of El Paso in Juarez. He knows heat already. :wink:
Thanks everyone for the good wishes!

I'm getting used to the drive, it's not that bad and in the meantime I've seen a gazillion things I've never noticed on the road before.... funny how you don't notice them until have the time to look around.

If I have time, I take the scenic drive that takes me trough Transmountain Road. Beautiful scenery... I'll take some pics and share them with you as soon as I remember to bring the camera with me. :oops:

SheepieBoss wrote:
Saul lives just south of El Paso in Juarez. He knows heat already. :wink:

Boy do I know about the heat... It's just dying but temps of 90 are still going to be common for one more month or so. Just got the electric bill... Almost $600!!! Can you believe it!?!?!?! I'm turning EVERYTHING off and go get myself a cardboard fan right now!
By the way... I took Marielena and the furkids to the park and took some pics. They are posted on the pictures section.
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